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Post 881

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Yes, every day with Lua is a good one. smiley - smiley The breathing could be just because it's summer; I've noticed that Rocket does that sometimes and there's nothing wrong with him but occasional boredom.

And I will have to call Mudhooks a genius; tried that little trick on Rocket's scruffy fluffy tail. Worked well, looked funny -- he's a smiley - blackcat, you see!

Have a lovely day, and be sure to get the best shaved ham for Lua!



Post 882

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

smiley - ticklesmiley - cuddlesmiley - cat


Post 883

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

good morning all
az glad to here lua is still ok.fingers crossed.
thanks mudhooks,
my friend helen will be trying the cornstarch(we call it cornflour)later today, when her hubby gets back from shopping.
it was the best day here ystaerday, for the whole of summer,in the top 90,s,now its back to cold, dull and miserable again jim


Post 884

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Hi Az.

Has Maria been to see Lua yet? How is her breathing? It sounds very worrying.


Post 885


*tries to wait patiently for news*


Post 886


hi Mudhooks, Caerwynn, et al

Maria brought her stethoscope to class today and had a listen to Lua, though she could see straight away, as I had first noticed on Sunday, that Lua's sides are in-and-outing more than is normal. Also, it is obvious that she has lost weight this past week, even though she is still eating a lot.

Anyhow, Maria had a listen and said, so far, it doesn't sound too bad, but it probably means the cancer has spread to the lungs. She said I should watch for the moment when Lua starts breathing with her mouth open as this will mean she is in distress. Meanwhile, Lua has been a lot more clingy the past couple of days. Although not in distress or serious pain at the moment (according to Maria) I'm sure she isn't feeling well and the breathing problem is upsetting her.

It's almost six months to the day that I first found the first tumour. And I never expected Lua to live this long. But now it seems like it is getting down to the last bit of time. I'm hoping she will hang in at least until Noggin arrives for his holiday because he really wants to meet her and I'm really going to need a friend here when the time comes. But of course, I won't let her suffer unnecessarily. Also, I have a feeling Lua is going to let me know when she's had enough.

Well, that's the update. I'm trying not to feel so sad, but it's hard. smiley - cry



Post 887

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - cuddle You have had more time than you thought, which is something at least, and Lua has been well loved. Be as smiley - brave as you can for her, but it is not surprising you feel sad.

Thinking of you both,
smiley - puffk


Post 888


Enjoy each day with her and don't think about tomorrow. You have been given a very special time with her. smiley - hug


Post 889

Ragged Dragon

Love to you both, az and Lua.

You know, it still seems funny to give Lua a capital L but you a little a smiley - smiley

Jez - back from camp and still shattered.
Do only that which you can bring proudly before your gods.


Post 890



I know my place, Jez. smiley - winkeye



Post 891

Noggin the Nog

I can only second that. Love and smiley - hugs to both of you.



Post 892


You second that I know my place, Noggin? smiley - winkeye

I do hope that you are going to get to meet Lua, though it kind of isn't looking that way at the moment.

Anyhow, this is typical. The other day I thought I'd be a bit more health-conscious and poach a chicken breast in the microwave for Lua. And of course she took one sniff of it and waddled away in disgust.

Just now I was eating a chicken breast sauteed in olive oil with paper-thin sliced onion and garlic and guess who showed up looking for a snack? Mind you, Lua has always been a bit of a gourmet cat, even liking my tuna salad made with mayo, freshly ground black pepper and dijon mustard. Perhaps the fact that she is a Spanish cat accounts for her love of olive oil and garlic? smiley - smiley



Post 893

Noggin the Nog

Well, it was actually a reply to Jez. Can't imagine you "knowing your place" smiley - winkeye

Except in relation to cats. But *there* we all know our place, don't we?



Post 894


Yes, well, the cats keep me humble. At least, compared to them. smiley - winkeye



Post 895

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I'm sad to hear Lua's is having breathing problems; I had hoped it was just the heat. smiley - sadface

I'm glad to hear, though, that Lua is such a discriminating diner. I hope you were able to give her all the gourmet chicken she could eat!

One day at a time, Az.

smiley - cheerup



Post 896

logicus tracticus philosophicus

smiley - rosesmiley - roseHi az mind you is summer, but then again reminded me of hannahs breathing pur like a bubbleing kettle, allthough was ,extra bubbles near end,be prepared for a better understanding of catawail,
must get on hope to have web cam back again when and if i get henry back, and the rest of my stuff ,catch you later


Post 897

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I just got back home a while ago and so have only just read your Lua update.

Poor Lua and poor Az..... One day at a time. Hugs and kisses to both of you, and a tickle behind the ear for Lua.


Post 898


Oh, az that doesn't sound too good. smiley - wah

You've done everything you could and everything right for her so far. Lua couldn't have asked for any more or for anyone more caring.

smiley - hug to you and Lua.



Post 899


Another day. smiley - smiley

Lua and I have just had lunch - shaved ham sandwich for me, hand-fed strips of shaved ham for her.

She seems weaker today, though I might just be imagining it.

Anyhow, after my last afternoon class I'm going to pop into the clinic and ask Maria for a very strong tranquilizer/sedative. Preferably in injection form - something that will totally knock Lua out. For the moment when it looks like she has gone from being uncomfortable to really in distress. I don't want her last memory to be of being taken to the vet's and lying on a cold metal table. Instead I'll hold her in my arms here until she falls asleep and then take her in for the final injection.

I woke up very early this morning, about 5.30, and first thing I did was look for Lua. I called out her name and she came in from the balcony going 'ack, ack' and I burst into tears. Both happy and sad ones.

Later on in the morning she came into the living room for some attention but then just flopped down on the floor. So I lay down beside her and started stroking her. Which made her look at me like - 'what the hell's got into you???' - and then she crankily got up and wandered off. Wandered, not waddled. She's actually not chubby enough to waddle anymore. I noticed that today.



Post 900

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Cats.... Gotta love 'em.

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