This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 821

logicus tracticus philosophicus

cheers could do with more than one though,mind you all said and done
i'm a lot better off than 80% of the worlds population, at least the laptops working,free internet courtesy of wireless link.


Post 822


oh logicus - here's some extra hugs:

smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

Things tend to work out. At least one way or the other.



Post 823

logicus tracticus philosophicus

your up late again Az bat watching are we, well i have always been an optimist, or is it coz i'm apethetic, no good worrying,not alot i can do at least i sorta beat the building society to it,that a concilation, still be nice to be settled so i can start on the next phase, ho hum back to whatever i think i'm doing should really be geting some shut eye while the traffics quite,i am near a busy road
every morning the same noisy cars go by and thew buses, no chance of a lye in


Post 824


Not even on a Sunday?

I can never lie in because Sunny always wakes me up at 7am for his brekky.

So when I stay up too late - like now - I tend to suffer a lot for it later, since I can never lie in.

smiley - sleepy azzzzzzzz


Post 825

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Yep even on a sunday, well last sunday was noisy, a least i have not got the sally army marching up the road banging there drums and blowing there horns like i didmany moons ago well must sign off soon see or read you tommorrow, wireless signals prevailing , i like the fact that i am able to use these airwaves most of the time it loads fairly quike too, on occasions loose the signal mid post sending, still beggers cant be choosers


Post 826


smiley - erm Lua threw up all her breakfast this morning and later had a bit of 'dire rear'. She's just had a bit of tuna now and so far it's staying down. I wonder if it's a reaction to the anti-biotics?



Post 827

logicus tracticus philosophicus

possibly,but then again hannah used throw up bimonthly, (biscuits )made her at times, time to worry if it goes on for a couple of days,
diareaha i mean ,but as long as shes takeing on water shes ok,kittens are the worst as dioreaha (at least one of the spellings right i think) curtailed web acess from tommorrow, apart from library i think.


Post 828

badger party tony party green party

Hi ltp, havent welcomed you back properly yet.

How you been keeping?

Good to see you back in good spirits.smiley - ok

one love smiley - rainbow


Post 829

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Hi blicky chances are will be off for a while again from tommorrow,in good spririts Brandy a good one or are we talking out of this world, all jokeing aside ,you've got to laugh, one day will have to write the full story, so (their is no word for it ) other than apathathetic conglomerated (male chicken in the air) .

Must dash research to do, have you checked out ican looks like could be usefull tool,if it get utilised .


Post 830


Well, see you around whenever you get a chance, logicus.

Meanwhile, it might be the anti-biotics because Sunny (that pig!) sneaked into the kitchen when I wasn't looking this morning and scarfed down Lua's spiked tuna. Then brought it all up again not too long afterwards. Aarrgh.

So, not sure about being able to do this course of anti-biotics as I'm not about to lose a hand trying those various 'how to give a cat a pill' suggestions.

Also, found out I can't buy rabies vaccine over the counter, so I'll have to pay the vet price, which is about 20 euros a jab. Well at least I won't have to bring the cats down there. But I'll still have to inject Azar myself.

As for Lua, well, no news is good news at this point.



Post 831


This is the second day now that she has barely eaten. I don't think it's the anti-biotics. I think she might be starting to die.

smiley - cry



Post 832


smiley - cuddle

I know you are giving her as much affection as she will allow, az. Just try and keep it in mind that in many ways the last few months have given you a very special time with Lua, even though they have been distressing too.


Post 833

badger party tony party green party

We are all starting to die from the day we are born.

Dont look down just look upsmiley - cuddle

one love


Post 834

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

smiley - cuddle


Post 835

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - hug and


Post 836

Ivan the Terribly Average


Is Lua rejecting all food, or only the spiked stuff? If it's just the spiked stuff, she's showing how clever she is. If she's rejecting everything, she might just be proving how much of an inscrutable feline she can be. (One of my cats once refused all food for a week, for no reason that was obvious to us or to the vet. He started eating normally again at the end of the week. *shrug* Cats do enjoy being perverse, I'm sure.)

The other possibility is of course the one you mention - that Lua's getting ready to go. I hope that isn't the case, but remember that she's done well still to be here now, and you've done well to keep her here.

smiley - redwineIvan.


Post 837


hi everyone,

Well, at first she was just rejecting the spiked stuff, Ivan. So I stopped giving her the anti-biotics. But then she still refused to eat anything. Finally last night, while she was lying under the diningroom table, I crawled under there with her and coaxed her to eat one small bit of tuna from my hand. But she wouldn't eat any more. I tried again after another hour or so and she took one more little bite.

Then we had a bit of excitement with *two* bats flying into the livingroom and one of them even dropping to the floor (I think it had knocked itself out by flying into a wall) so I had to rescue it and put it outside (the other bat got out on its own).

After that Lua seemed a lot perkier and started squawking at me, so I brought her a wee dish of tuna - and she ate the whole thing! And this morning she ate all her breakfast and so far is not throwing up. smiley - smiley

Maria told me this morning that her cat does the same thing when it smells or tastes medication in her food - that she will go on a bit of a hunger strike until she is sure the food is 'untainted' again.

Mind you, Maria also said the infected tumour is looking *very* ugly, but it's kind of six of one half dozen of the other at this point. In fact, when Maria comes back at lunchtime with the rabies vaccine she said she will just bring it for the boys and between now and Friday I should keep a close eye on Lua. If she seems fine by then we will give her the injection too. The point being that there is no point in vaccinating Lua if she is going to be dead within the month. smiley - sadface

Anyhow, please bear with me if I end up going through this 'beginning of the end' stuff a few more times . . .



Post 838

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - cuddle


Post 839

Ivan the Terribly Average

I understand about the beginning of the end. With the cat that lived to 23 (I think I mentioned her somewhere in the prehistory of this thread), we had that several times. She had very shallow breathing and slow reflexes. If she spent a long time lying in the same position, one of us would have to give her a gentle prod with a couple of fingers just to see if she was still with us. She'd either twitch a bit, or raise her head as if to say 'what do you want now?' Once, she even stuck her tongue out at me... Rude beast.


Post 840


I am glad Lua has perked up today. smiley - smiley

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