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memory lane

Post 1841

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal
you can always find a message in the more conversations below the main messages,smiley - discojimxxxx
dont think anyone will surface, just been reading back, but you never know smiley - disco

memory lane

Post 1842

Sho - employed again!

as if we'd let it go!!

my Gruesomes are just back from a 2 week visit to their grandparents in England, and now just about every other sentence begins with "in the olden days, you know, when you were a little girl..."

smiley - laugh

obviously my mum has been filling them in with the family history

memory lane

Post 1843

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

have you read any of the old entries,lol
this thread was a real eye opener to the past(the good old days)
im 58 so ive a lot of old days under the bridge lolsmiley - discojim

memory lane

Post 1844


Hi there !!!
I hope the children enjoyed their holiday sho.
My grandchildren ask regularly about the olden days,but the youngest one amazed me yesterday.We were talking about the family tree,which i haven't posted to for a while(reminder to me)and i told her that some ancestors came here from Ireland in the 1800's(not that i remember them ,of course),and she said"they must have come over because of the potato famine nan"!!!
History ws never one of my strong subjects....but now i know when the potato famine was!!!!'re older than mesmiley - applause i aren't 58 until next week..that's why you remember further back than i dosmiley - weirdsmiley - laugh

memory lane

Post 1845

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal
just been starting another memory, as far back as 2004,lol
the war guide as been seen by a simon58,the frank cooney was his great uncle.
just been to the library to copy the sheets i have.
im 59 in october lol,30th.smiley - discojmxx

memory lane

Post 1846


Aye! it was a surprise to see this thread brought back to life againsmiley - cool
I wonder how many of us are left from when it first startedsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1847

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smuger you can blame me for bringing life back,
i bookmarked it to my space, to see what i and others had wrote in the year or more we where on the thread.
to be honest the sso and crash, wiped a lot off,
smiley - discojim

memory lane

Post 1848


Hi Jim, I never knew you could bookmark pages, its just sites that I bookmarksmiley - ok
Mind you I have stacks of them now, with all my favourite sites that I go to all the time. I dont spend so much time on this one as I used to, maybe that is why I have fell out of the main streamsmiley - erm
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1849

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
its a way of moving a lost thread back to the top of the message list ie
can be anything ie -=+
but smiley - bookmark>seems more logical
smiley - discojim

memory lane

Post 1850


Yea I never knew what "bookmark" meant until I changed over to Firefox web browsersmiley - ok
It was always called "favourites" when I used O/Expresssmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1851

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
on a thread you dont need a bookmark as such, all you need to do, if the thread is still active is to click the last time you sent a message, and read the thread from there, but with this i had to go back in the older ones to find the thread to reactivate.
here,s a new memory,
i wish i could remember the last time when i went to town and could get from the centre to the top shops without having to stop and sit down at least once.smiley - discojim

memory lane

Post 1852


I can remember the last time went into was 15 year ago.....apart frp when i ws still ging to work,and that was almost 11 year ago.I can't shop in our town centre anymore.....we go to the flat,indoor shopping malls nowsmiley - sadface
We were talking about going shopping last week,and the grandchildren couldn't believe i used to go with my friends,,,with rollers in my hair and a head scarf on!!!!smiley - yikes
Even I can't believe it now!!!smiley - laughWhat must we have looked like!!smiley - weird

memory lane

Post 1853

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal

im getting stuff for the ww2 two one and for kat

the memories are returning lol jimxx

memory lane

Post 1854


Yea! when we go up to the precinct either in Glenrothes or Kirkcaldy, we get one of those Mobility scooters out from that mobility scheme, that we signed up tosmiley - cool

Its really great, as we can spend the day driving round all the shops, as its a big place and we could never walk itsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

memory lane

Post 1855

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger
not to the scooter stage yet, but getting up town walking is getting harder, i,ll have to get a bus from town interchange and get off at the top end and then work down to the center,lol
sa call from a simon58,last night brought back a memeory from 2004
i wrote a guide A22282113 on a missing plane in 1944,re my mate/neibour.and a simon58 found it and contacted me,that the person the guide was mainly about was his great uncle.
we spoke on the phone from 9pm till 11-30pm last night(i have a thing called)talk unlimited.
so it brought back the memories of the 8 months or so of resaech i did for the even something that was a memory back in 2004 is now something that as brought joy to a family memeber smiley - discojim

memory lane

Post 1856

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.


memory lane

Post 1857


WOW!!!! i remember all the work you put into researching for that jim.....How nice that someone related got in touchsmiley - biggrin
I am still doing family tree research,although some of the ancestors are proving elusive.It gives me areal buzz when i find one of them though!!!!!smiley - laugh

SMudger.....i've never "borrowed" one of the scooters when we go shopping,i just use the wheelchair....i have a scooter at home,but i don't think i'd be safe let loose in crowds!!!

memory lane

Post 1858

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal

im at the lib now, ive found the site raf command forum,but there as been no followups to the original messages two yr back

ive printed the entries me and a lady linzeeww2 put up for simon58

only ten mins left, have to gosmiley - discojimxx

memory lane

Post 1859


Aye! there is no age limit for "scooter users"smiley - laugh I am 55 and Mk2 is 53, smiley - ok We only signed up for the mobility scheme as its handy for us when we ever do get outsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1860

Sho - employed again!

back from camping
and every morning, coming out of the tent, or running to the loo in the middle of the night, clutching a torch, reminds me of when I were a lass
(I'm 42 so not that long ago...)

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