This is the Message Centre for Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 321

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Well, sex a little like cr***et: if I haven't mastered the basics in my 32 years on God's earth it's a little late to start learning now. smiley - sadface

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 322


I'm confused now. What sounds like c****et Alex? Fairy soap?

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 323

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Leggy, sorry, that is an analogy too far.

Cr***et is like life: you win some, you lose some.

Or, in the case of my team, you lose some badly and you lose some appallingly badly.

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 324


I hardly dare ask which is was today.... still, beautiful weather for it smiley - smiley

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 325


...and for rolling in the grass too smiley - winkeye

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 326

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

ROFL! Thanks for not intruding on private grief. smiley - smiley

The weather was beautiful, the cr***et less so, but that isn't the point: it's summer and life is sweet.

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 327

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

...and rolling in the grass, too.

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 328

MaryMagdalainaPrakatan's only a game, not life and death or anything smiley - run

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 329

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Nah, it's not as bad as dying, granted. And you have the consolation of being in the sun for seven hours.

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 330


Alex - I have an idea! When the c****et is getting too painful, just lie down and have a roll in the grass! You could always pretend that you were diving for a catch, or something!

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 331


Alex, it is obvious that you need a new interest...Leggy and I will make it our mission to find you something else to do that has more meaning in life and more passion

Now where were we?

Ah yes......

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 332


Alex - you should go & play for that other team again. You know - the one that .

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 333



This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 334

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

You mean something like hang-gliding or snooker?

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 335

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

I feel a summer song coming on...

The first summer of love was here
When I was much too young
The first summer of love was clearly
just a summer long
there was
Jesus on the radio
Jesus on the train
Jesus in the calico
Jesus in the rain

And there was love, love, love, love
anyone could see that there was love
love all over me
love all over me

The second summer of love is here
so tell your angry friends
to throw away their gaultier
and grow their hair again
acid on the radio
acid on the train
acid in the calico
acid in the rain

There was love all over the country
singing "love all over the world"
acid on the radio
acid on the brain
acid everywhere you go
acid in the rain

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 336


Strawberry Fields remix!

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 337

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

You hum it, I'll dance it...

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 338


Your song will not mask the discussion Alex, beautiful as it was smiley - hang gliding is out and so is anything else remotely connected with boys games. Nope, you need a woman....long summer nights rolling in the hay, smooching and kissing and loving (no technique required)long conversations over chilled white wine, snuggling under the cotton sheet when the nights are hot, feeling it's coolness against your hot fevered skin. Now where do we find her?

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 339

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Southampton docks. smiley - biggrin

This is...?: Poetry Corner

Post 340


Expectations that low Alex?

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