This is the Message Centre for NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business
Another dead cat
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Nov 26, 2003
You left out the fact that they both start with m. Capital M, no less!
Anyway, all this nonsense about work. You do anything besides go to school? Other than party? Like a job? I had a couple when I went. Lots of food service. Worked at the library for a while. That was fun. Big old creepy library. It was always stormy in Seattle, so stay late at night, start hearing things... imagination would get spun up. Get scared to death. That was fun.
So all decorated for Christmas, eh? Geez, one holiday at a time! ...nevermind. You don't have a Thanksgiving, do you? It's just Halloween, then Christmas, right? That must be weird. ...unless you've lived there all your life, I guess. I was in Germany for the 4th of July couple years ago, missed that. They don't do anything. Wouldn't imagine that's a popular celebration day over in the UK, either... No offence or anything...
Well, I gotta go. ...actually I don't, but should get out and do something. Hey, Denny's is always open...My night is made! Talk to you soon. Assuming you're not working! oh. Right. Well, your secret is safe with me
"I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure..."
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Another dead cat
Alison (ACE) Posted Nov 26, 2003
Ha! I did actually manage to do some work today!
I'm knackered as I just came back from dancing. I'm in the dance society at uni, we do a different style every week. This week we did hip hop which was really fun but very energetic. Danced to R Kelly's 'She's got that vibe' or whatever it's called. Was good.
I don't have a job while I'm at uni, but I'm going to carry on working in the pub back home during the holidays. Should be cool. I was looking forward to it the other day when I was sweeping up in our kitchen as I thought "I get paid to do this at home!" Lol.
Yeah, Christmas is the next holiday, we don't have Thanksgiving at all. And nope, don't celebrate 4th July either, sorry. We have Guy Fawkes night on November 5th though which involves fireworks and stuff. I wouldn't suppose you celebrate that huh?!
What's this about another dead cat?! Catch ya later,
Led poets society
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Nov 26, 2003
I like how you include the word 'actually' in the sentence with work! Nice. Yeah, dead cat. "Okay, just had a look in the atlas because I was that curious!" Sound familiar? How about this one..."curiosity killed the" ...umm, suddenly forgot. Can you help?
So you have a Dance Society? That's ... eclectic. Delightfully so, even. Sounds like a good time. I took Ballroom and Swing Dance. We got credits for that. That was great. Three guys in a class of 29. Yowza!
Well, packing for my pilgrimage home. Talk to you later. And keep that tie out of peoples food!
P.S. I know you like haphazard, but what about hobgoblin? Eh? HOBGOBLIN!!!
"This is the highpoint of my day. It's all downhill from here."
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Led poets society
Alison (ACE) Posted Nov 26, 2003
Ok I get it about the cat now. Just a bit slow ok?!
We have looooads of societies here! Some of them are pretty obscure actually. Well, in my opinion they are anyway, like the medieval society and things. Yeah, there are usually some guys in my class but none of them were there tonight. There's usually about 4 of them to about 30 girls.
Oooh packing today? When you leaving for home?
I'll try to avoid dipping my tie in people's food, but I can't really help it. I mean, it's not like I choose to wear the thing!
Well I gotta get something to eat, then crack on with some more work. I've been working all day, me! Aren't you impressed?!
PS hobgoblin? Never really gave it much thought. But now that I have given it some thought, I guess it is quite a cool word in itself, but I'm inclined not to like it because of y'know, what it represents. Hobgoblins don't seem very nice. I mean, goblins don't seem very nice, but to me, a hobgoblin is like... an uber-goblin or something!!
Anyway.... place like home...
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Nov 29, 2003
Hey Ali
Working all day! I'm very proud of you! ...Course, now it's the weekend, so none of that really matters. Back to square one.
Anyway, made it home safe. Having a good time. Our dog had died, just found out. He was really old though, so figured it would happen soon, but it still hurts. Saw the family, looked up some friends. Pigged out on Turkey. All in all a good couple days.
...But I'm already ready (?) to be leaving. I just don't feel ... hard to say. I love being with my brother and sisters, but I think this is no longer the place for me. I need to move on.
I'll probably do so in a few days, find somewhere to stay, probably Arizona, liked Arizona, then come back for Christmas. Who can say.
Anyhoo, thanks for the Happy day wish, hope you are well, working when you should be and sleeping when you're not, ...geez, sound like dad... ahem, and I will talk to you later!
"We're a bit like 7-11. We're not always doing business, but we're always open."
Random quote guild place like home...
Alison (ACE) Posted Dec 5, 2003
How's it going? You still at home or off again somewhere random?! I went home last weekend, was nice to see the family again. I can't wait to properly go home for christmas next Friday though, it'll be so good to see all my friends and of course my boyfriend again I've been told we're having a week long party by my friends!!
