This is the Message Centre for NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business
South for the Summer
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Jul 15, 2005
No windmills? Or anything? ...geez. You Limeys sure know how to make just about anything boring...
Whatever. I really get too wrapped up in mini-golf for my own good.
You seen the movie "Happy Gilmore"?
I'm like that. I'm okay as long as things are going my way.
Or as long as I'm drunk...
Anyway, hope you have a really great time down in southampton with Jimbo. ...still Jim, right?
No means no!
Have a great summer, Alison. Don't get too used to being out of school. You got sand dunes to learn about!
South for the Summer
Alison (ACE) Posted Jul 21, 2005
Well there are *some* crazy golf courses that have windmills and things, it's just that this particular one happened not to.
Faux Shizzle? What's that all about? Anyway, I'm in Southampton now, using one of the computers at the university here. Yeah I'm still with James, it's been over 2 years now. Been here just over a week now, weather's been gorgeous and I might even have found myself a job. Have to go down tomorrow and find out.
No never seen that movie, but if I do I'm sure I'll think of you We're going to see Fantastic Four tonight I think, looks quite good.
Read about you and Yael. Congrats! How long's that been going on then? And why didn't you tell me?! Hmpf.
Lol, anyway. Take care and I'll try and speak to you soon!
Workig class stiff
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Jul 21, 2005
JOB?! Hahaha, sucker!
...I mean, umm, congratulations... pssh.
Yeah, Faux Shizzle. Like 'Fo' Shizzle', which as far as I know is idiot for "For Sure", but I can only fake being an idiot, so it's faux.
I try to tell myself that, anyway.
Happy Gilmore. Not really a good movie, but makes me laugh sometimes.
Oh, and umm, I'm in love. ...hey, c'mon. Things have been really strange for me lately. Don't know if I'm coming or going.
I like it.
So, yeah, thanks. It's great. We've been kinda talking since March, and serious since start of July.
Have fun at the movie. I haven't seen it yet. Been helping to fix up my dad's old house to sell, so am usually tired out when we get finished each day. Maybe the weekend.
Workig class stiff
Alison (ACE) Posted Oct 4, 2005
Hello! Remember me?! Lol, I didn't realise quite how long it was since I last wrote a message to you. Oops. Sorry. So anyway how are you? Tell me about everything you've been up to in the last two months! Lol.
I'm back at uni. I'm living back on campus this year so I should get an internet connection in my room soon so then you'll never get rid of me! It's not quite up and running yet but I'm working on it. So this week is freshers week so I've not been working or anything and even though I'm not a fresher I've still been going out partying with them which is pretty cool. Last night we went on a bar crawl dressed as cowgirls which glittery hats and everything, it was great!
I'm not going out with my boyfriend anymore I spent the summer living with him and then he broke up with right before I left which sucks.
Argh I'm so tired! I think I might go back and have a nap lol. Speak to you later, love Ali
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Oct 4, 2005
Heya Ali!
I was just thinking you should be back in school any day now. Great to hear from you.
Everything I've been up to? Oh, boy...
Well, June 21, logged off, and probably went to bed.
June 22...
umm, well. RDV: not much.
Got looking reputable.
Used to look like this:
hehe, that was a bad day on the Midway,
but now I'm this:
Yay! I'm the one in the middle. The rest are my brothers and sisters.
Living in Seattle again. For a while in the summer, I was living at my dad's house, helping him fix it up to sell it. That was fun.
But, back in Seattle.
Went to a bunch of concerts. Been having a good time.
Today, I'm going to see Neil Gaiman speak.
That's one of the guys that wrote 'Good Omens'.
...oh, right. Sorry about you and him. That's always pretty stale.
As for me, things are really great!
...not to brag, or anything. It's always hard.
But it sounds like you're not wasting any time moping, eh?
Cowgirl bar crawl? Giddyup!
Hope everything is great, otherwise. Enjoy the classes on dirt.
Oh, hey; how'd you do on the waterway project you were testing?
You ever get the results from that?
Well, gotta go soon. Take it easy, Alison!
Alison (ACE) Posted Oct 10, 2005
I always love your subject titles, they're so witty. Do you sit there for ages thinking them up or do they just come to you? If so you're a cleverer person than me!
