This is the Message Centre for Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 421

Thumb Puppet

Hello all smiley - cuddle

You can call me anyhting you wantsmiley - winkeye

Whats new has been going on?

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 422

IVA Richards

Alex' impression is of Prince.

Food of the day: none.

Location of the day: Court.

Weather-girl: John Kettley.

Weather: inevitably, after a cr*p weekend, it's sunny.

Later dudes.

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 423

El Bandido del Catmint.

Flippin weather! Went to a very wet BBQ at the weekend!

My turn to do an impression. Who's this...

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 424

El Bandido del Catmint.

mumble mumble mumble, banal tripe, troll troll troll, goose cogs

smiley - strawberries

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 425

Thumb Puppet

Thats Italian mafia guy

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 426

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Hello, Thumbster.

Welcome to our new den. Excuse the cherry stones - Leggy is up to her old tricks. smiley - smiley

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 427

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

I think he/she/it is losing (?) the plot for good...

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 428

Thumb Puppet

who me? I haven't even found it yetsmiley - laugh

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 429


Tom baby, a clue for you, I'm your favourite Mom smiley - smileysmiley - lovesmiley - cuddle

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 430

Thumb Puppet

How can I forget you. You promised to make me cry (ina good way that is) And I'm still waiting for itsmiley - wahsmiley - laugh

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 431


All things come to he who waits Thumbs. Or so they say smiley - smiley

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 432

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons


This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 433


Spookily quiet round here, isn't it? And quite an

Well, it's p***ing down here at the moment - so just as well I wasn't planning on playing any c****et this evening. I think I'll just paint my toenails, instead smiley - smiley

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 434

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Have a game of water-cr***et instead, Leggy. It's just like the real thing except it involves softer balls. smiley - biggrin

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 435


If there really is a game called water-c****et then I think that's the one that should be played all the time in England. I have heard of water-polo, though!

It's surprising that mud-wrestling isn't a more popular outdoor sport really. The terrain is perfect for it. smiley - sigh

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 436

Thumb Puppet

Mud wrestling....That sounds very interesting. Should we do something like this in here

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 437

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Water-cr***et is a fine sport but it has yet to catch on.

In fact, it only exists in my mind and - predictably - involves women wearing bikinis. smiley - smiley

Let's invent a new game, shall we?

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 438


Mud-c****et-wrestling? In bikinis?

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 439


Thumbs - you may have missed out on the fact that it's National Foreplay Day in the UK tomorrow. Naturally the lads are keen to get into shape for their Big Day. smiley - smiley

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 440

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Wahey! smiley - biggrin

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