This is the Message Centre for The Magster


Post 121

Lew De Crow

Hi Magster darling smiley - loveblush

I'm very sorry my last message disgusted you. I will therefore be very careful what I write in the future smiley - winkeye.As a matter of fact I am not a bad cook and can get by on most dishes but I wouldn't dream of wasting time in the kitchen on our first date smiley - hug. You'll be wined and dined in a romantic restaurant. Then I shall prepare for you my speciality dessert course. You can't imagine what I can do with fresh fruit, whipped cream, chopped nuts and grated chocolate smiley - ok. Eat your heart out Chopsy because this beats all the boring recipes on Bushy's page.


Post 122

The Magster

You know Lew, I love romantic restaurants but I don't like being an exhibitionist (only in my own back garden)so what happens when the urge grips me half way through the it often get rampant with the food and your body? Much better if you cook and I pop round...that way if the urge does appear it can be satisfied immediately smiley - winkeye


Post 123

Lew De Crow

Hi Magster

Darling, don't think I'm that easy. You will have to control yourself,I like to woo a lady properly.I feel you only want me for my body. So if you feel you can't contain your self for to long we can always get a chinese takeaway and get straight down to it.


Post 124

The Magster

ROFL Lew. Now let's get things straight here. You older chappies call it wooing, we younger wimmin call it foreplay. Food is excellent foreplay, not just the eating thereof but the preparation, the cooking, the presentation. It's all one long foreplay session smiley - winkeye


Post 125

Lew De Crow

Older chappies Magster. Now foreplay I understand, thats what I was on about with the pineapple.


Post 126

The Magster

LOL dirty, dirty boy you smiley - winkeye
What other entertainment do you like to show the ladies? (Serious sort of question this, no sexual innuendo intended.)


Post 127


Once again Mags...I had a lucky escape...which would you rather??? A king prawn curry & fried rice with Lew...or whipped cream with Dermott?smiley - winkeye


Post 128

The Magster

Lou, to be honest I would rather have one of Mr Magsters meals. He is a sublime cook even though I do not get the treat every week. In fact I don't believe that there is a man alive that could come anywhere near Mr Magster for anything. He is handsome, gorgeous, caring, loving, always puts me first, a brilliant cook, excellent lover, intelligent, witty, sociable, young, and has a cute butt smiley - winkeye
Plus he puts up with me and my moods (which are not pretty) and he trusts me implicitly even though he knows I am an incorrigible flirt, plus he always lets me put my cold feet on his belly on those dark and cold winter evenings.smiley - biggrin


Post 129


Is he available for hire?smiley - winkeye


Post 130

The Magster

If another woman touched him Lou, she would dead within five minutes of doing so smiley - smiley


Post 131

Lew De Crow

Sounds the perfect male Magster (not unlike myself)but I don't think it's only the women you have to watch. You have made him sound so wonderful, you will have to keep an eye on the shirt lifting pillow biters.


Post 132


Well Magster what can I say??!! You've no worries...way too nice for Lou! (has he got money toosmiley - winkeye)??!!


Post 133

The Magster

Lou and Lew...I don't make him sound wonderful, he is wonderful smiley - biggrin He isn't loaded Lou, hubbie No1 was seriously loaded and seriously mean and shitty too, tried it and didn't like it. Many men have tried Lew but they have all failed.
Now Lew, let's hear about your qualities,my dear smiley - love


Post 134

Lew De Crow

Sorry Magster not at my best today, got mugged in Dover smiley - wah.Wouldn't mind but I lost the van that I had hired as well.Right now I don't think I've got many qualities nor when I can afford to eat again smiley - cake.


Post 135


Ignore me just occurred to me that Mr. Lou is shitty and skint..what am I talking about... DOH!!!!!smiley - laugh One out of 2 would,I suppose, be acceptable!


Post 136

The Magster

Lew smiley - hugsmiley - love...what do you mean you were mugged in Dover? Are you OK? Did the muggers get anything valuable? Do you need lots of smiley - hug's and smiley - love's? Tell Auntie Magster everything.


Post 137

The Magster

Lou, if he's that bad, get rid. It's hard to break the status quo but even harder to stay where it isn't comfortable and nice smiley - smiley


Post 138


Mugged in Dover eh Lew? Bad luck old boy ...



Post 139

The Magster

Bushy...who are you and who invited you? You're just jealous aren't you, when you are not the centre of attention smiley - winkeye


Post 140



Attend me ... I'll allow it, this time!

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