I liked your pictures. I kinda figured out for myself that your were the one in the middle though lol. Your brothers and sisters are really cute. Particularly the baby, aww!
Why is it that everyone thinks I study dirt?! My friend who just does human geography (but we both used to do human and physical) texted me today saying "I am really jealous of your physical geography lectures. How I yearn for soil once more." Lol, he's a pretty sarcastic person.
I haven't finished the project yet, it's due in in 8 weeks. And I've hardly written any of it, arrrgh! Actually I haven't even finished collecting the data. I've been looking at my samples under the microscope today, fun!
Yeah, I moped for about a week when I was still at home, but since I've come back up here I haven't had time to think about it much so I think I'm pretty much over it now. Plus there are plenty of other nice boys at uni
Anyway, talk to you later
Love Ali
Spoils and soils
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Oct 11, 2005
Heya Ali
Eh. I do alot of sitting around thinking, but generally the most inspired things I come up with on the spot. Which is usually how I gage them. If it takes me more than about five seconds to think of something, I usually give up. ...hence this title. Just couldn't think of anything.
And hey, kids these days know more about computers than I do. But yeah, it was probably obvious which one I was., if physical geography is dirt, then what is human geography?
Is that like sociology? I can't figure out what that would pertain to...
Perhaps not so clever, after all...
Anyway, take care, and stay away from the nice boys! They're only nice because you haven't turned them down, yet. So in their minds, they still have a chance.
Guys are fairly predictable in this manner.
No means no!
Whatever. Don't work too hard.
Spoils and soils
Alison (ACE) Posted Oct 11, 2005
I loved your advice about the nice boys, you're so wisdomous. It's probably very true though.
Physical geography is NOT dirt! It's about all types of things that make up the face of the earth eg rivers, glaciers, mountains, deserts, forests, plate tectonics and yes ok, some soil, but not dirt! And also ecosystems and the things that live in them and how they shape the earth. Human geography is all about people: populations, settlements, economies, that kind of thing.
Anyway, speaking of deserts I have got to go to a lecture on Arid Zone Geomorphology now! So I'll talk to you later, bye!
Spoils and soils
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Oct 15, 2005
Soil, not dirt?
Is there a difference?
And what about earth? Or mulch?
So confusing!
So human geography is about people. it predictive at all? Like, figuring out trends, and trying to plan for them, or just saying, "Hey look, those people moved there. Shouldn't have done that!"
Wisdomosity is my middle name. I actualy had five wisdom teeth, instead of the usual 4. That kinda sucked.
Anyway, yeah, until they find out they don't have to be nice to you, they will be. ...which is a good way to find out who the good guys are. They're the ones who will still be nice, after you reject them.
...well, either the good ones, or the stupid ones.
One and the same, sometimes...
Good luck with that!
Spoils and soils
Alison (ACE) Posted Oct 16, 2005
Well I guess in some contexts they could both be used to describe the same thing. But a geographer would never use the word dirt! Soil has properties that regular dirt just doesn't have. Not that I'm gonna go into that now...
Yeah human geography is all about trends. Actually all types of geography are about trends. Y'know, patterns and processes, that kinda thing. Describing them and explaining them. Not necessarily trying to change them (although that might come into it in some instances) but definitely, as you say, planning for them and 'managing' them.
I can't believe you have 5 wisdom teeth, that's just freaky man! But it does kind of explain your widomness I guess. I see a problem in your logic though: Once you've found out whether the guy's nice or not by rejecting him, will you still be able to get him back? Given that most people don't really appreciate being rejected! Well anyway, nice try Dan
Lol, speak to ya later, Ali
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Oct 17, 2005
My logic isn't flawed at all, my dear. Observe...
Sure, Johnny was hurt when that ice queen Alison brutally rejected him. But he's a really nice guy, loves his mother, and decided, "I'm still gonna be nice to her, 'cause I'm a nice guy."
Alison soon realizes the error of her ways. "Geez, I shouldn't have been so hard on Johnny, he's turned out to be a really nice guy. But how wil he ever let me get down and dirty with him now that I've rejected him?"
Simple answer: Guys are simple.
What? You think a stupid rejection will change a guys' one-track mind?
Pfft. Amatuer.
So Alison goes up to Johnny one day and says, "Ya know what, Johnny; I never realized what a really nice guys you are. I kinda feel bad about coldly destroying your self esteem all those days/weeks ago. You wanna go out sometime?"
