This is the Message Centre for smurfles

memory lane

Post 1761

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I love it that the roses have come back stronger than ever smudger!
I have heard so many stories of angry people trying to kill plants, only later they are twice as big and beautiful!smiley - magic

memory lane

Post 1762


I was just thinking while reading this thread, about how long I have been on this site, and about all the folk who have come and gonesmiley - erm

I recall we used to have a fair crowd of us all nattering away about different things. Still its good to know that there are a few of us early pioneers leftsmiley - laugh
Who can sit on their rocking chairs on the porch and tell their G/kids all about the early days of H2smiley - laugh

Ah! yes, I hear you say, those were the dayssmiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1763


Hi again smudger,my grandchildren already know about h2,and some of the lovely people i chat to.smiley - smiley
I'm usually on here when they arrive in the mornings during the school holidays,,and i've told them all about websailors badgers too!!!

memory lane

Post 1764


That's smiley - cool Smurfles as maybe they might grow up to be H2ers as wellsmiley - laugh We could do with an increase in our numbers, smiley - erm well in this part at leastsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1765

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

That is a nice thought smudger.
There are several parent-child subscribers and extended family(cousins et)

I am not aware of any sets of 3 generations of family but I bet there could be now! Might be fun to ask on one of the forumssmiley - smiley

I have run across people from 13 to 77 are on this site.

memory lane

Post 1766


Well that's a well varied ago group Abbismiley - laugh
There is a bloke on that Ex service site I use who is 74 yrs old! He got his first computer when he was 70! His grandson kept his PC in his house so that he could do his homework in peace, and his G/dad started to show interest in itsmiley - cool

In the end his son gave him a lap-top of his own, as his G/son couldn't get on his own PC!smiley - laugh He is now a PC boffin, as he has learnt a lot from taking PC lessons on-linesmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1767

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

*waits for smurfles return*

Happy Homecoming smurfles!smiley - smiley

memory lane

Post 1768


I was watchin an old movie on TV recently, and saw something I had totally forgot about? Does anyone else remember thos chocolate machines we used to have at railway stations?
You know the ones where you could buy that Frys Chocolate Cream bars!smiley - ok
or that one with the picture of the three little boys on it (3 boys) I think thats what it was calledsmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
BTW, welcome back Smurfles!
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1769


Hi all.what a lovely welcome home abbi,thank you,and smudger too.smiley - hug
Smudger,,it was called five boys chocolate,and it was in a red and white wrapper with boys pictures on it...not bad to say i can only just remember what i did yesterday!!!!!

memory lane

Post 1770


Ah! so you admit to remembering that then!smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

Its funny how things just go out of your mind altogether, then when you see it on an old movie, you suddenly remember itsmiley - ok

There is a lot to be said for the "old days" as we call them, little things like folk getting on with their neighbours, even helping them out at times. These days, its nothing like that at all?
smiley - sadface
In fact, most people these days don't even show any respect their neighbourssmiley - erm Its really sad, but a fact of modern lifesmiley - sadface
There is a group of 10 year olds around us, who are utterly terrorising the neighborhood, and no one, not even the police, can stop them! Its all down to this political correctness and human rights
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1771

Sho - employed again!

can I be rude and smiley - book so I can come back later and read the backlog. Thanks to Abbi for the link from that other thread.

memory lane

Post 1772

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I personally do not think it's rude if you say you want to come back.
I am sure smurfles feels the same way!
So Welcome!smiley - biggrin

Hi Smurfles
I pointed Osh here on another thread about the good old days.
smiley - laugh I cannot spell the word used or I would tell you the title!

memory lane

Post 1773

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I personally do not think it's rude smiley - bookif you say you want to come back.
I am sure smurfles feels the same way.
So Welcome!smiley - biggrin

Hi Smurfles
I pointed Osh here on another thread about the good old days.
smiley - laugh I cannot spell the word used or I would tell you the title!

memory lane

Post 1774

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

F135418?thread=1307195 thread in reference smiley - ok

Ooops I'm a repeatersmiley - erm

memory lane

Post 1775

Sho - employed again!

Nostalgia has started to hit me a lot more now I have children and have started to show them photos of our family from my childhood and before.

and the worrying thing is not that sort of morbid sense of my own mortality that it brings (although that is bad enough) it's the worry that they won't look back on their childhood with similar nostalgia.

Right, I've got coffee and chocolate. I'm off to read the backlog.

memory lane

Post 1776


Hi abbi,thanks for sending someone to read the thread.smiley - hug
Im always pleased when people add their memories,and it usually spurs the rest of us on to recall things we haven't posted yet!!!smiley - applause
Hope you enjoy the backlog "osh",feel free to add to it...please!!!

memory lane

Post 1777

Sho - employed again!

Flaming Norah! you lot could have warned me.... over 1,000 posts there.

smiley - laugh

I have some lovely memories of the time when I was about 6 or 7 and my borther about 3 or 4. My dad used to take us on long walks in the woods (probably only about 2 hours, but you know how time is for little kids). He used to cut each of us a walking stick, and we'd go around for ages.

Recently he told me that the "woods" weren't that big at all, situated as they were in and around the ranges by Sandhurst. He knew them like the back of his hand.

Sometimes there would be big half dried up puddles of mud, and he would say it was a bog and that we would get sucked under if we stepped in it (didn't mention the Dire Warnings my mum had given him if we came home filthy - we didn't have a washing machine then).

And he would regularly produce "soldier" sweeties and Tiffin Chocolate (from Army ration packs, he saved his for us) to keep us going.

As I see the trees turn now, I remember those times and try to do the same for The Gruesome Twosome.

memory lane

Post 1778

Sho - employed again!

Oh and thanks for the welcome.

I'm usually called Sho (some of you know me already) but I'm anagramming for Halloween. Not so easy with a three letter name!

memory lane

Post 1779


Hi sho...i remember tiffin(i think),sometimes my memory gets a little mixed up.Didn't it have little biscuity bits in it???
You brought a thought to my mind....i was five when my dad died,but i just got a mental picture of going to the sweet shop with him on a sunday,after sunday school...i can even see the black painted railings round the steps to the shop!!!!!I must have only been four...

memory lane

Post 1780

Sho - employed again!

That's right - Tiffin chocolate had nuts, raisins and little biscuity things.

It must have been hard losing your dad so young. smiley - hug

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