This is the Message Centre for NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Deja vu, all over again

Post 141

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Heya Ali. ...didn't I just... AHHH So confused. smiley - injured
Anyway, things are pretty stale right now. I got a letter from my big sis, but the tone of it was like she was happy I was finally coming around and fixing my problems. I didn't need that crap at all. Objectively speaking, I've tried to talk. It's her fault that we don't. I don't brush her off. Well, didn't use to. Now, I have no need to talk to her at all. Which is to bad. We used to be close.

People change, I guess.

Anyway, good luck with going back to school. Hope to didn't get too out of practice... It happens.

Anyway, yeah, you are absolutely right in saying that lack of rem sleep is a bad thing. And I have been having waking dreams, lately. Had them bad in navy boot camp. Got no restfull sleep there, either. Just be doing something, and all of a sudden, I'm somewhere else, and everything is strange.

...well, it might be waking dreams. Kinda sounds like how my life has always been. Not sure. Whatever. Later.

Smile, Ali. It makes people think you're up to something.

"Life. Don't talk to me about life."
Random Quote Guild

Deja vu, all over again

Post 142

Alison (ACE)


Sorry I haven't posted in aaaaages! I just haven't been on here much, don't know why really. Anyway, how are you? Life treating you well? How's the sleeping?

My Easter holiday was really good. It was mine and my boyfriend's anniversary - a year since we started going out. So I took him to London as a surprise and we went to see We Will Rock You. Dunno if you've heard of it, but they've made a musical featuring loads of songs by Queen. It was really good.

I've got tadpoles! (Think you might call them pollywogs or something in America?) I got them out of a friend's pond at home and brought them to uni with me! They eat lettuce, it's really cute. When they turn into frogs I'm going to put them in the pond at uni. Shouldn't really release them somewhere different to where I found them but nevermind. One died yesterday though, I was distraught! Only had 5 and now there's only 4!

University is good. We've been going out loads in the last couple of weeks! Supposed to be revising, exams in four weeks, but nevermind! My boyfriend's coming up for the weekend tomorrow as well so not gonna get any work done then either! Oh well!

Anyway, I hope you're well. I'll try and get back to you a bit quicker next time! I liked the thing about making people think I'm up to something smiley - smiley Speak to you soon,

Love Ali

Storm before the calm

Post 143

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Apology accepted, Ali. And that makes it my turn...
So sorry for ... just not being here. My life has been very odd the past couple weeks, which culminated in an event that prettymuch changed my life. Haven't ever felt this good, slept this good, everything is really great. So I just up and went on vacation. Sortof a vacation FROM a vacation, since I didn't have a job or school or anything to vacate away from, but it makes sense to me.

So there.

Anyhoo, still no job, but I'll be getting one soon. Still Writing. Gotta Go!!!!

Later. Dan.

Storm before the calm

Post 144

Alison (ACE)

Heya Dan,

Glad to hear that things are going well for you. Where are you going on this vacation from a vacation? Sounds cool. I'm revising for exams at the moment. My first one is on Friday. Shouldn't be too bad though hopefully. It's only first year so I only have to pass. Don't have to actually get GOOD marks or anything! Lol.

It's been nice and sunny here though and is meant to stay that way for the next few days, so I can't see a lot of revision getting done! It's much more inticing just to sit outside and sunbathe!

After the exams will be cool, we have like three weeks of just dossing til the end of term, and then we have a three month summer holiday! Will have to find a job. I could just work back in the pub but I fancy a change so I might see if there's anything else going that takes my interest.

Well, I'll leave you to enjoy your holiday. smiley - smiley Catch ya later,

Love Ali

Shlock Therapy

Post 145

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Diggin' summer? Better be...
I wasn't. But the times, they are a changin'.

Had some good times. And some bad ones.
But it's all right now.

...that's the second song lyric I've used thus far. huh.

See you've made a bit of a change. Like it. ...why not Alikazaam! Whatever. So long as it's you.

Hope all is well. I might just be less scarce from here on out. If that's a bad thing, don't tell me. Ignorance is bliss, and I need every bit of help that I can get.

Hey, how did that Frog rearing shtick go? They make out okay? Hehe, make out. Miracle of life...

Later, Aligator! ooo, there's another good nick. ...whatever. Bet you've heard that one more than once.

<3 Dan

Shlock Therapy

Post 146

Alison (ACE)


Yeah I got bored of just being my own name. Alizem - ali hence the start of my name and zem the matress from Life the Universe and Everything. And yeah I used to get the Aligator thing a lot when I was little, mostly from my dad!

Well three out of five of the frogs died but the other two made it to the pond. They were so cute! So what are you up to now? Working, chilling, writing? Well I won't mention that it's a bad thing that you won't be around if you don't want me to smiley - winkeye Hopefully I'll get over it at some point in my life smiley - biggrin

Anyway gotta go for a shower - just played a game of aeroball. Very energetic game involving four people, a trampoline, pretty high nets and a ball! Catch ya later,


It's not your girlfriend; it's your turn...

