This is the Message Centre for smurfles

memory lane

Post 1701


Ah! Thats where it was! smiley - ta folks, I had a good look though them allsmiley - ok
some really smiley - laugh ones as wellsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1702


Hi you have finally "met "some of us now smudger??smiley - winkeyeIts about time we saw one of you and MK2 in there!!!

memory lane

Post 1703


hello sal, how r we doing ? looking forward to summer? i am warm days i might get to go out other than to see hospitals doctors waiting room and the dentists xd

memory lane

Post 1704


Glad you mentioned that Smurfles, I spent hours last night trying to get a photo of Mk2 (which I got a mate to email to me)onto my PCsmiley - wah I managed it in the end, but I need the propper prog to do it correctlysmiley - cool

The only one of myself that Ive got on my PC, was taken over 30years ago, while I was in the Navy??smiley - erm So I dont know what to do nowsmiley - laugh

If this doesnt post this time, after me retyping it all out? Im going to put this PV through a windowsmiley - wahsmiley - ermsmiley - laugh
smiley - cheersSmudger, 3rd attempt...............

memory lane

Post 1705


hi smudger.i thought yu had a digital camera.billy downloaded my picture from the camera when we got back from holiday,then i e-mailed it to az,who very kindly put it in the "gallery".It sounds really easy said like that,doesn't itsmiley - winkeye,,,it took me ages to send it!!!!It would be nice to see you in there though!!!
Hi doris,smiley - sorryyou're having problems ,i'm sure we all need the warmer weather to make us smiley - cheerup.Let's hope the sunshines for us over easter.
OOOOps,and A VERY HAPPY EASTER TO ONE AND ALL!!!!smiley - hugs

memory lane

Post 1706



Not been able to get on here very busy,with work and family.

Hope you are all well
Luv San

memory lane

Post 1707

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi Mistysmiley - biggrinNice to see you pop up.
Hope some of that busy stuff is fun and things are going well.

smiley - chickThanks for the wish, hoping you'll have a Happy Easter too!

memory lane

Post 1708


Have a wonderful Easter Everyone Love Pinky xxx

memory lane

Post 1709


Hiya! Folkssmiley - biggrin, Ive been practicing with photosrecently, and after a lot of work and frusrtationsmiley - laugh, I have managed to put a piccy of Mk2 behind a list of all her favourite songs on a CD that I made for her a while ago! It looks really smiley - cool

What Ive done is made the piccy the right size for the cover, then put the list of songs, in yellow print, in front of itsmiley - magic
I even did one for my favourite CD!smiley - cool with a piccy of me?

Mind you, I went through a lot of Ink, Paper, and timesmiley - laughsmiley - laughbut I got there in the end!!
Right then !! wot about some more memories from you lot!! Come on...............smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1710



memory lane

Post 1711

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

A Happy and Peaceful Easter to all who celebratesmiley - smiley

memory lane

Post 1712


Who else remembers this?..................
As kids my sister and I would be taken up to the local park on Ester Sunday, where we used to have a picnic lunch, and "roll our boiled eggs down the hill"

This was to represent the stone being rolled away from the entrance to the tomb where the body of Jesus was laid.

I never saw that being done for many years after, even though on Easter Sunday, if I was at home, I would have a walk up to see. smiley - erm

Seems like another tradition that has been lost over timesmiley - erm

Like moral standards, consideration for other people, respect for your elders, and pride in yourself. All these seem have been washed away form our modern societysmiley - sadfacesmiley - erm
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1713

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Must be something from your side of the pond.
Never seen that here Smudger.

memory lane

Post 1714

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Um the eggs rolling, that is.....smiley - ok

I was not reffering to the last paragrapghsmiley - laugh
I have seen that.

Though not all have lost all of those things.
Remember that kindly neighbor that dropped by, out of the blue, to help you?
Maybe he could use a cup of smiley - tea

memory lane

Post 1715


Hi Abbismiley - biggrin, It seems no one on that ex service site I got to remembers that either?smiley - erm It must have been something that my folks took north with them when they moved there?smiley - ok

Speaking of neighbours Abbi, did I tell you about the old bloke next door who lives with cousin?smiley - erm (weird that)
Any way they were playing their music so loud we couldnt even hear out TVsmiley - wah So I phoned him up and asked him politely to turn it down.

He went beserk!! screaming abuse down thephone at mesmiley - erm Next thing, him and his cousin (big bloke) were at our door kicking it in!! (It turns out later that they were both bling drunk?)smiley - sadface

So we had to call the police! when they came they must have put the fear of God into him, as we havent heard his music sincesmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1716


This thread almost slipped off the screen againsmiley - wah

I saw a movie on TV recently, that was filmed here in the UK in the 60s. I was amazed to see just how few cars and people on the streets there was at that timesmiley - ok (amongst other thingssmiley - erm)
I think the population must be 8 times that nowsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1717


I bought a book last year,it was written by someone local,and gave an account of the "old"area of the city,where i was brought up.
It was full of pictures of the streets that were demolished in the 60's(to make way for tower blocks).There was one picture that had just one car in the whole street,must have been 4 inch of snow,and there was mums shop,right in front of me!Wow,did that bring back some memories!!smiley - biggrin

memory lane

Post 1718

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - wow That is so wonderful smurfles! >>
Your Moms old shop in the book!smiley - love

memory lane

Post 1719


It was nice abbi.just to be able to show my children where i was brought up,and the place that we'd told them about so often.
I lent the book to a friend,and i've asked for it back a few times,but so far........well,you can guess i'm suresmiley - sadface.

memory lane

Post 1720


I have a photo of the street where I was brought up before it was changed!
Its funny as I look at it every day knowing that I will never see it againsmiley - erm I have no intentions of ever going back there, too many memories.
Funny thing, I was going through my page on here today, and just realised how long I have been on H2! and all the stuff I have written over the years. One of them even finished up in the Underguide? dont know how it managed thatsmiley - laugh
I have made so many friends since coming in here, so I will carry on churning out the Snippets for the time beingsmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

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