This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 961


Lua is such a strong cat! I amso glad to hear she is doing well smiley - smiley


Post 962

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Az, glad to hear that things are going fairly well.

Give Lua a little pat for me! smiley - smiley



Post 963


Yes, glad you decided against saying that Mudhooks! smiley - biggrin . Meanwhile, thank you for reminding me about trying the shaved chicken breast option because I'd totally forgotten! Not that Lua has been lacking for treats lately, but it's always fun to find a new one and watch her go nuts.

Meanwhile, what a dunce I am. Woke up to find blood all over the kitchen and bedroom floors and then saw that Lua was still bleeding quite a bit so I decided to try the adrenaline treatment. And so, I cracked open the thingy and got it into the syringe and then squirted the entire contents all over the tumour and held a piece of paper towel against it until it stopped bleeding. Then I thought - dang! - I'd better clean it off again in case Lua ends up licking adrenaline off the tumour, so washed it off with peroxide, at which point it started bleeding again. smiley - erm

Quick call to Maria. I could almost hear her rolling her eyes. Apparently I'm supposed to clean the tumour with peroxide *before* applying *one or two drops* of the adrenaline. Ah well, live and learn.

Thanks for all your good wishes and I will pass on all pats and throw in a few kisses on the head for good measure. smiley - smiley

Right, time to go slaughter Noggin at scrabble (again!) smiley - evilgrin



Post 964

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I don't remember all that much of my organic chemistry, but isn't adrenaline metabolized orally as just a protein, and digested accordingly?

It might not hurt her if she did lick a little of it; better to ask Maria though.

Cheers, and take care, Az



Post 965

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...


High times at Casa del Gatos?


Post 966


Thanks SC, I will ask Maria about that when I see her tomorrow. What you say does make sense, otherwise it really wouldn't be safe to apply adrenaline to a wound like that, I think.

Well, Mudhooks, since Noggin is Guest Gato here we do try and show him a good time. smiley - smiley



Post 967

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Well, give him some shaved chicken and a scratch behind the ear for me....


Post 968

Noggin the Nog



Post 969


Hmmm, it appears that the Guest Gato is getting used to the good life! smiley - winkeye

Meanwhile, went out and bought shaved turkey breast yesterday (couldn't find chicken) - Lua took one sniff of it and walked away in disgust. Oh well, live and learn. It's like when she turned up her nose at the poached chicken breast - so I think she actually does prefer her chicken sauteed in olive oil and garlic. smiley - erm Anyhow, today it's back to shaved ham.

This morning we went out to the market and bought some swordfish steaks which we are going to grill for lunch, so we'll see if Lua likes this (kinda hoping she doesn't like it *too* much as it costs about 15 euros a kilo!).

smiley - smiley

happy happy az


Post 970

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Henry is busy transfixed by a small spider thats just beyond his reach, he's not content with catching all the flie's he's wants all the spiders as well.

Must dash red Dwarfs on


Post 971

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Benjamin, who NEVER seems to like "people food" went nuts over a sardine today....

So now I have something I can "treat" him with.


Post 972


Cassie has developed a taste for cheese on toast!


Post 973


Cheese on toast? smiley - erm None of my cats like cheese, though they all *adore* sardines. In fact, I should have thought of sardines when I was trying to get Lua to take those anti-biotic pills as they usually camouflage any sort of medication very well.

Meanwhile, the other day I made some 'pollo al jerez' which is this: chicken breasts browned in olive oil with the cloves of an entire head of garlic and lots of freshly ground black pepper, then add about a cup of 'manzanilla' (dry white Spanish sherry), cover and let simmer until the chicken is cooked through. Well, can I tell you, Lua went mental over it. I licked off most of the black pepper on her pieces, but you know, the meat was totally permeated with garlic and sherry and olive oil. And she kept coming back for more. So no wonder she finds poached chicken too blasé. The swordfish also went down a treat, but luckily Lua seems just as content with garlicky chicken so I won't have to go bankrupt keeping her in special swordfish treats. smiley - smiley

Lua update. The weather has cooled off the past couple of days and I've noticed that Lua is finding it easier to breathe now. Earlier today I saw her lying next to the open balcony doors with her nose in the air and a look of total pleasure on her face as she took in deep breaths of cool morning air. Also, although the tumour is still bleeding a bit, it isn't as bad as before, so I've not had to do anymore of the adrenaline treatment lately.

So for the moment all is well at Casa de los Gatos. smiley - ok


logicus - happily I don't get many spiders here but all the cats love hunting moths whenever they find their way into the flat. And here is something I've never understood. Everytime there is a moth, say, up near the ceiling, it somehow *always* ends up dead on the floor! Like how? Why? Do the cats hypnotise it down from safety? As for flies, in her youth Lua used to be able to catch flies by clapping them between her two front paws as they flew past. Oh, my Lua! What a girl!


Post 974

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Henry's got it down to fine art, paws mouth, many times one paw,fully stretched like a baseball glove ,soon as cams back will,
let you know and you can see him go silly over catnip.

Re moths cats probhaly hide in dark corner useing eyes as beacons then wait for moth to arrive.


Post 975

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Benjamin was very active last night, running all over the upstairs-- well, really, that is only out of my room and across the hall to my Mom's room and back. I don't know what, if anything, he was chasing. Not mice, apparently, as I found two deceased (1 VERY) in the live trap this morning.

He has taken to catching grasshoppers in the back garden. Since we are over-run with them, it keeps him busy and has the added benefit of culling the herd, so to speak. I keep hoping that the fact that they probably rather tickly on the way down will incourage him to get rid of the hairball he obviously has. He eats grass like a mad thing, but it hasn't done much.

Mind you, it doesn't stop him leaving the little "gifts" on the carpet under the dining room table. Siggggghhhhh.


Post 976

Big Red

Yes, what WAS it about last night? Mars (age 1) also was nuts, racing all over the house, leaping atop Tabitha (the 12-year-old) at least three times, attacking the venetian blinds, knocking things off the desk. When I tried to talk to him and calm him down, his eyes were CRAZY, with huge pupils.


Post 977

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Hmmmm.... very odd.... Anyone else's kitties act up last night?


Post 978

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Benjamin has his own blog:


Post 979

Spaceechik, Typomancer

"Hmmmm.... very odd.... Anyone else's kitties act up last night?"

Rocket went absolutely spare for a piece of grape vine he'd picked out of the trash last night -- leaping and throwing it in the air, for about half an hour -- then did the jet-assisted cat routine!! Missy just got out of his way but watched him race with her ears up. She seemed a bit startled. I KNOW it wasn't a full moon, but....
smiley - huh

Definitely something was on last night...I'm thinking it was aliens.



Post 980


Lua likes her dinner done in garlic then! I didn't think cats would like that! How about sauteed in catnip then? Or is that taking things too far?

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