This is the Message Centre for dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

You'd be suprised...

Post 1

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I typically follow up on people's links that I converse with in the course of discussions. It helps to get to know who you are talking to.

As I said in the Atelier, I am quite glad to have you delurk. And welcome to the fold. I have met your brother once IRL and found him to be quite the friend. I can but hope that I get the chance to meet you as well on my next visit to Sunny California.


You'd be suprised...

Post 2

dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

My brother and I are different in many ways but we always try to be good friends and even better drinking buddies. If you make it to the area, there's a good chance you will find us hanging out together (often near a pint of quality ale).

Where do you call home?

You'd be suprised...

Post 3

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Salt Lake City, Utah, the Land behind the Zion Curtain.

Born-n-bred Utahn, but don't hold that against me . I do network security support for a big company headquartered in San Jose that likes grey and blue boxes for it's gear. I have known your brother online for nearly four years and had the pleasure of going to OC and spending a great evening chatting with him over an extensive meal at the Marakesh restaurant. As you likely have found, we are quite glad that you decided to unlurk.

You'd be suprised...

Post 4

dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

Hopefully you can find an excuse the make it down for the house warming party IRL.

You'd be suprised...

Post 5

marvthegrate LtG KEA

As I have a standing invitation from your Bro, I hope to make the party. If not I will visit in the next few months as a matter of course. I need the break in my routine in general.

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