This is the Message Centre for NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Par for the coarse

Post 161

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

The Superbowl was on Sunday. American football. I only ever watch it for the commercials, anymore. They expect half the country to be watching, so they always spend millions of dollars to get the best commercials. There were some good ones this year.

Then on Tuesday...yesterday, we celebrated Mardi Gras. I've never really known what that is, but it's supposedly big in New Orleans, and that's a good enough occasion to get rip-roaring drunk.

I'm more or less homeless as of now. The house I was staying in is being painted, so I can't sleep there because of the fumes. I think I'm going to find a roommate in Seattle. Always wanted to move into the big city. ...might just find a job there. Who can say?

Hope you're well. Keep on keeping on.


Par for the coarse

Post 162

Alison (ACE)


How's it going? Sorry I haven't replied for a while, I really don't get to spend as much time on hootoo as I used to. Currently sitting in the university library on a Saturday morning - how sad am I! Hardly anyone else around (unsurprisingly) which makes a nice change for this place.

So how are you? Did you find someone to live with in Seattle? Hope everything's going alright. I'm in the middle of doing some research for my dissertation. Because I do geography we have to go out and collect our own data and write it up into a project (people who do other subjects just have to write a long essay basically). I'm doing mine on water quality in the canal - wohoo! Lol.

Anyway, better get back to work. Take care,

Alison smiley - rainbow

THe End iS In Sight

Post 163

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

...that's what we always used to say. We called our dissertations thesis...eses. Thesesis?... eh. It was a thesis. We said that meant the end is in sight. Kindof as a reminder that it's always darkest right before it goes pitch black.

...I mean dawn! Always darkest right before dawn. ...yeah.

And don't worry about not writing often. I know you're busy. ...and I've gotten used to crying myself to sleep when I don't hear from you *sob*. relax. Frankie says so.

...geez, just read this, and apparently the are making a comeback. oh well. It was good while it lasted.

As for me, I'm okay. Sorta still working on a place to live, so I've just been couch surfing with friends.

Anyway, hope your project goes well. Water purity. Good times. We had to learn all about that in nuke school. The reactors had to use ultra pure water to stave off corrosion product formation, which would then get irradiated and move about the system. So they taught us all about purity controls and tests.

Never used a bit of it. All I did was clean. ...but at least I knew what to do if something happened. away!

Canals can't be too pure these days, though. All kinds of funny chemicals floating around, mutating frog populations and what not. hehe, back in the day, (like 1976 or something) the Cinncinati River was so polluted it actually caught fire and burned for a couple days. Good times.

Take it easy, Alison.
It won't be like this forever.

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always be what you always are." -RQG

THe End iS In Sight

Post 164

Alison (ACE)


Clever subject title! How's it going? Just got back to uni from the easter hols. Back to work smiley - sadface Except I don' have any lectures this term, just revision for exams. At least in 4 weeks they'll all be over. Although that means I don't have very long to revise. Better get started smiley - yikes

So how's it going? Was easter ok? Found somewhere to live yet? The ellipses certainly have made a comeback! They've taken over! That's cool about the river catching fire! Seems quite unbelievable though!

Well anyway, I'd better go and buy some food at the supermarket cos I have none in the house. Talk to you later. (or in another 5 weeks if my record is anything to go by. Oops.)

Love Ali

THe End iS In Sight

Post 165

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Unbelievable? I take it you'v never seen Cincinatti. Place is dirty!

Anyway, didn't really have an Easter. Been low key lately. And I still don't have a place of my own. I've found it's easier to just not do anything than try to look for a place.

So I just buy food for the other people who live here, and they basically ignore me. Unless I get hold of the TV remote. Then the whining never stops.

It's a good arrangement.

Good luck with your exams. Not that you'll... ya know, just sayin'. ...unless you do need it. Way it goes. I've been there.

Whatever. Take it easy.


THe End iS In Sight

Post 166

Alison (ACE)

Hi how's it going?

I went to see the film at the weekend, I really enjoyed it. What did you think? Some bits they could have done better I thought, but I guess that's to be expected. Overall it was pretty awesome though. I loved the So long and thanks song at the start!

