This is the Message Centre for Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 361


Mouldy old dough did you say?

Now *that* was a good record!smiley - biggrin

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 362

El Bandido del Catmint.


I thought you, of all people, would be able to improvise a prize for a fellow...

smiley - whistle

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 363


Bandit...whatever do you mean? Improvise? What would the bandit have in mind then?

Mr Blue...mouldy old dough....I shall show my age as well as your good self now....I remember bopping to that when I was about ten years old at a bonfire night disco at famous athletic club. My Mom had let me choose a pair of boots that day, for the very first time. They were patant black with wrinkly legs and a platform base. I thought I was sooooo cool smiley - smiley

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 364

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

What? Broken Wings? If you were 10 then, FaF, you would be about 26 now.

'Kyrie' was a better song. There was some great American AOR floating around in the 80s. Shall we start an H2G2 AOR karaoke? I'll start with Survivor's magnificent 'Eye of the Tiger'.

smiley - erm

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 365


And I shall continue with Bon Jovi's...Living on a kareoke fav, always goes down well...did I ever mention that I used to sing way back in my teens and early twenties? Well I did and I have now.......smiley - biggrin

Woooooaaaahhhh we're half way there, wooooaahh living on a prayer, take my hand we're half way there....woooahhh....

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 366


"My Way" as sung by Sid Vicious usually brings the house down:

"And Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah the End is neeeeeeeeeeeeeer.......
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Wayeyey"

Now - where's everyone gone?

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 367

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

I made it through the wilderness
Somehow I made it throo-oo-hoo
Didn't know how lost I was
Until I found yooooooo

I was beat incomplete
I'd been had, I was sad and bloo-oo-hoo
But you made me feel
Yeah, you made me feel
Shiny and noooooo

Like a vir-hir-hir-hir-gin
Touched for the very first time
Like a vir-hir-hir-hir-gin
When your heart beats
Next to mine


This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 368


Oh thank you Alex...that was wonderful

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 369


And the costume was a triumph! smiley - smiley

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 370


...especially those feathers...I've never seen them placed there before smiley - winkeye

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 371


I really didn't expect Alex to have a navel piercing....

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 372

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons


This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 373


It was the Prince Albert that did it for me Leggy smiley - biggrin's the mop and bucket, now clear it up!

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 374


Your turn again now FnF! And maybe you could select some boy-backing singers from the crowd...

Alex - honestly - and it's only Monday!

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 375


No Leggy, this time it's Carly Simon and You're so vain

You walked into the party
like you wre walking onto a yatch
you hat strategically dipped below one eye
your scarf it was apricot
you had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte
and all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner, they'd be your parnter


you're so vain
i bet you think this song is about you
you're so vain, i bet you think this song is about, you, don;t you, don't you

Well you had me severeal years ago
when i was till quite naive
and they said that we made such a beautiful pair
and that you'd never leave
but you gave away the things you love
and one of them was me
I had some dreams there were clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee


you're so vain

and i could go on

but i have forgotten how to psell

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 376


There's not many people know this but....

Carly wrote You're So Vain about me

Mike Jagger? No-hoper....

smiley - biggrin

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 377


Mike....Mick....Sir's all the same...

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 378

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

No, MiB, she wrote it about me.

I once turned down the sexual advances of Madonna. She wanted a threesome with me and Nicole Kidman but I had to say no because I had to return my library books that day.

It's true. smiley - biggrin

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 379


Gosh...after reading all of this from last night and seeing my awful I will not blame typo's....wasn't I very drunk....answer, yes I was smiley - whistle

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 380


I'm not drunk tonight so shall I sing something very, very softly............

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

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