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The Seville Orange

Post 261


We've now managed to book return flights as well (EasyJet's summer timetable was only released yesterday)

Do we need to book accommodation this early?

The Seville Orange

Post 262


hi Lucky,

Well, if you are interested in the cheapy pension (with shared bathrooms) that are 40 euros for two, or the other one (with bathroom ensuite) for 50-60 euros, those can't be booked until after the new year. If you are interested in the hotel that Teutcher and hubby are staying at, you can probably book that now - I believe that costs about 80 euros a night. Noggin's sister and brother-in-law recently stayed there and said it was lovely. But it all comes down to what you want to pay, of course.

Link for the hotel is:


The Seville Orange

Post 263

You can call me TC

Hubby reckons he can't come, he always needs his weekends for marking and various other jobs. I'd love to come - have never been to the South of Spain. So am bearing it in mind. Will decide after Christmas, when I can clear it with work (I'll need a half day off work at least to make the most of the weekend)

The Seville Orange

Post 264


Hope you can come TC!

The Seville Orange

Post 265


I ditto that hope!

The hotel is fully booked, unfortunately: - they have a wedding on that weekend.

The Seville Orange

Post 266


Hope you can make it too, TC! smiley - smiley

That hotel is fully-booked!!! What a shame - it's soooo charming. Oh well, never fear. I'll find another one, hopefully with a webpage . . .

smiley - run


The Seville Orange

Post 267



I never got further than making an e-mail enquiry with that hotel.

Goody - lots of nice peeps going to Sevilla smiley - smiley

The Seville Orange

Post 268


Oh, thought you'd already booked Teutcher. Well, never mind. I've done a bit of googling but in fact the best thing will be just going out - probably tomorrow - and checking out another hotel or two nearby. As with the pension option, I'll ask to see a room or two before actually recommending it here.


The Seville Orange

Post 269


I'll check out some of those other links you sent me ages ago, Az.

Have just had an e-mail from the airline telling us that our flight on the 27th has been cancelled - so they've put us on one on the 28th instead smiley - biggrin

Don't worry Az - we don't expect you to 'host' us for the best part of a week - we know you've got a living to earn and other stuff to do.

Merry Christmas to you and Noggin smiley - kiss

The Seville Orange

Post 270


Hi Teutcher,

Goodness, 'hosting' people who come to visit is one of my favourite things ever. My main concern is that people shouldn't feel they ever *have* to feel obliged to take part in things I suggest.

I think most people coming are staying longer than the weekend. I know MoG will be here from the 23-28 and blicky thinks he'll be staying on even longer than that.

You kiddin me? - I love it. I think we're all going to have a very nice time.

Being Christmas eve now, Noggin and I send you and yours very heart-felt Merry Christmas wishes. And also to everyone else here.

smiley - holly


The Seville Orange

Post 271

clzoomer- a bit woobly

If I show up it'll all be last minute planning so I'm looking forward to trumping you all with stories of last minute deals. smiley - tongueout

Merry Christmas!

The Seville Orange

Post 272


Oh, I hope you show up, zoomer! smiley - smooch


The Seville Orange

Post 273


This looks like another nice hotel option - the 'hotels-r-us' link said there was up to 60% discounts available. Will stop by the place later on today and check it out.


The Seville Orange

Post 274


Room booked smiley - ok

The Seville Orange

Post 275

You can call me TC

Hey Teuchter, when did you tidy up your "slutty" name tag. I loved it without the closing bracket - thought it was part of the joke.

The Seville Orange

Post 276

You can call me TC

I'm still looking into flights.

The Seville Orange

Post 277


Where did you book, Teutcher?

We stopped by the Marques Santa Ana this morning - it's stunning! smiley - bigeyes And we asked to see a room - also gorgeous! Nice decor (interesting mix of old and new), flat screen tv, fabulous bathroom. Also a couple of computers off the patio on the main floor for internet use. And a buffet breakfast is included.

Their rates are rather pricey (110-140 euros) but the receptionist told me that special offers could be found on the internet through various travel agents. You should be able to find these by googling 'hotel Marques Santa Ana Seville'.

Then a couple of doors down we checked out the Hotel Europa.

They have availability for the weekend of March 24-26 at 80 euros a night including tax. We asked to see a room there too and it was also very nice. The receptionist there told us that closer to the date there will be special offers, though of course it might also end up fully booked.

Both these hotels are located on a quiet little side street about a two minute walk to the cathedral.


The Seville Orange

Post 278


Excellent research there, Azsmiley - cheers

Shall investigate later on tonight.

The Seville Orange

Post 279


Well, the link for the Marques Santa Ana can be found on post 273 - if that wasn't clear before.


The Seville Orange

Post 280


Hi Az, Noggin,

I tried to e-mail you but the message bounced for some reason. Just want to wish you a very happy New Year.

All the Best


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