Been up to much recently? I've just been spending all my time revising really. And the weather has just started to get really nice as well. I've never understood why they make us do exams in the summer when all you wanna do is just go outside and not revise! Still, first exam tomorrow, arrgh! They will all be over in ten days though! Then I just have my dissertation to worry about.

Anyway, as much as I'd love to spend my whole morning on h2g2 I'd better go and do some more work. I'll let you know how they go! Speak to you soon,



Post 167

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

...Who are you and what have you done with Alison?!
She's not due back here for another, like... month.

Eh, whatever. You'll do.

Really liked the movie. The book has soooo many parts that just aren't filmable, like most of the explainations about stuff, so I'm sure I missed out on a bunch of things that amount to inside jokes.

Like in the book, it talked about the Vogons, and how they used to catch those crabs and smash them, and sit on the deer, even though it would break their spines. In the movie, all you saw was a curled up deer the Vogon was sitting in.

So I need to see it again, to try and see what I've missed, because I'm sure there's lot's of stuff.

But anyway, really liked the movie. Very much in the spirit of Douglas Adams. And all set up for a sequel. That'd be great.

Anyway, I'm just sort of hanging out lately. Going to concerts; they're coming more and more as the weather gets better.

Tell Alison good luck with her school stuff, and I'll talk to her later.

Unless you show up again...


Post 168

Alison (ACE)

Hiya! I'm back. Sorry for replying so quickly, I obviously wasn't doing enough work that week! Anyway, I've finished all my exams now, yeay! They mostly went pretty well, I hope! Now I can start worrying about my dissertation instead. I have to go and meet my dissertation tutor in half an hour, so that should be fun.

Glad you enjoyed the film, I did too. There were a lot of things that you couldn't put in the film. Like there are only so many guide entries you can have in before people start to get bored of them. But there are quite a few in-jokes that they don't specifically mention, like you say. The jewelled scuttling crabs are in it.

There are some other in-jokes like how the robot of marvin from the tv series has a cameo, as does Simon Jones who originally played Arthur. And the last thing the heart of gold turns into at the end is Douglas Adams' head! But yeah, you'd probably catch a lot more if you saw it again. Might have to get the dvd when it comes out! I think there is gonna be a sequel(s) y'know.

Loads of people have joined up on hootoo since the film came out. Us ACEs have been run off our feet, it's madness! But hey. What are you up to at the weekend? My boyfriend's coming up to visit so I'm looking forward to that. And it's my housemate's birthday so we're going for lunch on Saturday and going out Saturday night to celebrate! Even though it's not actually her birthday til Sunday but who cares?!

I chose all my third year modules the other week. I'm doing exciting things like Arid Zones Geomorphology and Integrated Water Management. Sounds fun huh?! I'm going on another field trip as well so that should be cool. To northern Spain this time to look at caves and things.

Anyway better go. This is the biggest ramble I've written for ages! Lol, take care, byeee!

Love Alison


Post 169

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Hey! Got a busy weekend, sounds like. Don't let that dissertation fall by the wayside. But good work with making it through your exams.

Northern Spain, Yow. That should be cool. I've read a lot of stuff by Ernest Hemingway, so I've always wanted to move to some coastal town in Spain and fix up a fishing boat. Be an expatriot.

As for my weekend, which is almost over now, I had a good time. Friday I went to see a band called The Epoxies.

Best frickin' show I've ever seen.

You know who DEVO is, right? Imagine them on methamphetamines, and you've got the Epoxies.

They play 80's synthesizer punk, and dress up all crazy. The guitar players had lasers attached to their guitars, so it looked like they had futuristic sniper rifles.

They're from nearby Portland, so I've heard their music before, but have never seen them live. But HOLY CRAP!

So much fun. Then I went out drinking, and all of a sudden I have no idea where Saturday went...

Way it goes.

Arid zone geomorphology, and you call it exciting. I can never tell if you're being serious, or not. I think that even if I knew what that was, it would still put me to sleep.