Post 147

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Heya Alicat (sorry, there's only so many of those I can think of...)

Anyway, LESS SCARCE!!!!!!!!! I wasn't implying you can't live without me, I was sayin' I'm probably gonna end up being that guy that always hangs out with you and your friends even though nobody likes or invited him.

Previous gap between conversations: 4 WEEKS
Current gap between conversations: 2 hours

I'm sayin' if I end up driving you batty, just be nice about it!


Anyway, four people, a trampoline, high nets, and a ball.
...there are a lot of places I could go with this. I'll just say that is the plot of half the nighmares I've ever had, and strangely also the plot of 3/4 of my "special fantasies"...

You Limeys sure know how to get things going.

Oh, leads me to another thing. I guess picking the name for yourself is okay, although it's not really official, but over here, being the free world, (?), sorry, new world, if you get the reputaion of being a mattress... you're a smart girl. Figure it out. Yeah, kinda a bad thing. ...for you. But only if you're not. Not for the guys. Good news for them. ...Unless you're not. get the idea.

Actually, "Trampoline" is making a comeback these days as well.

Anyway, as for me, you got two out of three guesses right. Bet ya can guess which ones, too.

Actually, I'm up before noon today because I'm looking for a job.

Enough about that. Well three frogs is better than none. Unless you're talking about the irreparable ecological damage done to the environment you released them into.


Whatever. Take it easy, Ali girl.

It's not your girlfriend; it's your turn...

Post 148

Alison (ACE)

Oh LESS scarce, oh ohhhh! Oh well, that's different then. That's cool. In that case I'll try and be on h2g2 more often. Now that I'm at home I don't use the computer as much, but I'll try and reply to you when I can.

I feel you were digging yourself into a hole a bit with the whole mattress thing! So I decided to just ignore you and leave it as it is smiley - biggrin

Well I'm guessing as you're now looking for a job (or were when you wrote it) that I was right about the writing and chilling parts?!

What do you mean three frogs is better than none?! I killed three! Are you saying it's a good thing to kill frogs?! Heartless...

Well I gotta go, I'll catch ya later


vernacular homicide

Post 149

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

I meant two frogs... Hey you don't sleep for a while, things get kinda woozy, okay? No, I love frogs. We have tree frogs near my dad's house, and each night they sing a song. There will be silence all evening, then suddenly they all start chirping. Then about two or three minutes later, they all suddenly stop. It's kinda cool.

Actually, I've been sleeping better. My sister came over couple days ago and we talked. Alot. Put a bunch of stuff behind us, and moved on. So things are looking up.

And yeah, writin' like a titan and chillin' like a villian.

Hope things are janky over there. What classes you taking next term?
Whatever. Enjoy your summer.

Digging a hole?! Maybe, but that's the way we do things here... Matress... not a good thig. Just sayin.

Have a Day, Alison.

Cycle one

Post 150

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Year and a day, Alison.
Happy anniversary!

vernacular homicide

Post 151

Alison (ACE)


A year and a day since what? Sorry, I haven't been on here for a while and I'm a little confused! I could go back to the start of this conversation and see whether you meant the first time we started chatting or something like that... but I've started writing this already now and frankly I can't be bothered!

I've been in Cornwall this last week visiting my aunt. (South West bit of England just in case you know as much about where things are in the UK as I know about where things are in America!) It was quite cool, we got a couple of sunny days and sat on the beach and my legs got a bit sunburnt. Oops.

I passed my first year exams so I get to stay at Uni for another two years - hooray! In a couple of weeks I have my driving test for the second time which I'm not quite so confident about. But we'll see.

I've got a new job for the summer in a clothes shop. It's more boring than bar work but a lot easier so I guess you take the rolls with the punches! Don't think I have any other news. What does janky mean?

Love Alison

vernacular homicide

Post 152

Alison (ACE)

Hi Dan,

You ever still come on here at all? You don't seem to have posted in a while. I was wondering how you are? I'm back at uni now, been here for two weeks, starting to settle back in to lectures. We live in a house in town now as opposed to halls on campus which is a bit weird but it's ok.

Well, if you do come back, drop me a line. See you soon,

Alison x


Post 153

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Heya Alison.

Yeah, still here. Not much else. Been writing alot. ...Not much else.

I moved. Live with some friends. Still need a job. Sleeping better. Got some good medication... although it's 3 in the morning as I type this... Whatever.

Anyway, how'd the driving test go? Eh?

Must be hard to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road. ...oh, wait, you all do that, don't you? Heh.

Well, hope school is going great. For you, anyway. Me, not so much. Maybe someday.

...I hope not.

Take it easy, Alison.



