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memory lane

Post 1861

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
another memory come back to haunt me lol
one of my emails as fritzed on me, cant get messages, the other as just stopped letting me send thats tw for you, lolsmiley - discojimxx

memory lane

Post 1862


Oh Sho.smiley - laugh i'd forgotten about the time when i was about six,that we went to stay in a was to cheer us up just after my dad had died.We were close to the edge of a cliff,and had gales all night,mum took us home the second day!!!!!
It was awful!!!

Jim..mine are playing up as well....i lost one addy all day last week,but it was smiley - okthe day after.I do hope my others are sending......i'd better check!!smiley - rolleyes

memory lane

Post 1863


Hi Folks, I you are using MSN to send Emails, you can scroll down the the bottom of the page just before you send it, and click on "Save Copy for Sent Folder" That way, you can keep a record of who and where you have sent them tosmiley - cool

If you are using Outlook Express, it does that automatically , as do other Emailerssmiley - ok
I use both, keeping the Hotmail one for Internet use, that way my other account with O/E never gets any spamsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1864

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
smiley - winkeye we dont have convenual emails, they are tv controlled by the company server, i think it was apache8101 at one time.
we have no control on the ones we use, if they go down, thats it, till tw wakes up.
hi sal
you got the special, i got the reply so 4 ok, jimxxx

memory lane

Post 1865


Ah! OK then, I thought your meant computer Emailssmiley - ok

BTW I am really running low on stories for my Snippets for smiley - thepost any ideas you may have would be appreciatedsmiley - cool
I seem to have covered my life story, plus a few fictional onessmiley - erm
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1866

Sho - employed again!

first time I took the Gruesomes camping, 2 years ago, smiley - chef was working, so we went to a place very close to where we live. Everyone else was in a caravan, most of them on permanent plots. smiley - chef came along to help me put up the new tent, and then left. We pottered around cooking, and going for a walk in the woods. In the evening we played some board games inside because it was raining.

I put my notebook and my mobile phone in the car - it was an Aldi tent and I had no idea how good it would be, and I didn't want to get those things wet. Well it rained. And rained. Then came thunder and lightning, and bucketloads of rain. The Gruesomes came into my sleeping part, and we told stories and stuff. About 6am it stopped and we went to sleep (actually, they fell asleep durig the storm)

at about 8:30 the next morning I awoke to the sound of the outside zip opening and thought we were being burgled. But it was smiley - chef who had been trying to call me most of the night,worried about the girls. Which was a bit silly, as he knew I picked a campsite close to home so that I could bring them home if it got bad!

The caravan people were most impressed with my hardy Gruesomes - the trick was that we had bought tinned ravioli, which I would never normally buy, and they were really looking forward to eating it!

memory lane

Post 1867

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
you could write something on the navy and the way they grbbbed(preeganged) the men in pubs half cut, to the navy you whwer part of to the present day, just athoughtsmiley - discojim
our how the torpedo was invented in 1889, but was just a model, named after the torpedo fish.for this you put,(the inventer of the torpedo) in your google

memory lane

Post 1868

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

sumdger,the first, nearest thing to a torpedo was used in the first submarine called the huntley in the american, yanks, confed war.its first and last trip,was lost after siking a blockade ship

memory lane

Post 1869


Hi allsmiley - hugs
Sho,you are a brave ladysmiley - applause
I'm afraid i like my comforts too much to put myself through sleeping in a tent..much less in a thunderstormsmiley - laugh
My daughter is away camping at the moment,with her three girls,and a dozen or so girl guides,and three or four other adults!!!
She rang yesterday,and had been climbing....and it had rained all day!!!
I'm assuming you go further afield now????
The caravan holiday was the last one we had until i was sixteen,when i went to the coast for a week with my friend and her a boarding house!!smiley - winkeye

memory lane

Post 1870

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i remeber that i hate caravans,
if the weathers is ok, then its no problem, but if its raining, then nooo way, im a light sleper, and a night in a caravan or tenet, in the rain, would send me dolaly.lolsmiley - smileysmiley - discojimx

memory lane

Post 1871

Sho - employed again!

I was in the Army, as was my dad - camping is in the blood!

I'm not sure I'm brave enough to go with Girl Guides though.

