This is the Message Centre for smurfles

memory lane

Post 1541


Hey!thats smiley - weird Abbi, coz Ive been getting some smiley - bleep headaches recently as wellsmiley - erm
Yep! Im still on Tramamdol pain killers, going to see my doctor soon, maybe he can help me with the weight prob as wellsmiley - ok

Did any one else see that film last night? about the house wife in America who launched a campain against "weirdos" on the web, contacting yongsterssmiley - erm
It was really good, but scary in a way! especially for the youngsterssmiley - ermsmiley - oksmiley - cool
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1542

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

The particualr headache was different from my neck ones or migraine ones. After stopping the medication my headaches and stomach were fine after 3 days and have remained so. Those two symptoms were causing as much trouble as the reson I was taking it. I had bad headaches and stomach troubles so I refused to take it any more because I could not afford to lose any more weight. That can give you headches too!smiley - ill

I hope there is a simple soultion or alternative to your issues smiley - goodluck

memory lane

Post 1543


Well Im glad it all worked out for you Abbismiley - ok
I hope the doc can fix me up as wellsmiley - erm

Its weird when you think back to all the things you used to be able to do, then to realise that you just cant do them any moresmiley - wah

Ah! well, I still have the memories (back on threadsmiley - laugh)and at least I can still do some things, which I should be gratful for Eh!smiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1544

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi abbi... smudger...
i've been getting a few "niggly" headaches of late.. just put it down to my sinuses being blocked with this sniffly cold...
i used to take tramodol smudger years ago.. they worked fine at the start then started to make me feel sickly, a sort of "sea sickness" feeling, so the doc had to change them.. i'm funny with medication, not much suits me... been on allsorts but it either makes me sickly, upsets me stomach or aggrivates me asthma... at the mo. i'm back on the old co-proxamol (distalgesics)...
think we all need putting in a bag and shakin' up... smiley - laugh

memory lane

Post 1545


good evening everyone.e.smiley - hugs!!
i see seem to be visiting less and less,but hopefully things are improving here,so i might have some time to myself.My mother is back home now,and has been quiet today,and tired,but it's been a hard day for her,the traveling in the ambulance tires her,and scares her as well.
I hope everyone's feeling brighter......i still maintain we need lots of sunshine to cheer us us up,looks like we've a long wait ahead of us us!!!!

memory lane

Post 1546

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

evening sal... smiley - hugs for you and your mam... hope she soon settles back home and makes a good recovery...
i agree luv... we need the sunshine... think i'll get up a petition... smiley - laugh

smiley - tea for you sal... smiley - love

memory lane

Post 1547

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Glad the transfer is over Smurfles and hope you can relax and get some rest or recreation in soon.
It has been a long road for you getting through the past 2 months or so.

memory lane

Post 1548


Good morning,and thank you to everyone for their good wishes.smiley - hug.I am amazed at the patience the staff have in the hospital where she was,nothing was too much trouble le for them.
I was prescribed co-proxamol for years sheryl.then they changed them,and i get paracetomol now,but i try not to take them unless i'm forced,they tend to make me a bit ""wooly headed",and i can feel like that without any medication!!!!
Did someone start that petition....the sun's shining here smiley - applause!!!!

memory lane

Post 1549


Hey! we had a bit of sunshine as well today?smiley - ok
I even had a smiley - tea and a smoke at the open front doorsmiley - cool

Reckon I will get my meds changed when I see the doc next week, shame really as I was starting to feel better. As someone siad earlier, sometimes the meds make you feel worse than the original painsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1550


HELLO everyone how are you all ? have you had a good weekend ? smiley - love D xx

memory lane

Post 1551


Hi there doris,hope you're feeling better love.
Had a hectic weekend,and it looks like a hectic week is looming againsmiley - yawn..I have to visit my mother today,she has been i hospital after a fall,and had a hip replacement,but is back home now.Chat to you son,lovely to see you back!!!smiley - hugxx

memory lane

Post 1552

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hope you had a good visit and your mom is comfy smurflessmiley - smiley
You have been on overload for a while nowsmiley - sadface
I hope you have some time to enjoy yourself soon, you'll probably need a rest first!

memory lane

Post 1553


Just a quick msg to let you all know I do still make this thread my first port of call whenever I'm around.Hope your all OK xxx Speak soon Love Pinky xxx

memory lane

Post 1554

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

That is nice smiley - smiley
So how are you Pinky?

memory lane

Post 1555


Hi abbi xxx I'm fine thankyou and I hope you are too xxx

memory lane

Post 1556


Ah! Its good to hear from you again Pinkysmiley - ok
The site has been a bit quiet lately? so we are all chuffed you popped insmiley - ok

I was sitting in my chair pulling weeds today, when this old bloke, I say Hello to quite often, walks past. He asked if I wanted some old bush roots dug out of my garden, (which I thought was really nice of him)
So away he goes after a wee chat, and returns 10 mins later with a spade, and dug them all up!smiley - cool

Now he is 70 years old, always wears a suit & tie, and it got me to thinking, here is this nice old chap giving me a hand in the garden, which is a lot more than any of the fit youngsters, (including Mk2s two sons)will ever dosmiley - erm
Just shoes what a crazy world we live in Eh!smiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1557

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

awww smudger... what a wonderful gesture from a wonderful man... deffinitely of the old school eh...
a smiley - hug for your "old boy".... and it seems he's more life than the new

memory lane

Post 1558


what a lovely thing to do smudger...he sounds like a kind,thoughtful person.Maybe he's lonely???You probably made his day,it will have been company for him for a while.Awwwwww!!!!

memory lane

Post 1559


Hi Folkssmiley - biggrin, yep! he was a nice bloke, he was telling me that his wife has that Alscimers (spelling?) and she gets confused at timessmiley - erm

Ive seen them on occasion walking to the local shops, they are a great old couple!smiley - ok

Mk2 in bed again todaysmiley - erm had the doctor out earlier, coz she had a high temparture with a throat infectionsmiley - erm
So Im playing nurse againsmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1560


hi all.smudger,i hope MK2 is soon feeling well again,and back ck winning more £££'s!!!
alzheimers is a terrible thing,your new friend will get a lot of pleasure out of doing something different,and chatting to you.It is very hard dealing with someone on a daily basis,when they have that health problem,so a little respite will do him the world of good.

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