This is the Message Centre for The Magster


Post 61

The Magster

In short Bushy the whole amount of the rent received would have to be declared. However....

If only a room is being let then there is "rent a room" relief which means that rents received up to a certain amount which changes every year, is tax free and only the balance is taxable. The figure is currently around the £4250 mark. The bad side to this is that there is no further relief due for any expenditure incurred.

If the whole house is let then their are various expenses that can be off set against the income such as letting agent fees, professional fees, insurance, water rates and council tax if the landlord pays them, servcing contracts for gas and electricity, repairs, the mortgage interest and also wear and tear at 10& of the gross rents received to cover wear and tear on hard and soft furnishings. The W& T allowance is more beneficial in most cases than claiming the costs of hard and soft furnishing renewal, especially as you cannot claim for the initial costs of furnishing a place for rental.

In practice, if there is liable to be a loss each year which is entirely possible if the mortgage is a large one, then it is worth setting this out to the Revenue and they may then give a dispensation about completing a self assessment return, if the income from property is the only reason for the issue of such a return. You just have to promise to let them know if the property ever makes a profit.

Does this help?


Post 62


What a wonderfully in-depth and especially throrough answer Magster! Many thanks for that but, I meant it in jest as I assumed you might think I would ask about the topic of you being a "sex slave" rather than ask a dull taxation question ...

Clearly, my sledgehammer wit strikes again?


Post 63

The Magster

Told you I was a dustbin didn't I Bushy! Swallowed that one whole. You are right, I did think you were going to ask me about being a sex slave, so I was taken aback when i got a tax question. Now who is a smiley - tit. Lol As to being a sex slave, I find it most fulfilling smiley - loveblush


Post 64


Ah ha! So my irony was not lost? Fear not, I'm the smiley - tit ... Just ask the others!


Post 65

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Yep, Bushy's the smiley - tit


Post 66


Psst! Only joking re. "shagging" but thought it might get PP and the rest of 'em going for bit of a bun-fight! smiley - whistle


Post 67


Wait 'til PP sees it, his monocle will fall off ...


Post 68

Pat Pending

Au contraire: saw it, smiled wryly at your exciteability, flicked an imaginary speck of dust off my shoulder, called my man to re-iron my copy of The Times.


Post 69


smiley - whistle


Post 70

Pat Pending

smiley - laugh


Post 71

The Magster

Lol Bushy. I didn't mind the shagging...honest! A good bit of shagging never did anyone any harm. You really are quite surprising at times Bushy...I just knew there was a pussy cat underneath that hard exterior smiley - winkeye


Post 72

The Magster

Would that be a bat man then Pat? Whatever happened to women "that do"? Tsskkk, men taking over house work, didn't happen when I were a lass that's for sure.


Post 73


Cheers Magster, you're a good sport and no mistake! A lass after me own heart ...


Post 74

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


I'm happy to admit I cook, wash up, hoover, mow the lawn, change baby's nappy etc...

Actually, re-reading that I've just realised I'm a complete doormat! D'oh!


Post 75




Post 76

The Magster

Max, take no notice of those boys, sounds like you are a reconstructed man...just the sort I like. Now, are you really, fifty, fat, balding and sitting in a flat in the gorbals drinking special brew full super dooper strength?


Post 77


//are you really, fifty, fat, balding and sitting in a flat in the gorbals drinking special brew full super dooper strength?//

That'll be doug nazi then?


Post 78

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


LoL! I asked for that...

I'm a trim 9 1/2 stone, was lucky enough to inherit the hairy gene (until I had it cut back a bit 2 weeks ago I could get my pony-tail caught in the waist-band of my jeans if I wasn't careful!) and am generally what Christopher Brookmyre would describe as "a long drink of water". I may provide proof...

smiley - biggrin


Post 79


Watch it Magster or he'll be turning up at your gaff next ...

Listen out for the roar of a massive motorcycle, the smell of hot oil, the click of steel toe-caps on concrete, the noise of strained tight fitting leathers, the metallic zing of a Zippo and the sultry distant stare of the Deanesque Rebel Without A Coat ... That's our boy, it's V Max!!

Magster, do not read following:

V Max, please cheque or postal order for £5 (as agreed) to "Bushwhack'd Talking Total B*llocks Inc." as usual and the very best of British to you old boy!


Post 80

Ali Dubya

So you're hiding away here, too?

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