This is the Message Centre for smurfles

memory lane

Post 1821

Sho - employed again!

welcome to my world!!

We've been girlying up their rooms today. (which means me playing with power tools, so we're all happy)

and now we're eating bread and butter pudding ("traditional" for us at this time of year, but it soooo reminds me of Friday lunchtimes at school - it's almost like being 15 again.

memory lane

Post 1822


Oh! Boy, 15 again! No way for me, I think that time in my life was the worst eversmiley - erm I don't even want to go there.smiley - sadface

Its funny though how little things bring back memories Eh!
Yet at the time, there is so much of it that I have forgotsmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1823


Mmmmmm,don't mind bread and butter pudding at all!!
What reminds me of school dinners....tapioca puddingsmiley - yukit looks like frog spawn!!!
Blancmange....and pink,lumpy custard!!!smiley - smiley
I didn't mind 15 smudger,well not that i remember anyway,but i preffered 17,and 18!!!!smiley - divasmiley - somersault

memory lane

Post 1824

Sho - employed again!

My teenage years were complicated by hating boarding school and because I was away, not knowing anyone of my age at home for the holidays. I read a LOT.

Anyway, here's another one for you. When I was 6 (could have been 5) we lived in Germany. My 6th (or 5th) birthday... must have been 5th come to think of it... was the first day of snow for that winter. And I mean over the knee deep on an adult. I woke up and the whole world was white, just for me.

My mum bought me a sledge, and since we lived on a little hill, I had a fab time sledging up and down all day. (must have been a weekend, or no school bus because of the weather). Then I built a lovely big snowman (well, probably about 2 feet high, since I was so wee then) at the bottom of the hill.

Traipsed around with my sledge, and when I got to the top of the hill, there was my dad and his daft mate Del, fresh from a mess meeting and rather the worse for wear. They commandeered my sledge, bowled down the hill and demolished my smiley - snowman. My mum and Del's wife made them build me a new one. They must have been freezing since they were both in their suits and normal shoes. smiley - laugh

memory lane

Post 1825


Ah! sledging, that brings back memories, I used to drag my kids up to the park to go sledging even if they didn't want to go, as I wanted to go sledging myself and needed them to make it normalsmiley - laugh

I remember kaking each of them a sledge at work when I was a welding instructor. I made them from conduit and other stuff I found in the skip! Trouble was it was a sackable offence to take stuff from the skipssmiley - sadface

I had the second one I made in the boot of my car, where I had forgot to take it out the night before at homesmiley - erm Anyway, I was stopped at the main gate on a spot check, and went to open the boot thinking I was safesmiley - ok

Then when I opened it and saw it theresmiley - wah, but it must have looked reallt good, as the security asked me where I "bought it" from, and let me away on home, after I told him that I didn't know the store as it was my wife that bought itsmiley - erm

Talk about a luck escape Eh!smiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1826

Sho - employed again!

Oh my, what a close shave!!

memory lane

Post 1827


Yea! Sho it was, especially as I was employed as a Subby on a temporary contract, where as the men I was training were going to be full time employees once I had got them through the welding testsmiley - erm

The sledges are still in use, as I gave them away to a couple who had a lot of kids when I left to move away. It seems they were built to last, as it is "their kids" of he ones I gave them to, that are using them now (second generation)smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1828

Sho - employed again!

the other memory I have of my sledge is dragging it up the big hill behnid our flats, which took ages. While I was toiling away the Hausmeister gritted and salted the path at the bottom of the hill. Off I went, head first, only for my metal runners to stop abruptly when they hit the concrete.

