This is the Message Centre for azahar

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 41

Ragged Dragon


You can use the purple cape ones - I'd forgotten you had those smiley - smiley

They are already on the web, somewhere, and they are not particularly recognisable smiley - smiley


hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 42


smiley - ok Jez,

Shall I only use the ones where your face is turned away? There is one of you in the 'arch' where you can see your face from the side. Let me know.


hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 43

Ragged Dragon


I don't mind - like I say, it's a fairly innocuous selection - and Arthur is far more recognisable than I am smiley - smiley


hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 44

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

It's looking good so far az! smiley - ok Great idea.

I hope the sticky downloads don't frustrate you too much. smiley - cheers It seems the data is in there because the captions show up, but maybe the server can't handle the volume.

Those little 'x's in the boxes are a default display when a picture or graphic fails to display. As you saw a couple of days ago, my own page of Santa pics at h2g2 has three pics and often one, two or all three only display the 'x' box. But they are there. They just don't show up when the server is busy.

So who's this Jane Austin chick smiley - drool and does she always only half wear her coat or did you catch her coming in or going out?

Noggin has more Dalmation and Bloodhound than I expected but his calm and calming demeanour is true to his online character.

I hope when mine is visible it will prove to be a true 'realisation' of what people imagine.

smiley - biggrin

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 45


hi jwf,

Wow, you haven't yet seen Jane looking all elegant and sexy (the second photo) and you're already drooling? smiley - biggrin

Thing is, I have never had this problem before. When I made the cat album I uploaded about 90 photos in one afternoon and all of them showed up. And when I first uploaded the h2g2 album everyone also showed up, but then I moved things around a bit (not enough girls, tried to balance it out) and that's when photos started not appearing.


Yeah right, smiley - winkeye


hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 46

Noggin the Nog

More like an Airedale, I thought. It's a bit close up, unfortunately. I look better from a distance smiley - winkeye


hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 47

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Isn't it strange how we have conversations and develop friendships with online folks and never know what they look like. You'd think the demand for picture sites would be overwhelming. (Maybe it is, what do I know, I never crawl out from under my hootoo rock.)

I have to confess that a few of the first h2g2meetup picture files I saw left me shocked and stunned. I knew from experience that realisation is often not what was imagined and a sense of disappointment ensues. But when I caught my first glimpses of h2g2 stars and giants I was agog. None of the people were the giants and gods I had imagined them to be. They were just plain folks. Many younger than I had imagined and most paler and smaller than gods, but definitely more animated than the average geek one sometimes sees scurrying to the shops.
smiley - biggrin
This shocking revelation tempered my expectations and I have since nurtured a more generous and realistic expectation of people's appearance.

So I am curious to see what people will say about this collection. Many of the people will be (like zoomer and I) from distant parts who might never get to a meet up. And unlike the real life meet ups there will be no chance to get used to each other's appearance as the beer soaks in. (Unless you put up a warning that people should get drunk before, during and after viewing.)

It will be interesting to see if people comment on each other's appearance. In real life they might, but online people tend not to create controversy or pass judgements, especially based on two dimensional representations of four and five dimensional souls.

But I must say, your picture is a pleasant surprise. smiley - ok
You must feel quite at liberty in your Spanish environment and often pass as a local. While I would stand out as a typical 'pale-faced, old, overweight "American" white male', you look like part of your environment.

This is partly due I'm sure to living there and absorbing that wonderful sunlight but it also compliments your 'natural' appearance and brings out that 1/8th (or was it 1/4 ?) of your heritage that ain't pale white. Did I hear you once say you were doing some of that Moroccan belly dancing?

smiley - evilgrin

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 48

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> It's a bit close up.. <<

smiley - cheers
Yes, thank you.
smiley - doh That's what I was really thinking.

Anyone who has ever tried to snap a photo of their pet has probably experienced that they either run off, roll over or stick their noses right up to the lens just as you click the shutter. It's what they do, they are just being curious and sniffing the magic box.

In this case the camera came too close to you and you were obviously being patient and politely hiding your concern that camera optics are such that at close range there is a bit of a fun-house mirror or fish-eye lens effect. smiley - dog

cl zoomer is a professional videographer and could probably explain the technical thing that happens when a camera gets to close to a subject and distorts the perspective. In any case, glad you took no offense at my comment. I was confident you wouldn't because your nose looked wet and your tail was obviously wagging.

smiley - biggrin

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 49

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Obviously pictures of jwf and myself on one page was too much for the server so it's intestines leapt out of it's own body and throttled it.

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - biggrin

Do you really want me to go into a long, boring comment on focal lengths of lenses and aspherical distortion? I don't. I'll just say what I say to students. Too close to lens, bad because of distortion. Medium length from lens good, because of ease of focus. Long length from lens better, because of reduced depth of field. Sounds contradictory but if you think about why, it makes sense.

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 50


hi jwf,

Hmmm, I've never been left shocked or stunned after receiving photos from my hootoo friends. Though I have been surprised by voices.

Meanwhile, I actually don't look Spanish at all. Though sometimes non-Spanish people think so because I usually wear my hair pulled back.

As for belly dancing!!! um, no.

Still wondering if I should *disqualify* your photo . . . smiley - biggrin


hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 51

Researcher 185550

Frustrating with the server eh?

Still, liking the hair, blickybadger!

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 52


There are few good photos of me in existence, I'll try and get the one off my Uni card because that is my favourite photo of me but there's also one of me on a theme park ride which I'm rather fond of, I'll try and get to a scanner tomorrow.
Az, for the first time on hootoo you actually look like what I imagined you to look like, when I've seen photos of everyone else its been very wierd because no-one looks as I expect them to

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 53

logicus tracticus philosophicus

smiley - ermI'm sure noggin and my family had same smiley - milkman

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 54

Researcher 185550

Why do you say that?

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 55

logicus tracticus philosophicus

First glance it looked like me with more weight on.

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 56

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh Ok then.

smiley - erm This post has nothing of substance in it.

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 57


and less hair . . .


hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 58

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Crikey it is pretty interesting putting faces to names; and how people look different from how you expect them to...

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 59

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Yeah smiley - bigeyes I was really surprised by blicky. He's not half as old or black as he claims, nor as tall and overweight as I had imagined based on stories of football riots, beer cosumption and curry eating contests. And he's actually smiling. So azahar's plan is working quite well and I am thankful to put away the mental picture I had of blicky forever. He doesn't look one bit like Idi Amin.
smiley - cheers

hootoo friends photo gallery

Post 60

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Oh and before anyone starts worrying about anything I might say in this thread I will direct your attention to the subject line where the operative word is 'friends'. Any presumptions I make are based on that assumption.
smiley - cheers
zoomer might be right about having two heavy weight canucks that close together. In real life we are 4000 miles apart. Try moving me to page two. There's more room to breathe there.
smiley - biggrin

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