This is the Message Centre for smurfles

memory lane

Post 1681


Just lovely knowing your all OK xxx I'm curious now though ! What was the first record played on Radio 1 ? xxxx

memory lane

Post 1682

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

It was, Flowers in the Rain, by The Move... Played on the Tony Blackburn show.... smiley - smiley

memory lane

Post 1683


Who's a clever girl!!!smiley - applause for sheryl.
How the heck did you know that???Is it just one of those bits ofinformation that we all pick up from time to time,or did you have to look for it??A definite gold smiley - starlove.smiley - hug

memory lane

Post 1684

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi, and thanx Sal.. smiley - hug
It was summat I heard quite a while back that just stuck with Don't ask me the date tho', that eludes me.. smiley - laugh
Hope you are well luv... smiley - love

memory lane

Post 1685


I've had a funny sort of day reallysmiley - headhurtssmiley - silly
Been out shopping though,but still feel in the need of retail therapysmiley - sadface.Must remember to text you!!!Hope the brum-brums going well.smiley - hug

memory lane

Post 1686

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

The "brum brum's" going fine luv thanx... Had a ride out to Pendle again earlier this evening... smiley - ghost Was foggy in parts... And frogs, lots of 'em all over the roads... smiley - weird Not seen so many in one spot, and never around Pendle....
I'll get round to phoning you sometime soon... smiley - smiley

memory lane

Post 1687


It's the breeding time for the frogs sheryl.they've taken over the garden pond!!!!Have you taken a look n your pond.....we get them every year,and usually the girls take some frog spawn in to school,so they can all watch the tadpoles hatch!!!smiley - yukThey're ENORMOUS!!!Don't worry about phoning luv,whenever you have the time is fine.smiley - hugx

memory lane

Post 1688

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

But why would the frogs be breedin' in the middle of the roads... smiley - silly Randy buggers... smiley - laugh
We don't get 'em in our pond as it's covered over... Thankfully.... Like frogs, but not the "goo" they leave behind... Yuk.... smiley - laugh
Will be in touch soon luv... smiley - hug

memory lane

Post 1689


Thankyou Paganmoon for that useful bit of info,hope I get that question in the next pub quiz I get involved with hahahaha My pond seems very active at the moment too ! Now I know why ! hahahaha Hope your all well.Love Pinky x

memory lane

Post 1690


hi really ought to watch the pond closely...well.not too closely....we had around fifteen in there two days ago!!!!!Only problem is we have to turn the pump off,or it'd drag everything through!!!smiley - yuk

Sheryl,where is pendle???never been,but it's a nice sunny day today,you never know, we might get another couple before the end of august,and it would be nice to go!!!!!!
smiley - hugs.x

memory lane

Post 1691

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi Pinky... Hope you do well in your next pub quiz.. smiley - biggrin
Hi Sal... Pendle is in Burnley luv, if that's of any help... I have absolutely no sense of It's the home of the Lancashire Witches... smiley - witchsmiley - zoom

memory lane

Post 1692


Half way between Manchester and Blackpool.I've been and it's beautiful countryside ! Never saw a witch mind you ! I don't think I did anyway ! Thanks Paganmoon.If I win the next quiz,I'll let you know Love Pinky xxx

memory lane

Post 1693


Looks like a trip to pendle might be on the books then!!!!!smiley - ghostsmiley - witch
The weather seems to be improving,so it just might be something to do when we feel like a run out,IF i can prize myself out of the chair!!!!

memory lane

Post 1694


Speaking of witches............There is a stone by the side of the road up in my home town, where it is said that a withch was buriedsmiley - erm
In fact, the whole story is logged in the town books, a gruesome tale of how they used to torture and kill any one accused of being a witchsmiley - wah

(Might do a Snippet on it one day for smiley - thepostsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1695

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi Pinky, Sal and Smudger... smiley - hugs
Pinky, did you visit the gift shop at Newchurch in Pendle??? They have three witch smiley - witch dummies sat outside.. smiley - biggrin
Sal, hope you manage to make a day of it sometime luv... When we go in the good weather we take a bit of a picnic and park up... There's a lovely pub in Chatburn nearby that serve excellent meals of an evening...
Smudger, sounds interesting luv... There are quite a few similar stones the length and bredth of the British isles with a good tale to tell....

memory lane

Post 1696


Hi PMsmiley - biggrin, Good to hear from you againsmiley - ok
Speaking of Memories, does anyone know where that page is where folk send in pictures of them selves?
I seem to remember there was a link to it at one timesmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1697

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi Smudger luv..smiley - hug
If you look on my page you'll see the thread h2 friends or summat...
will go take another look....

memory lane

Post 1698

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

h2g2 friends photo gallery.....

memory lane

Post 1699

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Copy and paste:

"Now that the photo gallery is well under way I thought I should start a new journal entry with the link on the first page:

"To add your photo(s) to the gallery you can either post a link here or send me one by email: azaharh2g2 (at) yahoo (dot) com "

memory lane

Post 1700

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

The az thread that was pasted fromsmiley - ok

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