This is the Message Centre for aka Bel - A87832164

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 41

Gnomon - time to move on

Bel, I feel like taking them all off and laying them neatly beside the computer, because El's laptop keyboard is misbehaving. I've spent an hour cleaning it out. But then I found that after rebooting, it worked perfectly. So it must be a software problem.smiley - erm

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 42

Icy North

I once had to teach a senior officer in the Admiralty how to use a computer mouse - he's never seen one before (this was in the 1980s).

"So", he said, in his clipped Noel Coward accent, "How do I get the little arrow to move left and right?"

"Well, sir, you slide the mouse left and right on the desk."

(Sitting stiffly, he moves the mouse left, then back again right)

"Oh, yes, I see. So, how do I get the little arrow to move up and down?"

"Well, sir, you move the mouse up and down!"

I had to swallow as I watched him lift the mouse vertically off the desk.

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 43


smiley - laughsmiley - rofl Oh dear, we shouldn't laugh really because there are still people like that now, in all walks of life.

Websailor smiley - dragon

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 44

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Don't mock the afflicted smiley - cross

When I first joined hootoo, a friend asked me to look into his PS and give him my opinion of a marquee in there.

I looked and looked but couldn't find it.

'What does it look like?' I asked....

'Well it's a big scrolly thingy,' he replied....

'OOoooohhhh!' smiley - dohsmiley - erm

I had been looking for a TENT! smiley - flusteredsmiley - blush

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 45

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

re 42 (!)

i had a colleague just like that smiley - biggrin

my dad had an electric typewriter for almost 10 minutes before he claimed his old chopping board back smiley - biggrin

never had one meself, jumped directly from an old olympia to a pc

still have the olympia, by the way. my late dad's. family heirloom i could never throw out smiley - brave

smiley - pirate

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 46

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl What great stories.

I hated those IBM selectrics with the little smiley - discos. They were slow...

But I got an electronic typewriter in the 80s. You could erase up to about 20 characters, I think that was how much memory it you had to proofread fast...

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 47


The most difficult thing about teaching old typists to use a computer is trying to get the "snopake" off the screen where they have tried to make corrections.

I'm in Australia with a UK netbook. The @ is above the 2 on keyboards here but mine stayed where it was above the '. Now I have to really think at work when I send email addresses.

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 48

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - laugh

i am blessed in the way that i have to use different keyboards, keeps me alert smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 49

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh I know what you mean...ignoring that joke about the white-out on the screen...smiley - whistle...

Switching between keyboards is an interesting mental exercise, especially for touch typists.

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 50

Taff Agent of kaos

my keyboard was playing up, the w,s,x were all sticking, its all ok now

i changed the batteriessmiley - biggrin

smiley - bat

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 51

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

colleague of mine got so mad with his computer not collaborating he hammered a fist on the keyboard smiley - grr and several keys flew through the office smiley - yikes

when he calmed down me meticulously glued them on again with superglue smiley - bigeyes

when he tested it some time later by carefully pressing on of the keys all the others followed smiley - laugh

that was the end of that keyboard smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 52

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 53

aka Bel - A87832164

Very funny stories, all. Keep them coming. smiley - biggrin

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 54


I did have people asking me where the "any" key was when the instruction asked them to press any key.

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 55

Gnomon - time to move on

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 56

Gnomon - time to move on

I had an auditor once ask me could he have a look at the operating system. We have paid thousands for a new operating system for our minicomputer, and he wanted to check we had it and that it was on the premises. We tried to explain that it was inside the computer - he asked us to open up the computer and point to the operating system. Eventually we found a backup tape in a press that was in fact a backup of the operating system and said "Operating System" on the label. He looked at it and ticked it off on his list.

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 57

aka Bel - A87832164

I love that any key. smiley - biggrin

I guess if it wasn't for my husband and youngest son and h2g2, I wouldn't know what an OS is. smiley - blush

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 58

You can call me TC

The first electronic keyboards? We learnt on manual typewriters and had to adapt ourselves to an electric one. There was one electric machine for the whole class so we each had a short go on it.

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 59

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Ah. High school physics class.

Since our teacher was a PhD candidate at the university, we had a computer hook-up to the city-block-sized mainframe downtown.

The hook-up consisted of a typewriter attached to a telephone modem - the kind where the receiver was jammed into a rubber sleeve. smiley - rofl

I was forbidden to touch this. My teacher feared me...smiley - whistle

I 'fi+xed' my keyboartd

Post 60

Icy North

Here's an interesting early one (watch the embedded video)

No keyboard, just turn the crank handle smiley - biggrin

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