This is the Message Centre for Boots

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 121


Oh, I forgot. You also split biscuits and make breakfast sandwiches with eggs, sausage, bacon, whatever you want. I make ham, egg and cheese ones for F.

Hsmiley - rainbow

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 122

Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee

I dislike them, because there are no flies in them.



The useless hound adoration society.

Post 123


There are no flies in smiley - donuts but you ate pleanty of them yesterday!

Can't get my head around biscuits thay you can split. Lizardy does this mean anything to you?


The useless hound adoration society.

Post 124


I seem to have lost the ability to type. Can't even blame it on cold hands because the heating is working in here for a change.

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 125


I do feel sorry for all ya'll northerners right now. I don't see how you can put up with that cold. I walked to work in shortsleeves tonight. Balmy 60F here, and that's starting to be a bit on the chilly side for these 'ere parts. This is why I moved here. smiley - biggrin

Biscuits are best made with really old buttermilk, ahh, heaven. With some spicy (I mean burn yo mouth off spicy) sausage gravy over the top, pure joy. smiley - magic

Will go check out the NS Story in a bit. smiley - run

smiley - aliensmile

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 126


Made it through post 128, will continue later. I'm off work for the day. You peoples are nuts! I'm having fun reading about it though.

smiley - aliensmile

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 127


Agree with Lizzard re the ritz, sweet cardboard covered in salt yuk. Now Bath Olivers are something else. Post 128 eh? good going Sneaky. Wouldn't mention nuts too often though, Trout will have a field day. If you're lurking fish that last posting to the NSS was disgusting! You are quite gross (but quite funny too)
take care

Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 128

LL Waz

That last NSS posting is very gross, and very funny and all Hypatia's fault - talking about oats after Ben's post!

Biscuits you can slice sound like scones, yorkshire pudds, griddle cakes etc.
Waz (quickly posting before going out smiley - run)

Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 129


Don't encourage Trout, ladies.
(He's good, though, isn't he?
Sort of Joyce-exposes-himself-in-a-public-convenience...)

Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 130

Mrs Zen

It made me laugh and wince. I love the whole bloody menagerie. But I am never going to lose the Ali Baba basket, am I?


Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 131


Being more than a little stupid and, I am beginning to realise, not as worldly as I consider myself to be, I have to read most of Trouts rudery at least three times before I understand his hidden meanings. My friend 'Amanda', her of the escalator knickers, hoots on his every word.
take care

Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 132

Mrs Zen

It is currently standing at almost 50,000 words!

And "Amanda" is a fab nomme d'amour for a gal with escalator knickers.

smiley - laugh


Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 133


smiley - biggrin

Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 134

LL Waz

Dropping by to thank boots for the use of her pasta recipe again. It came in very useful.

Hope alls well boots, miss seeing you around,


Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 135


Glad the pasta still bears up. I'm around, Waz, just haven't got a lot to say at the moment, which is probably a relief for everyone!
Don't worry I'll be back smiley - winkeye you can't keep an old dog down.

"No that's not 'write'! It's something to do with new tricks, you useless hound!"

Off to Aberdeen for Baby boot's graduation next month. A 2/1 with an upper first for her dissertation. She never told me she was deserting, I thought she liked it there.
Still it's good to know we have a ruler of the planet in waiting.
Take care and as soon as I feel like writing again, you'll be the first to know.

Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 136

Mrs Zen

I've been thinking of you, hon, but not doing anything as active as phoning or emailing or anything.

Incidetally, Rainbow, who's garden we sat in after the Polo, is moving to Wales soon. L'affaire is over, but life goes on...


Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 137

LL Waz

*wave to Ben*

Boots, it is Not a relief!

Congratulations to the Baby boots, the planet will be in good hands I think. I hope Aberdeen gives you a nice day for it.

My brother graduated there. We had a great day. Not least for the opportunity for hours of mick taking of him and his kilt.

I shall be going up there myself this summer, in August probably.

good to hear from you,

Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida...?

Post 138


Thanks folks.
As far as I remember Waz Aberdeen is very grey. Vety beautiful of course but in a grey way. Daughter has to wear black and white or national costume for the ceremony... Interestingly black and white make...grey. She is considering claiming her African heritage and turning up in Zulu kit. Like I said, perfect ruler of the planet material.
Ben, please say hi to Rainbow for me. That was such a great day and the window cleaning story has become an anthem to aspire to!
Wish her luck, health and happiness.
take care both

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