But hey! Don't let me break your stride! Talk to you later.



Post 170

Alison (ACE)


How's it going? Had a good weekend? I've had a good week actually. My friend Amy who lived with us in the first year spent her second year in Canada so she's just come back and she's been staying with us. So we've been out loads and stuff, it's been good fun.

I was meant to be working on a presentation about my dissertation for tomorrow morning but hey, I can finish it tonight.

Arid zone geomorphology is to do with features in deserts. I was being sarcastic about it sounding fun. If in doubt, always assume I'm being sarcastic!

Yeah, I've never heard of DEVO but nevermind. Looked at the epoxies website though, and I see what you mean about the lasers. Looks cool, glad you had a good time.

Ok, got to go, been on the internet for about 2 hours now... Speak to you later,


Whip it good!

Post 171

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Never heard of DEVO?! Of course you have. They wrote that Whip it song.

...don't make me sing it for you. You know the one.

And they dressed up in crazy costumes and had a good time. can you have never heard of them?!


Desert features., like, you'll be watching a bunch of those Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner cartoons?

Because those rock formations really do exist. I drove through Bryce Canyon once, I think it's in Idaho. Geez, it looked like somebody had and acid trip in an art store. All kinds of arches and spires. Great stuff.

And this one time I got lost at the Grand Canyon. That was a good time and a half...

Well, have fun with that. Tell Amy I said hi.

I've had a good week. The Seattle International Film Festival is in full swing, so been acting like a film nerd. Such is life.

Gotta go! Talk to you later.

Dan, the one and only.

Whip it good!

Post 172

Alison (ACE)

DEVO... nope, think that must be an american thing. Go on, sing the song for me, that might help!

Wile E Coyote, yeah I wish! But yeah, something like that. I'm not sure if we'll be looking at rock formations or if it's just about dunes and things. Have to wait and see.

Just had my presentation. I was second to last so it wasn't the best. I get my feedback tomorrow afternoon though, so don't really know how it went yet.

So, the Seattle film festival eh? Is that anything like an american version of the Cannes film festival?! Well, glad you're having fun.

I'm hungry, gonna go home and get some lunch now. I've officially finished my second year, woo hoo! Time to relax. Speak to ya later,


Whip it good!

Post 173

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Me, sing?

Bad move.

That's pretty much the reaction I get every time.

You'll just have to look them up for yourself.

Cannes? Umm, a little less...stuck up, I guess. Lots of foreign and short films. Some classics. Saw Evil Dead last night. Always a good time.

We're also having the Folklife Festival this weekend. Big culture fair. Lot's of ethnic arts, crafts, music, and food.

And next weekend is the Seattle Beer Fest!

I volunteered to help. They pay in Beer! Dream come true.

Later Ali!

Whip it good!

Post 174

Alison (ACE)

Ok, I had to watch that clip with no sound cos I'm in the library, but I think I get the idea. I won't make you sing.

Well, sounds like the film festival thing was (is? How long does it last?) fun. Folklife festival eh? Sounds good. Does that involve morris dancing and things? Do you have morris dancing over there?

Payment in beer does sound good. If you like beer. Which I get the impression you do. So good for you! What do you have to do, serve people, chuck people out when they get too rowdy? Well good luck with whatever it is.

I've started my dissertation fieldwork today, yeay! Been collecting samples of water out of the canal and brought them back to the lab to see how many nutrients and things are in them. I keep getting comments from people along the canal. In fact, people keep wanting to tell me their dogs drink the water. As if I care.

It's a really nice day here today, probably one of the hottest so far this year. Hope it lasts - I've got two more days of fieldwork this week and I don't fancy doing them in the rain.

Well better get home, I'm starving. Take care,



Post 175

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

You should call up the local veterinarian and see if dogs in the area have more health problems than in other areas.

Then tell the people they are killing their dogs by letting them drink the water.

I would. But that's me.

Anyway, yeah, Morris Dancing. All kinds of dancing. I'm not much of a dancer, though. I like the different kinds of music, but always run for the door when they try to get me to join in.

