This is the Message Centre for The Magster


Post 21

Pat Pending

Dear Mrs Magster,

Are these 2 oafs troubling you? If so, just let me know, and I'll have them thrown off 'Is this...'.

I have the honour to remain Madam, your humble servant.


Post 22


What a complete smiley - tit


Post 23

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


You absolute crawler, you!


Post 24

The Magster

I should think not Max, my head would not look so good if it was detached from the rest of me. The whole package is much better than an incomplete one, don't you think? How wonderfully polite you all. Are you like this all the time or are you just trying to impress me? By the way, I know how to do the smiley but how do you do all those other pretty pictures?


Post 25

The Magster

Dear Dr Bushy

Can I say how pleased I am for the invitation to join your little get togethers. Reading through some of your posts etc on this board, I am reminded of my days as a subversive I'm just to tired these days, guess it must be all the demands that Mr Magster and the neighbours make on me smiley - smiley

Now I'm here, do I get to find out ALL the names you all post under? I am boring, managing only this name. I was registered under another name on here but I couldn't remember the details.

Now as for the decor Bushy, post modernist cave dweller I think, I always think art deco looks as though they never quite finished whatever it was meant to be.

Now, where are all the others that have been clubbed and dragged here?


Post 26

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.



Hanging around here (on "is this...") you may well find:

Brad Slovan
Bushwhack'd/Dr Strangehats
Dr Strangegloves
Pat Pen
Ali W
Chelsea Girl
Commander Band (Peter Sturdgess)
Akira100 (Peter Lovegrove)
Kristine Baretout

Apologies to any I've missed.

Smilies etc... To get access to the other emoticons just add a smiley then click on it. You will be taken to a whole page of new ones. Click here> smiley - biggrin to go there.


Post 27

The Magster

Max thanks for filling me in. CG kindly made contact last night and it's good to see "friendly" faces around smiley - biggrin guess that's blown the theory that I may be IJ in disguise smiley - devil


Post 28


Well hello Magster!

Glad to have you on board. Very friendly bunch over here and a nice informal spot on the 'Net to drop in and chit-chat about any old rubbish!

V Max does mechanical stuff, I do techie stuff, Pat does legal stuff, Alistair does journo stuff, Doc does Social stuff, Chelsea does allsorts of stuff (allegedly), Peter does book stuff, Commander Band does clever stuff and Brad ... well he just does ... everyone's head in actually! But he is the captain and we wouldn't be without him!

So Magster? Would stuff do you do?

Hope you enjoy this place ... smiley - smiley


Post 29

The Magster

Ermmm....I don't really do an awful lot these days but you could say I do early modern history, witchcraft, income tax, children smiley - groan and every now and then I do Mr Magster. I used to do activism big time but then I fell in love with kids smiley - smiley Veteran of the early eighties and Greenham Common. Still got me dungarees, fence cutters and wellies somewhere smiley - winkeye


Post 30


Mornin' Magster!

Sounds like you do loads to me. Fear not, you'll get used to us talking complete nonsense whenever it suits! You'll be just as daft as the rest of us in no time at all I assure you.

Dungarees and Fence cutters eh? The maddest thing I've ever done, activism wise, was leaving an answering machine message at w**k on someone else's phone that said "If you want to buy marjuana then please press the hash key now ..." I'll get me coat!


Post 31

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


"Mechanical stuff"? Get off! I don't get my lilly-white hands dirty if I can help it these days! I "do" I.T. related stuff, although nowhere near as techy and clever as you (and a lot is waaaaay out of date now, anyway. COBOL 76 anyone?).


Greenham Common? Wellies & dungarees? Not another "leftie"!
I'll get me "The Sun says take back the Falklands NOW" coat!


Post 32


You knew what a crank shaft was mate ...


Post 33

Pat Pending

Yeah, but you know what the inside of a police station looks like, but it doesn't make you a copper.


Post 34




Post 35

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


I know that a crankshaft is not meant to be in 3 pieces! Try changing the oil now and again! BTW - did you need a new engine? My money's on "yes"!


Post 36


Yes! They said check the oil every week and don't go above 4,000 revs for first 1000 miles! smiley - whistle


Post 37

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

smiley - tit


Post 38




Post 39

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

The "Whistlin'" - have you no mechanical sympathy?

Running in a new engine is much like making love to a beautiful woman - you fire up slowly, ensure adequate lubrication is in place, build your revs, let her have her head and finally drain the carb.

I'll get me camel-hair coat.


Post 40


Alternatively just jump straight in, get her revving 'til she screams and then thrash away at it 'til she runs dry ... smiley - whistle

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