The boarding house holiday... hmmmm when I was about 7 we went to a boarding house in Scarborough. Me, my brother and my mum went up from Windsor on the train (a very complicated journey and probaby very stressful for my mum - we didn't have a car and my dad was away as usual) and my grandma came over from Sheffield on the train (or coach). We stayed in a boarding house about 2 minutes walk away from the South Beach. I remember the beach every day, especially the time my brother lost a toenail, and eating waffles with cranberries and cream every day. This was back when the sand at Scarborough was golden, not black as it looks now.

How did you like the boarding house? I don't remember much about ours at all.

memory lane

Post 1872

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
i remeber in the 70.s i went to the seaside,for a day out, and like most people i went on the pier,thats when i realised i was terrifed of large expances of water.i froze, and someone had to walk me off the thing, when i met sheryl in blackpool, we met on the peir, and i was shaking so much i couldnt wait to get back on the mile lolsmiley - discojimxx

memory lane

Post 1873

Sho - employed again!

goodness smiley - yikes that must have been scary!

I discovered that I hate candyfloss. Even the thought of putting that stuff near my cake-hole makes me shiver.

On bank-holidays, when we used to get away from (boarding) school, my grandparents often took me (and my bro) on day trips, on the coach of course, to Blackpool or York. Blackpool was great. We used to have lunch in one of the back-street fish 'n' chip "restaurants" - you know the type? A pile of sliced white bread on the table, and a big slab of buter, and endless refills of the teapot. We would have fish, chips and mushy peas with about a gallon of vinegar, with Custard pie (tart?) for afterwards.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh getting nostalgic _and_ hungry now!

memory lane

Post 1874

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

the most ironic fear i have is needles,
what makes it scary is i have angina,and at sometime in the future(i hope) i might have to visit the hospital.the thought even sends shivers down my spine.

memory lane

Post 1875


Hi Folks, Thanks for the ideas, I would have to research that torpedo one, and I am not all that good at thatsmiley - erm I seem to have covered all my adventures in the Navy, mind you it seems a lifetime ago now, so I have probably forgotten some of themsmiley - laugh

I did the film about the very first torpedo and submarine during the American civil war, it was a bit sad in the endsmiley - erm
Ah! well, I will think of something when the time comessmiley - oksmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1876

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
the first torpedo you will find was a toy, non active,i thik it was whitehead that sort of made it(put the inventer of the torpedo)in your google and you will find it dated 1889.i think
the reason i looked it up was after watching the film, the huntley, something didnt sound right,when a sailer on the blockage ship, said something like, quote, there is a torpedo type thing heading for us,unquote.or something like that.
so i looked to see when the first one was invented or named and 1889 came up.smiley - discojim

memory lane

Post 1877


Morning all!!
If we had a bank holiday day out it was usually to blackpoolsmiley - laugh
there was only mum, me and my sister,and we always had smiley - fishand chips too!!!!
I love candy floss,and if there's a fair on locally the grandchildren bring me a bag of it,but i can undertand anyone not liking's an odd texture!!!!

I loved brid when we stayed there,and as for the boarding house...we were in the "attic",but it was an adventure for me...first time i'd been away from homefor more than a day!!!!!
I do remember all the stairs's a good job i don't have to do them nowsmiley - puff

memory lane

Post 1878


Oh way would i have been able to go on the piersmiley - yuk
I don't do spaces either,i supposethats something to do wth the agrophobia.....and it brings on the vertigo if i'm in an open space like that.
I don't like been near water either...but i can't swimsmiley - sadface
Needles don't worry me..i've had so many for my arthritis,and they're horrible!!!!

memory lane

Post 1879

Sho - employed again!

something that brings back memories of childhood for me (because I'm doing it right now and it reminded me) is the smell of rice cooking.

No idea why, but it meant that my mum was most likely making Indian food for dinner. We loved it, but when I had a schoolfriend over for dnner (or tea as they often called it) I almost had to beg her to make something 'normal' that they would eat (like sausages and mash)

Even then they thought we were odd because we had everything on the table and served ourselves. When I went to other people's houses I thought it odd that everything was dished up onto the plates in the kitchen.

memory lane

Post 1880


Isn't it odd Sho...when we talk about mum my girls always mention the rice puddings she used to makesmiley - smiley,and the smell in the kitchen while it was cooking!!
Come to think of it we only had food served in dishes on the table on special occsions,or when we had guestssmiley - weird.
Christmas was the main event for the "tureens" coming out!!!

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