Unless it's punk rock. Then I just thrash around like all the other idiots.

Mostly, I just go for the food. Lots of food.


Post 176

Alison (ACE)

Well, that's just cruel. But then I guess that says something about you. smiley - tongueout

I've just been talking to my friend from home. Her brother's girlfriend and some guy were playing with fire in my home town and they're now in the specialist burns unit and it's really serious. It's been in the news all over the UK and even in different countries. It's weird cos my housemate mentioned that hemel was on the news the other week but I didn't really think about it. Oh well, hopefully they'll both be ok.

Anyway, you should join in with the folk dancing. For my dad's 50th in Scotland, we had a folk band and did proper scottish dancing and things. It was great fun! Everyone really enjoyed it. smiley - laugh

Anyway, I'd better go cos I've got some lab work to be doing. See ya later, enjoy the festivals!


Post 177

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

I tried to find a movie clip that had dancing in the same regard as the clip with singing in it, but couldn't.

Just trust me, I don't dance. Not for my own good, but for everyone's.

Anyway, it wouldn't be cruel to tell people not to let their dogs drink the water. ...unless of course, it weren't bad for them, after all...

Anyway, good luck with the lab. Some of my fondest memories took place in labs. Which occasionally ended up with trips to the burn unit, as well. Hope those kids are alright. Burns are a drag.



Post 178

Alison (ACE)

Hiya Dan, how's it going? I'm back home from uni now, for a couple of weeks at least. At the weekend I'm going to visit my boyfriend in Southampton, then I'm going to Wimbledon to watch the tennis, can't wait for that! Then I'm going back up to uni for the end of year party (our college has a circus theme, could be interesting) and to do some more water sampling for my dissertation.

Do you know what, we've been chatting on here for nearly two years now. Just been re-reading over the first page and remembering when you used to always tell me crazy stories like about driving down the motorway in reverse! Lol, you always make me laugh. And Hemp Handstand - I'd forgotten about that!

Anyway... It's been gorgeous weather here today, I've been sunbathing. It's great not being at uni! Hmm, well, take care,


Send in the clowns

Post 179

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Circus theme? ...Maybe your college is trying to tell you guys something...

And tennis. eh. smiley - tennisball Never been a fan. Don't like the scoring. 15 to 30, okay, but then it goes to 40? Not 45? And what is love? Love is not a point. Love is ...well, it has it's own set of problems.

Geez. I sure have done a lot of stupid things in my lifetime. I'm glad I've lived through them. Two years. Long time. It always makes my day, seeing "WOW 1 new post" You're alright, Alison.

So couple weeks off, eh? Don't get too crazy. Tanning is good, though. I'm sure your boyfriend will appreciate that smiley - winkeye

Talk to you later, Ali.

...oh, hey! New 30 second bunnies! Pulp fiction. Check it out!

Send in the clowns

Post 180

Alison (ACE)

When was the last time you saw me reply this quick?!

The scoring in tennis does seem weird, but it does have an explanation. I only found this out the other day. Apparently 40 is actually short for 45, so the scores do go up in even increments. Although that still doesn't explain why they don't just go 1, 2, 3 I guess. Especially as when there is a tie break the scores DO go 1, 2, 3 etc! I can only imagine that's because tie breaks were introduced later on, although I don't actually know about that. And 'love' apparently comes from the french word for egg, l'oeuf, because an egg looks like a zero. So now you know. And I bet you wished you'd never asked! Oh wait, you didn't. Well, wondering it out loud was enough.

I'm glad you've lived through the stupid things as well. Otherwise you wouldn't be here today to regale me with the stories! And thanks, you're alright too. smiley - winkeye

I watched the bunnies. Never seen the real Pulp Fiction so it kinda went over my head a bit, but I watched the Titanic and It's a wonderful life ones, which I have seen, so I get the gist. I liked the caution "Viewer discretion is advised. Contains bunnies cussing and bunnies in adult situations." smiley - laugh

Well, speak to you next week probably, have a good weekend!

smiley - borg

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