We're having our christmas/thanksgiving lunch on Sunday! Going to buy the stuff for it tonight I think. Should be good. Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. Sorry to hear about your dog though
We've just found out that the geography test that was meant to be next Tuesday has actually been moved to Friday - the last day of term! And we have our college christmas ball on Thursday night and we're staying over at the hotel that night. We're not leaving til 11am and the test is at 12 and it takes about 45 mins - an hour to get back!! Hmmmm... we're gonna do really well in that test! My friend is really really annoyed about it and is emailing the tutor!!
Well I'd better get ready to go to my practical class this afternoon. Looking at rocks - wohoo! At least we get some time to work on our coursework. We have to do a poster (very primary school if you ask me!) in groups of four, which is good cos you don't have to do everything yourself. But there's one girl who had her christmas ball last night, so here's hoping she's gonna be there!! It's a two o'clock, she /should/ be able to make it...
Anyway, hope you're well. Speak soon,
Ali place like home...
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Dec 7, 2003
Weeklong party? Shazow! Maybe you British people aren't as boring as we Americans like to think. ! Speaking of which, ...well, not really at all, actually, but here goes.
I have a question. Over here, we have an archaeic saying of "killing two birds with one stone". Yes archaeic. Out of date. You go ahead and use your rock, I'll go out, shoot a couple birds with a rifle, and have them cooked by the time you get tired and give up.
Anyway, I know of a strange British tendency (I would have called it a propensity, but don't know how to spell that. Oh. Nevermind.) to sometimes refer to human females as 'birds'. So the question is... Does this saying ring a bell, or exist at all in your everyday vocabulary? Or does it have a different meaning than doing one task while doing another.
...Double homicide springs to mind, but that's not really what I mean
Any thoughts? Opinions?
Anyhoo, have fun at the ball and good luck on the following test. If I can do ten minutes of class and pull a 96, I'm sure you'll be fine. Just remember to set a couple alarms and make sure the staff gives you a wakeup. No worse feeling than waking up fully rested only to realize you just took a zero on a test that ended a couple hours ago.
Trust me. For every 96, there was a no-show.
Funny how nature always balances things out. *&^%$# nature!
Whatever. Here's to best laid plans
By the way, the question stuff I asked is for my writing. You may just be one part in the making of a best-seller. Or the shattered hopes and dreams of a delusional fool. (*&$# nature!!!
Thanks anyway
"I'll never let go, Jack. Never let go."
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Falls asleep, wakes up. Sees he's dead,
I hated Titanic. My friend watched it the other day. Sorry if I'm being a downer. place like home...
Dragon Lord back with avengence Posted Dec 7, 2003
hiya m8 was wondering if you ou fancied a lightsaber duel in tarne womargs training groud? place like home...
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Dec 7, 2003
*Casually eyes this perky, young upstart.*
If you feel so led. Give me the A number. And an answer... Do you ask this to prove your abilities: to me, to your master, or to yourself? place like home...
Dragon Lord back with avengence Posted Dec 7, 2003
I ask to prove my abilities to myself, i have returned from the darkside. place like home...
Alison (ACE) Posted Dec 8, 2003
Hi Claeys, how's it going?
Yep, guys will call girls 'birds'. Or 'chicks', even. But that's definitely not the kinds of birds the saying is on about! But yeah, we do have that saying.
I woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep! This may be because I went to bed at 10:30 which is a bit earlier than I normally go to bed, but the only reason I went to so early was to get plenty of sleep to cover me for tonight! Y'see, the American girl on our corridor, Megan, is leaving tomorrow at 6am so we're all gonna stay up all night and see her off in the morning!
The worst thing is I have two tests tomorrow! That one from Friday got moved to Tuesday. Which is good from the point of view of coming back from the ball, but bad in that I'll have to do two tests in a row without any sleep. Ah well, going home on Friday so can sleep all I want!
Anyway, yeah I know what you mean about Titanic. I enjoyed it at the time but I was about 12 so there you go. I got given Ocean's Eleven from my secret santa. Have you seen it? It's a good film. Anyway gotta go, speak to ya later,
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Dec 13, 2003
Hey Ali
Been on kindof a vacation for the last couple days. Glorious. Had a blast. Anyway, back now. Hope the whole test debacle turned out as well as could be hoped. Let me know.
>>>You covering any mete...I have no idea where those arrows came from. Must have spazzed out. Anyway. You study any meteorology in any of your classes? Weather patterns? Snowflakes? Reason I ask, Got another idea for a book, which involves snowflakes, and wonder if I can call them anything other than snowflakes. Is there a scientific term for the little critters? Like airborne water crystal entities? Or descending hypothermal precipitation? Something like that? Whatever.
