Human Emotions

I am very intrigued by human emotion, especially the different ways, people react to the same given situation. I believe that everyone is born equal. That it is the chain of events in their lives, that makes them so called bad people, and good people. How some people hang onto the bad, and never let bad experiences go. I belonged to a spousal abuse group. I found that some women came out of their experiences, stronger, and wiser. While some women hung onto their experience as it was their only reason for going on. I was one that healed, through my belief in God. I pray daily for these women, but had to let go, because it was putting me back where I started from.


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
EYE Dunno... No Posting Dec 1, 2010
EYE don't believe it! No Posting Sep 21, 2010
EYE SAY!!! No Posting Feb 3, 2010
EYE LAND! No Posting Nov 21, 2009
EYEBALLS! No Posting Jul 20, 2009


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