And with a and a
, Ali and Johnny live happily ever after.
Okay, not always, but in general, a guy will be willing to forget that you killed his family, chopped his arm off, and hate his favorite band, just fora chance to be seen hanging out with you.
Simple answer: Guys are kinda dumb like that...
Happy hunting!
Alison (ACE) Posted Nov 1, 2005
I like your name at the moment. Anagrams are always fun but especially so when they kinda make sense. An anagram of my name is "icily kiss an owl". I had a whole list of them once but that was the one that made the most sense. Says something about the others eh...?
So how are you? I liked your story of Johnny and the ice queen. Haven't really had a chance to try out your theory yet, but I'll let you know
One of the Americans on our floor, Holly, cooked us all dinner american style last night. She made bbq chicken wings with some sauce her mum sent over and potato salad and an apple pie, it was delicious! I'm so glad she's staying all year and not going home at christmas! Holly and Jules (who's also american) are gonna cook us Thanksgiving dinner next month as well, yum! Well, I suppose this month actually as it's now November.
Oh yeah, and I know it's now a day late, but this is so cool you have to see it Happy halloween for yesterday!!
I have to go get my laundry now, but I'll talk to you later,
Ali x
Chutes and Lahars
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Nov 1, 2005
Heya Ali,
yeah, I love this time of year. All the best food comes out. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas...
Oh, hey, speaking of ice queen...
It's raining right now, but the weather said we might be getting snow sometime soon.
Got plans for a snow dog!
Anyway, something you'll enjoy:
Around Mount Rainier, (El. 14,411 ft) in Central Washington, the towns all have lahar warning sirens. And they've been accidentally going off lately.
So since nobody had any idea what a lahar was, or why we would want to be warned about one, Seattle Weekly, a local (duh!) pop culture mag wrote an article about lahars.
Yeah. So now everyone is terrified that Mt. Rainier is gonna bury us under millions of tons of dirt.
But I've been calming them down. I tell people, "relax, that's not what geologists say!"
And they look hopeful and ask "really?"
And I say, "Yeah, they don't call it dirt. They call it soil!"
...what? Okay, so maybe THEY don't think it's very funny, but we do. Right? Hello?
Whatever. I have to be me!
Good luck with school. ...that sounds ominous. Eh. Take it easy.
Happy Halloween, Alison
Chutes and Lahars
Alison (ACE) Posted Nov 1, 2005
Heya Dan,
That dirt/soil thing literally made me laugh out loud!! That's really weird actually cos I had a lecture about lahars just the other week, so that article was really interesting. And I told my friends that I was doing some work about lahars and they didn't know what they were either.
But in fact, in this case, we wouldn't even call it dirt OR soil. Mudflows are a mixture of sediment (fine, cohesive sediment to be precise. ie mud) and water, and lahars are just mudflows with at least 25% volcanic material. I wouldn't worry though - that article is clearly just scaremongering. That illustration at the top is so unrealistic it's funny! I loved this bit though "Orting could only make its evacuation plan work by having people drive on the one road heading in the direction of the lahar" - how stupid!
I didn't realise you had volcanoes so close to you. It's quite an impressive looking mountain isn't it? Anyway, you're gonna get snow already?! It's only just November! That's so cool, we never get snow. Not decent snow anyway.
We went to the butterfly house in Lancaster again on Sunday and a butterfly sat on my shoulder! It wasn't quite as cool as the other time we went when one landed on my face, but it was still fun. It sat on my shoulder for so long that I gave up standing still and took it for a walk! They always seem to land on me. I think I must look like a flower...
How's the job going? Doesn't really sound like your kind of thing (and I quote:"I won't ask why you'd ever want to be a cog in a machine someplace.") But hey, I respect that you're doing it so you can go see your girl, that's sweet.
Take care yourself, Ali
PS that reminds me, I saw a rainbow today! I got a bit excited about it to be honest, and the people in my seminar group who I happened to be walking along with thought I was a bit mad and didn't let it drop for the rest of the afternoon! But rainbows are so cool though, and you don't see them very often. And this was a particularly pretty one...
Chutes and Lahars
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Nov 2, 2005
...? Particularly prety rainbow?
Have you ever seen a rather dull rainbow? Or an ugly one?
