This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 921


Ah, my correction of my nickname has worked. BTW, meant to say what droolingly gorgeous photos those were of your kittens.
C \|/


Post 922


hi Chai,

I remember being very surprised when they were born all white! Well, except for the tips of their tiny tails. The birth took about an hour all together. I had made up a little 'birthing area' for Lua, using a duvet with an old pillow on top. So once all the messy bit was over I just threw away the pillow and she still had a soft duvet to lie on.

I would have like to keep the kittens longer but as I was moving to Sevilla I had to give them up at six weeks. In fact, I stayed in Salamanca two weeks longer than planned so the kittens would have at least six weeks with Lua. Of course Sunny, being a typical Spanish 'batchelor', is now middle aged and still lives with his mother. smiley - winkeye

Lua was coughing a bit during the night again, but not as much as the night before. And she has started coming back up on the bed at times and lying next to my head. Usually she only does this in the winter. *sigh* After twelve winters with that little fur ball sleeping on my head, it's going to feel very lonely in bed next winter.

But at least we have today. smiley - smiley



Post 923

Noggin the Nog

Apparently Siamese cats have a pigmentation gene that's temparature sensitive. The feet, tail and ears become darker because they're cooler. Isn't nature wonderful? smiley - smiley

And a virtual smiley - hug for az and Lua until I can do it for real.



Post 924


Thanks Noggin,

Just gave Lua a cuddle for you. It does look like she is going to be here on Wednesday for you to, well, not cuddle her of course, but I'm sure she'll let you stroke her head. smiley - smiley

I can't remember if this was posted here before: smiley - biggrin



Post 925

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

morning az,i can read spanish, so i dont know if the added tag is good or bad.
i,ll take it as good,and hope im right,its been a scorcher here for the whole weekend,
hugs to you and lua jimxxxx


Post 926


hi everyone,

I just realised, when Fathom asked me about Lua on another thread, that my tagline might cause some concern.

So for those of you who don't know, it simply means 'I love you very much, Lua'.

I was feeling quite sentimental and and a bit weepy yesterday so I decided to add the tagline.

smiley - love



Post 927


OK everybody, panic over.

We're all relieved here now thanks. smiley - smiley

But we'll be here when you need us az.

Right, everyone?



Post 928

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi az
im not much for different
glad to hear i got it right,i was going to look it up at the library,but we have just had a window rattling rainstorm here,but its still sweltering.
take care az and hugs for you, lua and sunny.
now im getting sentimental in my old age,az i blame you lol jimxx


Post 929

Noggin the Nog

smiley - hug


Post 930


Lua seems okay still, though she has become quite restless the past couple of days, which is worrying. I think the breathing problem is upsetting her. She keeps coming into the living room going 'ack' then plunks herself down in front of me and stares at me. As if to say - 'Can't you do something about this???' And it breaks my heart to watch her breathing so hard and not being able to help her. But at least she has stopped coughing.

Maria is bringing her stethoscope to class again tomorrow to have another listen to Lua's lungs.

Still, another day together. . .

smiley - brave



Post 931


Hi Az,

Yes, it is so upsetting to see one's beloved ( child or pet )in distress and to be unable to help. There is nothing more heart-wrenching than that big-eyed look of sadness ( as Shrek 2 showed to great effect ).

BTW is "quiero" the only way to say "love" , as a verb, in Spanish? Because doesn't it also mean "want", like when a waiter asks you what you want in a restaurant? It seem to carry the underlying meaning of desiring. In Italian they also have "amare," so I wondered if Spanish has an equivalent.


C \|/


Post 932


hi Chai,

In fact the verb 'to love' in Spanish is 'amar'. So one can also say - 'te amo'. But the more common phrase is 'te quiero' which literally means 'I want you' but also means ' I love you'.



Post 933


Ah, thought as much. Thanks for clearing that up. And I'm sending love-waves to Lua.

C \|/


Post 934

Lemon Blossom (aka Athena Albatross)


I remember having that explained by my Spanish 1 teacher--I'd managed to use querer to mean "to like" not realizing what it actully meant. I think I managed to imply i was in love with the class or something. Something weirder, I think.


Post 935


Maria forgot to bring her stethoscope this morning and said she could stop by on her way home for lunch, but then told me that Lua's extra discomfort these past couple of days was probably due to the weather. It's been *very* muggy and quite hot. Apparently Maria has seen a whole whack of dogs and cats at the clinic with 'breathing problems' since Sunday. Their owners complained of similar symptoms to Lua - restlessness, not sleeping, difficulty breathing.

And so, although Lua also has the cancer affecting her breathing, Maria thinks that for the moment she is still doing fine.

Another day. smiley - smiley



Post 936


smiley - biggrin


Post 937

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...



Post 938

Spaceechik, Typomancer

So very glad to hear it may not be so serious!

I was out of town over the weekend (in fact, my last post to you was literally right before running out the door!) and I was hoping things would turn out well.

The weekend was good -- went to Sunnyvale CA (Silicon Valley) and then up to the redwoods in Fort Bragg. Took an old train up to the middle of the forest and in general just had a great time. Needed that -- still out of work, but resigned to doing some temping.... smiley - sadface

Hope Lua and you have a great week, AZ!


Post 939

Noggin the Nog

That's good news. smiley - smiley See you all soon.



Post 940

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Safe journey, Noggin.

Have fun!

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