This is the Message Centre for dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

Always the skeptic ....

Post 1


Yes ... people actually do read them. So put up some fun stuff about yourself bro.


Always the skeptic ....

Post 2

dw2 - it's short for 1/2(dw)^2

Not really sure that you count Courtesy. No offense but you are an insider so to speak.

Always the skeptic ....

Post 3


smiley - tongueout

Always the skeptic ....

Post 4


Just dropping a line to let you know that yes , people do read your personal space. I know Courtesy has already told you this, but as you pointed out, he doesn't really count. He's your brother, which means he is morally obligated to try to help you out ! Glad you "uncloaked"- you sound an interesting person. See you at the Atelier !

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