You have any snow there? Does it snow in Lancaster? We haven't had any here, yet. Usually don't get much where I'm staying. But the mountains are close, so some friends and I are planning to go skiing sometime. I usually just go on the first steep slope I can find and run into the first tree I can find. It's going to happen sooner or later, so I usually just get it over with. Than I have a fairly safe time after that. I should really learn how to ski, one of these years...
Oceans Eleven, great film. They're making a sequel. Ocean's Twelve. No lie! Should be good. If you ever get the chance to go to Las Vegas, take it. The city is amazing. I had a blast there. Piece of advice; one of the hotels, the Luxor, is shaped like a pyramid, and has a massive light on the top shining straight up. You can be anywhere in the valley and look up and see the light. Tada. If you stay at the Luxor, and wind up getting rip-roaring drunk, (which, by the way, you WILL) and have to stumble home, just follow the light. It's a life saver! Follow the light. It will get you home.
Ahh, memories.
Take it easy, like you aren't way ahead of me, though...
"Does he make you laugh?
He doesn't make me cry."
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A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Alison (ACE) Posted Dec 16, 2003
Hi Claeys,
How's it going? I haven't been on hootoo much recently, been quite busy since I got home from uni. Been back working at the pub today. They have such a high staff turnover there that practically everyone is new and I didn't recognise them!
I will be studying meteorology in my classes, but haven't done so yet. Not snow anyway. So can't really help you there. Although you got me intrigued so I did a quick google. Came up with a few sites like which give some scientific names. They're generally the names of types of snowflakes I think. Don't know if that's helpful to you at all.
We haven't had snow yet here. It generally doesn't snow much in Britain until Jan or Feb, and even then we don't exactly get vast amounts! We'll probably get more in Lancaster than in Hemel though if it does snow, as it's further north and just generally colder. Wow you're going skiiing - that's so cool! I love skiing, it's great fun!
My tests didn't go too badly, or at least they didn't seem to! I had three in total last week, got the results back from one of them already. 71% which was one of the highest in the class, so I'm pretty impressed with myself really! And I managed that having had no sleep the night before!! I'll have to wait until after christmas to get the results from the other two.
Yes I had heard about Ocean's 12! Sounds ridiculous really. I don't reckon it could be as good. But you never know. Oh yeah, I bought my boyfriend Good Omens for Christmas after you were going on about how great it was before. He's into Terry Pratchett so hopefully he'll like it. Anyway, I gotta go shower cos I smell of beer. Nice. Speak to you later,
Seasons Gratings
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Dec 25, 2003
Heya Ali
Haven't written in a while. Sorry. I've been ...well, doing nothing, so no excuse really. Been looking up all my old friends. Haven't gotten our ski trip together yet. Hope to. Anyway, thanks for the snow thing. I guess I could have done that, looked it up, but, ...again, no excuse. I've heard that fan clubs are made up of people just like the person they are for, so if I had a fan club it would be the absolute laziest people in the Northern Hemisphere. I still think of myself as on vacation.
Hope Jimbo enjoys Good Omens. Cause if not, you need to leave him. JUST KIDDING! Actually, it's surprising that he hasn't read it yet, if he likes Prat. Then again, there are a zillion Discworld novels. Truly great read. Let me know what he thinks.
Umm, hey. Good job on the test taking. Everything go according to plan? Any last minute panicking? Hope not.
Well, it's almost midnight here. As I type this, not as you read it, so I need to get going, but hope all is well and I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Or however you chose to celebrate whatever you chose to celebrate, if you chose to celebrate. \\//_
"Bam, Monkey!"
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Seasons Gratings
Alison (ACE) Posted Dec 29, 2003
Hi Claeys,
Happy Christmas and New Year. Hope Santa was kind Don't worry about not replying, I do that all the time. Haven't been on the net much this hol. Been working quite a bit and stuff. Went to see the Lord of the Rings today, that was good. Don't ask me why I'm talking in such clipped sentences! Just noticed that.
Yeah you were right about James already having read Good Omens. You know him better than I do!! Still, I'll get him something different instead. At some point, when I can be bothered to brave the madness of the January Sales!
Got anything big planned for New Year's Eve? I haven't yet, but hopefully I'll be doing something with my friends. That'd be cool. This time next week I will have done my driving test. Arrrgh! Scary. I'll let you know. Have a good one,
Stocking full of coal
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Jan 5, 2004
Nah, nothing good for Christmas. Got to see family and friends. That's good enough for me. New Years, went to Seattle, watched the Space Needle get blown up. Every year they tie more and more explosives to that thing; one of these days, they're gonna put too much on and the thing's gonna take off and shoot straight to Mars!
