Hmmm…a personal space?…my responsibility to fill it? Oh the pressure! What do you say to anybody who stops by. Does anyone really read these?


OK. Since I had 4 people stop by in less than 14 hours of my first post, I figure I should put up something about myself.

First off, I never made the connection between my old moniker (dna) and The Man himself until I read the personal space of A Broad Called Ben. Mine arose years ago out of a repetitious typing mistake. However, after a polite email from the DNA Moderation Team informing me that "Your Nickname 'DNA' has been changed back to
'Researcher 231925', since it contravenes the House Rules," I have changed it to dw2. I apologize for any offense this may have caused.

I much prefer to learn a great deal about a few people versus a little bit about a lot of people. To quote a song, "I never could say anything in twenty words or less."

I find people infinitely interesting and because of that, I'm not really sure how I feel about this whole online thing. I enjoy the subtlety of conversation. The almost imperceptible reaction or vocal emphasis that reveals far more about a person and their thoughts than the person meant to share.

That being said, I find it increasingly difficult to find stimulating conversations that last for hours, and allow you to really scratch the surface of understanding another person.

I love to argue (in the true philosophical sense of the word), I try not to take myself to seriously, I can almost never pick a favorite (of anything), I much prefer to find out why people do the things they do than pass judgment about the things they do, in a debate I am perfectly willing to abandon my position and take up yours if it makes more sense.

If you want to know more, just ask.



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dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

Researcher U231925


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