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memory lane

Post 1481


I was only six......just started school thensmiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeyei remember it though!!!

memory lane

Post 1482


Its funny how music, fashion or even a smell, can bring back a memory that happened years earliersmiley - laugh

Ah! yes, I remember life before the dreaded tights were inventedsmiley - winkeyesmiley - blush!!!! they were the dayssmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger

memory lane

Post 1483

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

OH yes smell is a powerful trigger indeed.
That is part of why comfort foods are so powerfulsmiley - wizard

memory lane

Post 1484

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evening folk....
tights... lol.... if you can imagine a robbers face with a stocking over it, well just think how your bum must look in tights... smiley - rofl

i love the smell of lavender, always relaxes me.... smiley - love

memory lane

Post 1485


evening all..i have some lovely scents in the garden,,,i have herbs in tubs,and they are relaxing.i have rosemary,which reminds me of london,because that was the first time i tried it,and i have mint,and lemon thyme,and lavender in the rockery.In the front gnt garden i have evening primrose....that smells wonderful!!!Best of all i like the smell of the grass when it's just rained..smiley - hugs all round!!

memory lane

Post 1486

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evening sal... smiley - hug

i like the smell of grass but it makes me sneeze... hay fever... smiley - wahsmiley - laugh

i have lavender and rosemary in tubs in the back garden.... rosemary signifies rememberance... so really it should remind you of something... smiley - smiley

memory lane

Post 1487

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Smurfles you have many of the fragant plants I want to have outside my new windowssmiley - fairy

memory lane

Post 1488

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Fragrant ones toosmiley - winkeye

memory lane

Post 1489


Hi there everyone
I have herbs in my garden right by my bench were i sit in the evening ( weather permitting)and the honeysuckle has realy done well this year,its wonderfull out there anytime,but at night i find it so peacefull and relaxing.I love the smell of the sea too,and a baby thats just been bathed and powdered,,,,,

memory lane

Post 1490


I love the smell of the garden just after a down pour of rainsmiley - ok

We have a large bush in our garden, I dont know what it is, but it smell great after a soakingsmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1491

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

freshly baked bread.... mmmmmmmmmm....

memory lane

Post 1492


smiley - smileyAnd fresh ground coffee!!!!!
just as an after thought,has anyone got a buglia(sp?) bush.They attract all the butterflies,my friend had one , and it was beautiful.
san,i love honeysuckle too,but don't have one planted yet.i lost the last one ,think it was in the wrong place!smiley - sadface

memory lane

Post 1493


Morning sal

I have a buddleir(?SP)friend from work gave me a cutting last year,its been lovely.i have gor climbing roses in with honeysuckle,so you can imagin the smell that i get,only thing is this year the snails like them too,did'nt know they could climb so high,just go out at night and pick them off,

memory lane

Post 1494

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Oh how lovely Misty!smiley - bigeyes

memory lane

Post 1495


Hi abbi
How are you,

My daughter often buys me miniture roses in pots for the house on special occasions,but instead of throwing them away when thay get past their best i have been replanting them outside in my patio tubs,i now have several,diferent colours,they are all growing well and into larger sizes,it is a lovely memory kept going, every time i sit on my bench and look at them i can think back to the time Kerry gave them to me

memory lane

Post 1496

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evening folks....
san, sounds lovely hun... i'm not green fingered meself but do love the fragrance of flowers, not much good for my hayfever tho'... smiley - wahsmiley - laugh
still what's a sneeze now and then... smiley - biggrin

hope everyone is well out there... smiley - hugs all round....

memory lane

Post 1497


Hey! that was closesmiley - erm
this thread almost went off the screen altogethersmiley - sadface

Its been going for so long as well, (as long as I can remembersmiley - laugh)smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1498

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

must ya sneak up on a body smudger... smiley - rofl
how is everyone.... anyone.....

memory lane

Post 1499

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Misty I love your memory garden ideasmiley - smiley
I wondered about those miniature roses they are so sweet,nice to know they can continue outside!

I have a mothers garden that has all things from the Moms.
Friendship garden has starts and favorites of friends.
Then there is a memorial garden for those whom have passed on.
Still waiting and collecting for my fairy garden.

memory lane

Post 1500


OOPS! smiley - sorry PM, didnt mean to frighten yousmiley - erm
Just didnt want the thread to drift awaysmiley - ok

Abbi, speaking of roses, I have 4 large bushes to trim this year, coz they are far too highsmiley - laugh even taller than mesmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

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