I lost 8 teeth, and only about 2 years ago admitted to my mum that I'd been going head first (which she didn't allow then). Of course, she knew all along.

smiley - winkeye

memory lane

Post 1829


Yea! The kids of today still sledge at the same place we did, but they don't build "the run" like we didsmiley - erm

We used to trample a run out on the snow, and no one was allowed to walk up it! We also started a lot further up the hill, right up to the cemetery gates, so by the time we got to the point where they start from these days, we were already going at some speedsmiley - laugh boy we took some riskes when I think of it nowsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1830


I just had to add this!!!
I have recently found my cousin,see journal,after over twenty years,of no contact,and her e-mails are fantastic!!smiley - applause
She married an american soldier,and spent her honeymoon staying with mum and dad.She mailed a couple of days ago about the end of the war,and that she was here,in our city ,joining in the celebrations...together with my mum and dad.She has told me about the street parties,and firworks,and everyone dancing in the streets,something that nobody ever mentioned to me before!!!
It is wonderful talking to her..she has so many memories of life at that time......worthy of resurecting this thread,even if only for a coule of postings!!!!

memory lane

Post 1831


Hey! result Smurflessmiley - applause good for you. It was one of my long lost second cousin's who got in touch with me, in fact he even popped in to to see us when he and his wife were touring Scotlandsmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1832

Sho - employed again!

have you seen the Talking Point thing on the front page (if it's still there) about life back then.

Maybe you could contribute a few anecdotes?

smiley - hug nice to see you both again! it's been a while.

Yesterday I don't know what they were cooking at the canteen at w*rk, but boy it was a strange smell. But reminded me of the built-on bathroom that my grandparents had when I was a small girly.
Made me quite sadly nostalgic smiley - cry

memory lane

Post 1833


I must have a look for that Sho!!
Isn't it funny how "smells" take you back to childhood days!!!
Isaw a programme last week ,and they mentioned "yardleys lavender water" made me smiley - laugh!!II had a bottle of that years ago...i don't remember where it came from !!!!
Did your cousinn remember anything of your parents smudger??My dad died when i was five..i suppose if i had been older i would have heard some of these memories before..but my cousin is 80 she is full of stories about my mum and dad when they were first married...and it's fascinating!!!!I wish she didn't live in America...thank goodness for the internet!!!!

memory lane

Post 1834


Hi Smurfles, no he never any of my family, as we all lived up north, he did however explain to me who my aunt Liz was, as I never did know who she was. Turns out she was my Dads, Dads sistersmiley - ok

I remember her so vividly, she was a real charactersmiley - laugh
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1835


Hi Smurfles, no he never knew any of my family, as we all lived up north, he did however explain to me who my aunt Liz was, as I never did know who she was. Turns out she was my Dads, Dads sistersmiley - ok

I remember her so vividly, she was a real charactersmiley - laugh
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1836


I wish i could remember some of the family!!!
My dad was married twice,so i have a half brother,but he's much older than me,and my cousin is full of stories about when they were children.This family tree stuff can be hard on the brainsmiley - headhurtssmiley - laugh,but just finding my cousin has made it worth it!!!We have met once,when she came for a visit in 1982,but that was SO long ago!!
Oh well...more searching today i think.....smiley - run

memory lane

Post 1837

Sho - employed again!

I come from a large family - I think my Dad is the youngest of around 13 and the oldest of his sisters has died, sadly. But she was around 20 years older than him, I think, so she had a good innings.

When my Grandad was alive he rarely used to talk about his childhood, or youth, but I remember him telling me about courting my Grandma. She was in service up at some big house outside Sheffield. he used to cycle up there (a long way) to see her for about 2 hours on her free days (Once a week I think)

I also remember my dad telling me that until he saw his first banana (he was born in 1939) he didn't actually believe they were real!

I heard that I have an aunt, and some cousins, living not too far away from here (in Holland) but I've never yet felt the urge to visit or get in contact.

memory lane

Post 1838


hi last i got back in here!!smiley - laugh
My mother used to tell us stories about when she was in service as well,and my mother in law still talks about her days in service!!!
I have found details of so many ancestors,and they seemed to either be "in service" or mill workers.It really is interesting.......but SO annoying when i can't find who i'm looking forsmiley - steam

memory lane

Post 1839

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

memory lane

Post 1840


Hello there jim.....thought this had vanished from everyones space ages ago!!!!smiley - laugh

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