This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 941


He is about to become the *third* hootooer to have met the famous Lua! Such a lucky guy. smiley - smiley



Post 942


az, what time are you two due to meet?/



Post 943


The two of us or the three of us, Alji? Well, actually, it'll be the five of us . . .

smiley - smiley



Post 944


Meanwhile, I'm afraid all this shaved ham and grilled chicken has put Lua off even her favourite paté. I've had to find some other salmon and chicken stuff - bits in sauce (in really eensy tins that cost a fortune) - and she will now sometimes eat that.


I think I'll try shaved chicken breast next.



Post 945

Big Red

Whew, I've just caught up on my three weeks of missed posts. I'm so glad you are still having time with Lua.


Post 946


Me too, Big Red. Thanks. smiley - hug



Post 947


I thought it could have been the humidity or something weather related, that is reassuring to know!

Have a good time all of you!


Post 948

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Hi Az,

Hope Lua is doing well, and gets to meet Nog. Have a great visit, all!



Post 949


hi everyone,

Yes, Noggin has met Lua and the two boys. All is well.

Lua seems quite tranquil at the moment. Breathing is still a bit difficult, but better since the weather has become less oppressive (yes, you were right, Kaz). So she is happily eating her treats and otherwise still having quite a good quality of life.

More days than I could have ever hoped for, so I am always happy for each one. smiley - smiley



Post 950

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Hey az!

How are you doing? Hope that Noggin's visit is going well. Is he seeing all the important sights?


Post 951


Hi Az,

Add my greetings and blessings on you all. May Lua linger to live a lot longer.


Chai \|/

PS I'm emailing you a new photo of me, taken today, smiling this time, because I wasn't worrying about the camera being dropped. Can you delete the last one from the album and replace with this one?


Post 952


It's good to hear that all is well and everyone is havign a good time smiley - smiley


Post 953

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I thought I would share this with you all.

Overflowing Cat Box Blues

Overflowing Cat Box Blues
(Jane Robinson)

First I must mention the lack of attention:
Here I am wasting away. (it's awful)
Why did you get me if you won't pet me
Seventeen hours a day? I ask you
What is this crap when I sit on your lap?
I expect a devoted masseuse;
I got those `Nobody loves me, nobody feeds me
Overflowin' cat box blues.

Now I have grown gaunt from privation and want
But catfood I don't deign to take (how gauche)
But I could connive to completely revive
When you give-a me half of your steak (done rare)
I'll sit and I'll beg with my claws in your leg
Until you concede what I'm due;
I got those `Nobody loves me, nobody feeds me..
Overflowin' cat box blues.

Hey, I don't deserve this lousy door service:
I'm always on the wrong side. You know this
Prancing and yowling, moaning and growling
Works, but it hurts a cat's pride. So I'll just
Claw and I'll spray till the door rots away
And leaves me a hole to pass through;
I got those `Nobody loves me, nobody feeds me...
Overflowin' cat box blues.

Say, whenever I go for the bed or the sofa
You always shoo me away. (How rude!)
You say I get hair on the fabric of chairs
That offends your pristine derriere. Well now if
I can't repose where I want, I suppose, I'll
Throw up where you most like to snooze;
I got those `Nobody loves me, nobody feeds me..
Overflowin' cat box blues.

Well, you ought to know when a cat's got to go
That you owe her a spotless commode. (Let's hear it)
Why should I squat on the same soggy spot
Right on top of three weeks worth of load? Now really!
If I were a grouch I would piss on the couch,
But instead I have pissed in your shoe;
I got those `Nobody loves me, nobody feeds me...
Overflowin' cat box blues.

Since you have spayed me nobody's laid me -
I'm all neurotic and tense - it's true now -
Kneading and mewing is all that I'm doing
And not wooing toms on the fence. Don't think that
I've become bitter because I can't litter
No, but I've lost a few screws;
I got those `Nobody loves me, nobody feeds me
Overflowin' cat box blues.
I got those `Nobody loves me, nobody feeds me
Overflowin' cat box blues.


Post 954


Ab Fab. Thanks so much for sending that. I've copied it and will immediately forward it to my cat-loving friends.


C \|/


Post 955


smiley - ok

And I will too!



Post 956


Thanks from me too, I will forward it to No2 son, who is a guitarist and perhaps he will set it to a 12 bar blues for me smiley - smiley


Post 957

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I got that from here

They have hundreds and hundreds of songs, many "traditional" as the name of the site suggests, but a LOT of parodies, and many with Midi files of the tunes and/or scoring for various instruments.


Post 958

Big Red

smiley - rofl The last verse is definitely the best.


Post 959


Lua update! smiley - smiley

Well, she is stable. Maria had a listen to her lungs this morning and said they are unchanged from a couple of weeks ago. She also said that Lua's heart sounds perfectly healthy. So, this is all good news!

The only problem at the moment is that the tumour has started bleeding again - a lot! So, I just got back from the clinic where Maria gave me a couple of ampoules of adrenaline, which I am to squirt (using a syringe without the needle) onto the tumour when it next bleeds. I watched Maria do this the time we brought Lua in to get the tumour cleaned out and it stopped the bleeding immediately.

Once again I just feel so lucky to have Maria around.

And since Lua's condition is stable and her breathing is more or less okay it does seem like there are still plenty of days with her to enjoy yet. The only noticable difference is that she *is* getting thinner, even though she continues eating like a pig. I guess it's lucky in a way that she had plenty of, um, reserves to use up. But she is no longer 'una bolita con patas' (a little ball with legs).

Anyhow, we are just about to have salmon steaks for lunch so there will be an extra special treat for Lua.

Well, that's all folks!



Post 960

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I only just noticed your remarking way up near the top somewhere that you were going to try Lua on shaved chicken breasts.

I was going to say something along the lines of "I'm glad I don't have to shave my breasts" but decided against it....

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