This is the Message Centre for dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

Interesting intro

Post 1


Yes definatly an interesting intro.

Interesting intro

Post 2

dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

Hello there.

Just curious, how did you come across my space? I've only been here a couple of days and I'm wondering how most people come across other people. Everybody I know is from the one conversation my brother pointed out to me.

"DISLIKES;; ignorance, bad tempered ppl, curry, liver,noisy neighbours"
- I couldn't agree more on all counts.

Interesting intro

Post 3


How did I come across you,,lol,,, well I have a "on line" connection and just click on it to see whos on line then its a case of clicking on the names,, Its one way of seeing whos interesting to chat to,smiley - smiley
Did you not have a visit from an ACE with various connections you can use or put into your space?
If not put this on your page;;;
Then you to can access whos online as well..... Good luck,lol


Interesting intro

Post 4


Or you can do a lot of lurking smiley - winkeye

When you are in a conversation, you can go and look at someones page by clicking on there name on the message thay have sent (try it with my name )

then you have a look were they have been talking, and do the same in that conversation smiley - smiley

and don't forget that you can join in any conversation that you see smiley - ok

oh,, Hi sue smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

Interesting intro

Post 5


And if you click on manda's name it will give you lots of connections smiley - biggrin

Hi manda smiley - hug


Interesting intro

Post 6

dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

Thanks for the info.

Interesting intro

Post 7


A pleasure
smiley - smiley


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