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memory lane

Post 1601


Ah! Life at lastsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

I had gone over to that other site I use there Jazz,
BTW when I saw folk talking about MSN, is that another chat thingy?smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1602

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Sorry Smudger...yes, the Microsoft Network or 1 of its features.

memory lane

Post 1603


I must find out more about that Jazz, as I thought all the chat rooms had been closedsmiley - erm
maybe one day when I get the hang of that I might catch you in theresmiley - cool

BTW, could you keep on eye on my AWOL thread for me, as I might not be able to get back on later, and I dont want it to drop from my pagesmiley - tasmiley - cheerssmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - magicsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1604

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi folks.. smiley - hugs all round..
thought i'd stop by as i've not been around much of late... hope everyone is well... take care.. xxxx

memory lane

Post 1605


hello everyone.don't seem to have had the energy to get round to coming on as much,i really should do something about that.
Just wante to say a big "HELLO" all,nice to see the thread' still on my space.and not half way down a long list of postings.smiley - tato everyone,hope you're all okay.smiley - hug

memory lane

Post 1606


Hi Everyone hope I'm doing my 'bit' to keep this thread as high up your lists as it possibly can be.It does deserve the position I think .Hope your all well.Love Pinky xxx

memory lane

Post 1607


thanks pinky.i think it's me that been neglectful love,ive had a lot to do,and couldnt quite muster the enthusiasm to chat for more than a few minutes at a time.look forward to getting things back to normal soon though!!!!!
smiley - hugs to all.xx

memory lane

Post 1608


I was looking at one of them fashion mags that MK2 gets, and have you noticed how all the fashions and styles from way back are coming back in fashionsmiley - erm

Wish I had kept my bell bottom jeans and shep skin waist coat nowsmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1609


glad i didn't keep my mini skirts smudger.....that would have been a sad reminder of the shape i used to besmiley - sadface!!!

memory lane

Post 1610


Ah! dont worry baout that Smurfles, you can buy a new onesmiley - laugh
after all they will soon be in fashion againsmiley - winkeye

Ive still got a suit that was made to measure for me when I was in Hong Kong 32 years ago!!!!smiley - laugh

Guess what? still fits, and its back in fashionsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1611


good morning all.The clothes i had ten years ago,dont fit me anymore smudger,but that was when i had to finish work,and the years of inactivity,and lack of exercise have contributed to making me a larger lady!!!!!smiley - smiley
The thought of trying to wear anything mini makes mysmiley - headhurts now!!!!

memory lane

Post 1612


Well Im afraid for me it was the oppisitesmiley - erm
When I stopped work I Lost weightsmiley - wah Dr. says its a side effect of depressionsmiley - erm

The most my weight ever changed was when I came home from working in Turkey. I went out 11st 7 lbs (the weight I had always been since my teenage days) and came back only 8st.
It was the disentry that caused itsmiley - erm

Ive never really got it back, as Im still only 9st 5lbssmiley - ermsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1613

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi gang... Just a flying visit through this streaming cold n banging head, so as not to pass it on. smiley - laugh
But does anyone remember "Chefs Square Shaped Soup"...??
"Chefs square shaped soup, taste like a good soup should.." smiley - biggrin

memory lane

Post 1614


Square Soup PM????????smiley - erm
You been on the funny fags againsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

I cant recall that, but I do remember Campbells Condensed soupsmiley - erm
I hated that stuff, much preferred the home made stuffsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1615

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Hi Smudger.. smiley - hug

Chefs was the make of the soup luv.. It was the powdered stuff that you added water to, and it came in a small square box, individuaal servings I think, or maybe you could stretch it to two..

I quite like the condenced stuff, it makes a good cook-in-sauce, especially the chicken and the mushroom variety....

No funny fags, just the crazy

memory lane

Post 1616


WoW! that was close, this thread was almost off the screensmiley - wah
like my AWOL onesmiley - erm

Anyway, today we bought one of those new fibre optic Christmas tresssmiley - cool Saves a lot of worksmiley - winkeye

It got me thinking Way Back to the days when I rememebr my folks lighting candles and hanging them on the tree with wee clips!!

Then they blown out, in case of firesmiley - ok

God I feel old now!!!!!!smiley - wahsmiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1617


dont we all dear ! worse this time of year too i felt realy old yesterday when i was talking to my sister about remembering the man coming to light the old gas lamps and he doubled for the knocker up man to get the men up for their shifts. oh well what is age anyway tis only a number when all said and done in my heart i still feel 20ish just wished my body did too :@( smiley - love d

memory lane

Post 1618


Hi Helene9smiley - laugh
Yep! Im just sitting here playing all my old songs form the 60s that I like so muchsmiley - cool
It amazes me just how much they are used as backround music in these modern filmssmiley - laugh

I can still see myself working away on the beck of our ship on patrol up in the Gulf, rocking away to songs by the Beatles, Bob Dylin, Cream, and many moresmiley - laughsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

memory lane

Post 1619


good morning all,nice to see you!!!!i still feel twenty in my mind doris,especially when the children are around,but like you, my body doesnt agree with my brain.
We have done a lot of reminiscing since mum died,and i've been surprised how many little things i've recalled,and how much i'd forgotten!!!!
I DO remember the christmas tree smudger,one year faling onto my christmas dinner,comlete with pine needles and baubles!!I think that was the last time we were allowed a "real" tree!!!

memory lane

Post 1620


smiley - laughSmurfles, I can just see you all picking pine needels out of your dinner, then tasting the ones you never sawsmiley - wahsmiley - laugh

Funny how a little incident can bring back a vivid memory that you have never before thought about Eh?smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,

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