This is the Message Centre for azahar

The Seville Orange

Post 281


Hi darling Fathom! smiley - smooch

Did you email my personal email account or the h2g2 one?

Best happy new year wishes to you and yours from both of us.

Still thinking about making it to the mini meet? Really hope so.


The Seville Orange

Post 282


Did you get our email to you now, Fathom?


The Seville Orange

Post 283


For those who are interested in booking at the cheap & cheerful pension down the street, I was told they could accept bookings for March as of January 1st.

They told me the nightly rate per person was 20 euros, with shared bathroom (one on each floor). It's a small place, so there won't be a lot of people sharing each bathroom.

Their email address is: pensió[email protected]

The other pensión option - 50 euros for a double room with ensuite bathroom - is the Hostal-Restaurante Monreal. They don't have an email address. Bookings would have to made by telephone. (34) 954 21 4166.

So, I think that covers most options in the neighbourhood. From 20 euros for a single person to 50 or 80 euros and up for double rooms at other hostels/hotels.

If you have any questions about these places, feel free to ask. But I think it is a good idea to book accommodation as soon as possible.


The Seville Orange

Post 284

You can call me TC

I am nearly desperate. The Ryanair option Hahn-Jerez is about the cheapest. Except I have to get to Hahn which is so difficult. Anyway - I'm determined to get there somehow....

The Seville Orange

Post 285


TC, you need to arrive in Jerez before 6pm - otherwise there won't be a connecting train to Seville. Good luck! Really hope you can make it.


The Seville Orange

Post 286


Trains available Jerez-Seville seem to be 6.40, 7.45 and 8.30. But the schedule might change between now and then.

Still, the 7.45 one looks quite hopeful - you'd be in Seville before 9pm and eating tapas by 10.


The Seville Orange

Post 287

You can call me TC

eso me gustaría!

O damn - watch out for smiley - mods

er.. that means: I'd like that.

The Seville Orange

Post 288


Here are some photos Noggin and I took last night of the Christmas lights. Photo 187 shows the Hotel Europa on the left. The Marques Santa Ana is just around the corner, across the street from the building shown in photo 189.

(photos 144-196)


The Seville Orange

Post 289


I can't remember if I posted this link before but it has a lot of good info about Seville (and it's in English!).

Also, some of you staying a bit longer might like to check out the Arab Baths that opened here last year (in the neighbourhood, near the cathedral). I can't remember what it costs - something like 22 euros for an hour and a half? I've never gone but friends say it's fabulous and very relaxing. Apparently you are taken through a series of baths, steam room, etc and then get a short massage at the end. There is also a lovely tea room for after.


The Seville Orange

Post 290

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Az, has anyone mentioned the possibility of a mini-meet in London after yours? It would be very convenient for those who are travelling say...9 time zones to get there...smiley - laugh

The Seville Orange

Post 291

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Make it worth-while...

The Seville Orange

Post 292


hi zoomer,

Well, I know that MoG is going to the UK after here - I think on the 28th. If you are going to be in London after the meet here it should be easy to meet up with a few others (especially those who live in/near London). Perhaps you could try organising a mini meet for the following weekend? Which I notice is April 1st - might be good for a laugh, an April Fool's Day hootoo meet. smiley - biggrin

How long are you planning to be in Seville? Longer than just the weekend, I hope. MoG is coming a couple of days before and I think blicky is staying for the week after, so you'd have other hootoo friends to hang out with. Also, you might be interested in taking a couple of day trips from here (Córdoba, Cádiz - check out photos in my Trips fotki album). As Mudhooks said, make the trip worthwhile. smiley - smiley


The Seville Orange

Post 293

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Ben has graciously offered to organize the logistics of the flow of my travels in the UK after the Seville meetup, and we will definitely be spending a couple days touring London and hopefully meeting with some of the local researchers. I'm not sure whether we were going to do that on the way in or on my way out, but if you're going to be there for a while too, Zoomer, maybe we can coordinate. I'm flying back to the US on Apr.5.

The Seville Orange

Post 294

Mrs Zen

Ah. I am crap crap CRAP at organising logistics. What I have done is booked the entire two and a half weeks off to provide an escort service. As it were. But I am the worst person in the world at organising trips. I can book hotels and tickets and stuff, but I am really bad at picking tourist attractions to see. When I went to Paris I got drunk instead of seeing the Eyeful Tower.

I suggest we get Z on the case, or someone who can organise things.


The Seville Orange

Post 295

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

smiley - laugh
Ben, I use the term 'organize' rather loosely. We'll be fine. smiley - smooch As long as we know where and when we're supposed to meet people the rest will just flow and be faaaaabulous. smiley - zensmiley - bubblysmiley - zen I've been watching for the perfect offer for an in-London hotel, haven't come across anything stellar on Travelzoo yet. I guess we should start thinking about the Wheres and Whens over the next week so we can give Z some guidelines to work with in his function of Organizational Guru and Maestro of Fine Details. (dontcha love how I bestow titles and job descriptions without making sure people actually *want* the job? smiley - winkeye)

I'm in a flight-booking mode, just got the NY branch of my expedition nailed down. Now onto the Seville leg. Is your itinerary still confirmed, or did they change it on you? I *definitely* want to fly back with y'all, am still partial to going direct from Heathrow so I can de-jetlag before things get busy.

Does anyone have suggestions for websites offering discount tickets over yonder or am I just best to go through British Airways and take whatever price they give me?

The Seville Orange

Post 296

Sho - employed again!

just in case... when is the meet? You never know...

The Seville Orange

Post 297


March 24-26th.

The confirmed list so far is:

Teutcher & Mr T
Ben & Z
Lucky & Dai

It would be great if you could make it, Sho.


The Seville Orange

Post 298

Sho - employed again!

I'm working on it...

oh no... you didn't tell Blicky what I said, did you? smiley - blush

The Seville Orange

Post 299


What was that, Sho? About him being scrumptiously gorgeous? No, don't worry, didn't say a word . . . smiley - winkeye


The Seville Orange

Post 300

Sho - employed again!

smiley - rofl
I think I remember using the words, "on the eye" and "easy"

smiley - blush

well... it is true.

*digs hole and hides*

Blicky, I know you're out there...

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