Post 154

Alison (ACE)


Glad you're still about. I don't get on here much now cos I don't have the internet at home (where I live at uni) so I have to come onto campus if I want to go online and I don't always get around to hootoo. Which is a shame. Next year I'm thinking of living back on campus again though which will be cool. They're re-building our college so it'll all be brand spanking new! And nearly twice as expensive, but never mind...

Yeah I failed my driving test unfortunately. I've got another one in a couple of weeks but I'm doing it here at uni and it's in a new place so I'm not that confident about it. Still, maybe third time's a charm.

So where you living now? Is it nice? Glad you're sleeping better and everything, that's cool. Hope everything's going well. Speak to you soon,



Post 155

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Living with some friends. Not to far from my old haunted apartment, really.

Still thinking of getting a job. Mainly so I can get some money and travel once again. I miss going places.

Probably won't be driving. I'm not very good at driving.

...What?! I didn't say anything! Like, "either", or "too"...

Eh, relax. I'm sure you'll do fine. ...Good luck, though.

Psh, I'm sure none of the big shot geographers drive either. They all have valets, right?


What is the price tag for a good geographer these days?


Post 156

Alison (ACE)

That would kinda depend on what you want your geographer to do. Why, are you looking to hire a geographer and want to know what the going rate is?! Lol, no seriously, most geography graduates don't even do a geography related job - I think about 10% do. Most go into accounting or marketing or something!

I've had my last driving lesson before my test, so fingers crossed for friday! Anyway, I've got to go now, food shopping to do, wohoo! Lol, speak to you later,


All systems go!

Post 157

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Hey Alison

My computer's been broken for a couple weeks. Sorry for not writing.

Umm, not really in the market for a geographer, no; actually don't really know why anyone would need one, which leads me to the point of concern...

What are you going to do when you get finished?

Do you have job fairs you can go to to find out who needs geographers, or are you on your own to end up with some accounting job?

Eh, good luck regardless.

Hope all is well. It might be snowing here this weekend!

Might have to build another snowdog!

Take it easy.

All systems go!

Post 158

Alison (ACE)


Sorry to hear about your computer being broken, hope it's all better now lol.

I passed my driving test, yeay! Go me! I am actually quite proud of myself. And it's such a relief not to have to learn ever again! I hated driving lessons so much!

Um, I don't know yet what I'm gonna do when I've finished my degree, but yeah there are careers fairs and things.

Wow snow! That's so cool! We haven't had snow yet this year although I'm going on a field trip to Spain and there might be snow there as we're gonna be in the mountains. How exciting!

It's the last week of term this week so everyone has loads of work and is really stressed. Not good. The christmas ball is on Thursday though so that should be fun. Good excuse to get dressed up and have some christmas dinner smiley - smiley

Well, talk to you later. Hope you had fun building your snowdog if it did snow! Bye,

Love Alison


Post 159

NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business

Sun. The sun is shining. There is no snow anywhere. It's the middle of winter, and people are outside wearing shorts and sunscreen.

Personally, I take it to mean the world is ending. But, I've been wrong before...

Hope you saw some in Spain (snow). Wow, Spain. Been to Rota, Spain. Had a blast. Hope you have (had) a good time.

And way to go on the driving thing. We have to retest every three years or something like that here. You need to renew your license or anything? It's a drag, having to remember everything you worked so hard to forget the day after you got your license...

Anyway, moved again!
I'm sorta watching a house for a friend until it gets sold. Which means it's empty and there is nothing to do.

So, I've been reading alot. It's what I do best...

Anyway, if you get this in time, then Merry (insert chosen holiday title here). And have a happy new year. Unless that's not your thing. Not everybody likes being obligated to have good holidays...

Whatever. Go forward, Alison.

"What did you study?"
"Were the midterms hard?"


Post 160

Alison (ACE)

Shorts and sunscreen? That seems a bit extreme! It's not really the weather for that here. It's been really windy and in the north of the country quite rainy too. I heard that one city, Carlilse, has been flooded and half of the town were meant to be evacuated but the routes out were blocked due to fallen trees and things. 50,000 were without electricity apparently. I wouldn't have thought good weather would mean the end of the world though. I hope not anyway :S

I had a fantastic time in spain thanks, it was awesome. Saw some snow, but only from a distance. It was on the top of some mountains and we didn't go right up there. The weather was really nice though. Not exactly baking all the time, but still very nice. And it didn't rain once, despite me carrying around my waterproof coat and trousers all week!

No, we don't have to have retests for driving here. I think we should though. I mean maybe not every 3 years - that seems a bit much. Maybe 10 or 15 or something would be more appropriate. But there must be people driving around who took their test 50 years ago or something - I'm sure things have changed a bit since then!

You still housesitting? Hope it's not too boring for you. Hope you had a good christmas and new year. Mine were okay. Going back to uni tomorrow - back to work! I'm looking forward to being back though.

Take care, love Ali

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