Aren't they all kinda pretty?
Yeah, the job ain't my kinda thing at all. I'm the only oe there who speaks any English. And it's not like everyone else speaks Spanish, or something; they all speak different languages, so it's a bit like constructing the Tower of Babel.
But it's worth it.
Have a day!
Chutes and Lahars
Alison (ACE) Posted Nov 2, 2005
Well, some are more boring than others. Like some are just little, or just partial rainbows or sometimes you can't see all the colours. But this was was big and bright and you could see all the stripes! Lol.
Hmmm, work sounds interesting. Oh well maybe you could learn some new languages while you're there... You have to try and make the best of these things.
I'm going out dressed as a devil tonight! And some of my housemates are going as angels. Should be fun. Anyway shouldn't really be typing right now cos I just put red nail polish on my nails and I don't want to smudge it! And I have to go have dinner. Haven't been able to eat til now cos I had a filling earlier, so I'm starving!
Take care,
The devil made me do it
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Nov 2, 2005
Don't let the s pick on you!
Filling? You mean o a tooth, or like, you already ate a lot, and are therefore full?
Geez, speaking of can't understad other languages.
It's fun, though. I know bits and pieces of spanish and german, and I taught my boos to shout 'kick ass' the other day.
Now every time he sees me, he points and shouts "Keek Azz!"
The devil made me do it
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Nov 2, 2005
Geez, so many typos. I'm using the library computer, and the keyboard is garbage.
...My concept of the British University system must be warped.
All I know is that it seems to be one big yearlong costume party.
Cowgirls, devils, breakfast pastries (remember the tart thing?)
All you people do is party!
Have fun Ali.
The devil made me do it
Alison (ACE) Posted Nov 4, 2005
Yeah, a filling in my tooth lol. I went to a private dentist and he told me I had to have 3 fillings done which seemed like rather a lot to me seeing as I'd never had any problems with my teeth before I went to him, so I went to see an NHS dentist as well and she told me I only needed one and it was cheaper! So that's good.
We don't dress up all year round, only on special occassions. Like halloween, or someone's birthday, or in fresher's week. For my housemate's 21st in December we're all going to Edinburgh for the weekend and we're gonna dress up when we go out on the town there! Should be awesome.
We're going up to Lancaster Castle to watch the fireworks for Bonfire Night tomorrow. And we're gonna go out for dinner beforehand as well which will be nice. Especially as I have to spend this whole weekend working on my dissertation. I spent over an hour in my tutor's office yesterday discussing it! He gave me so much to do. Speaking of which I probably should get back to it!
Speak to you soon, Alison x
The devil made me do it
Alison (ACE) Posted Nov 27, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving for Thursday! I'm really sorry it's belated, I meant to say it the other day, honest! We had Thanksgiving dinner as well so I really can't believe I forgot. Oops. Did you have a good day anyway? We did, the two American girls in our flat made us the most amazing dinner. We had a massive turkey, real cranberry sauce, potatoes, veg, sweet potato pie (which I had never tried before. It's weird.), and then we had apple pie and pumpking pie (which I had also never tried before - it's really nice!). So that was cool.
The dissertation is going well. It has to be in on Friday so it's nearly finished and I'm really looking forward to getting rid of it! What have you been up to?
Alison x
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South for the Summer
- 201: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Jul 15, 2005)
- 202: Alison (ACE) (Jul 21, 2005)
- 203: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Jul 21, 2005)
- 204: Alison (ACE) (Oct 4, 2005)
- 205: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Oct 4, 2005)
- 206: Alison (ACE) (Oct 10, 2005)
- 207: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Oct 11, 2005)
- 208: Alison (ACE) (Oct 11, 2005)
- 209: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Oct 15, 2005)
- 210: Alison (ACE) (Oct 16, 2005)
- 211: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Oct 17, 2005)
- 212: Alison (ACE) (Nov 1, 2005)
- 213: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Nov 1, 2005)
- 214: Alison (ACE) (Nov 1, 2005)
- 215: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Nov 2, 2005)
- 216: Alison (ACE) (Nov 2, 2005)
- 217: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Nov 2, 2005)
- 218: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Nov 2, 2005)
- 219: Alison (ACE) (Nov 4, 2005)
- 220: Alison (ACE) (Nov 27, 2005)
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