Anyway, then it snowed a little, so we had a pretty good time. How'd yours go? When does school start back up? It's nice not having to worry about it, but I also miss going. Been thinking of going back. Maybe taking some writing courses...
Anyhoo, driving test!? You haven't done that yet? ...Over here, we get a permit at 15 and 1/2 and can get a license at 16. Which is probably why there are so many problems with drivers over here, and we don't even have roundabouts! Guess it's a good idea to wait...
Ahh, memories. Failed my first driving test. Should have taken that as a sign, I guess, 3 cars, 5 car wrecks, 1 girlfriend...good times. Anyway, it was the instructors opinion, and he was an idiot, but no more than a minute into the drive he tells me to turn around and the test is over. My friends had a good laugh about that. ...come to think of it, they still laugh. Ahh, what are friends for!
I'm sure you'll do fine, though. Just don't drive on the wrong side of the road... oh, wait, you people always do that...
"What's the last thing you remember?
My wife.
That's sweet.
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Stocking full of coal
Alison (ACE) Posted Jan 5, 2004
Wow, lucky you not having roundabouts! That's what I failed on. Apparently I should've waited for this guy but I thought I had time and I went. Hey, we didn't crash! Only got 6 other minor faults too, which is kinda annoying cos it was just that one stupid mistake. But at least it shows that I can do it, I guess. Probably means nothing to you cos you probably have a completely different system, but hey!
Err... by the way, when you include "1 girlfriend"... you don't mean to say you killed her do you?! Here, they don't tell you to stop once you've failed. Even if you make a major fault turning out of the driving school car park, you still have to go through the whole test.
But anyway, glad your christmas and new year were ok. I had a good time, went to a friend's house for New Year's Eve. Nothing big, just a few of us, but it was nice to catch up. And we had fireworks! I go back to uni on Saturday. I'm looking forward to going back now though. Anyways, I'll catch ya later,
love Ali
You spin me right round, baby, right round.
NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business Posted Jan 6, 2004
Failed? D'oh. When do you retake it? That sucks about having to do the rest of the test, too. I'd hate to have to sit and do the rest of it knowing it was all for nothing. Whatever.
No, never killed anyone. ...with a car, anyway... Taking about the wreck I caused and ended up with a girlfriend. Actually saw her the other day. She's doing well.
Glad to hear everything went okay. Have a safe trip back to school. It snowed here last night, so everyone instantly forgot how to drive. Good times. Gonna make a snowman, later.
Have a good one.
"Why do you always get to drive?"
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Like a record baby, right round round round
Alison (ACE) Posted Jan 6, 2004
I don't know exactly when I'm retaking it. Won't be at Easter because it's already booked up, so I'll have to do it when I come home for the summer. It's not really a problem though, it's not like I need a car. I just need to pass it before December 3rd otherwise I'd have to redo my theory test and that'd just be a hassle! Do you have those?
It is quite good that they make you sit through the rest of the test. It's good experience for next time you take it. Plus you've paid for it!! But I didn't know I'd failed once I made that mistake, I didn't find out til the end once it was all finished.
You caused a wreck and ended up /with/ a girlfriend?! Do tell this story!
It's snowing?! Wow how cool! I wish it would snow here. Maybe it will. It'll be cool if it snows while I'm in Lancaster actually cos there's a big hill at our uni Have fun making your
Speak soon,
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Another dead cat
- 101: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Nov 26, 2003)
- 102: Alison (ACE) (Nov 26, 2003)
- 103: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Nov 26, 2003)
- 104: Alison (ACE) (Nov 26, 2003)
- 105: Alison (ACE) (Nov 27, 2003)
- 106: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Nov 29, 2003)
- 107: Alison (ACE) (Dec 5, 2003)
- 108: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Dec 7, 2003)
- 109: Dragon Lord back with avengence (Dec 7, 2003)
- 110: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Dec 7, 2003)
- 111: Dragon Lord back with avengence (Dec 7, 2003)
- 112: Alison (ACE) (Dec 8, 2003)
- 113: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Dec 13, 2003)
- 114: Alison (ACE) (Dec 16, 2003)
- 115: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Dec 25, 2003)
- 116: Alison (ACE) (Dec 29, 2003)
- 117: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Jan 5, 2004)
- 118: Alison (ACE) (Jan 5, 2004)
- 119: NuclearConfusion -Not a lot of money in the revenge business (Jan 6, 2004)
- 120: Alison (ACE) (Jan 6, 2004)
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