This is the Message Centre for dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

Of course we do!

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

...hoping to find out more about the person than merely that he's Courtesy's brother...smiley - biggrin

Of course we do!

Post 2

dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

Thanks for your interest. Some more information has been added and more than that can be learned through conversation.

Of course we do!

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

Right you are - you can put up just about anything on your user page, but your true self will only be revealed through your postings - and it takes a lot of postings to really get to know a person - which is why I and other researchers frequent Lil's Atelier, I guess - we know each other, and feel comfortable about sharing things

Of course we do!

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

'your true self will only be revealed through your postings'

Well, then the Atelier is definitely the place to be lurking about - we do tend to share the most trivial but also deeply personal things

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