This is the Message Centre for Boots

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 101


Florida? That is Sneaky. Do you know how smiley - bleep cold it's been here lately?

If you join the never starting story you might want to pack some old shoes.

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 102


smiley - laugh out loud! Nice one Hypatia!
take care

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 103


Best cookies in the world Hyp? Hang on do you mean bikkies or cookies?


Either way do you do fly cookies/biscuits? The lizard adores them. smiley - biggrin

*waves to Sneaky*

A saturday off? You're going to have to get used to that sort of thing soon!


The useless hound adoration society.

Post 104


And a monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday if I don't get my arse into gear!
Major spring clean, amend, major move about. It is time. Record collection (humungous) is now in store. Swapped stereos (big black boxes that have knobs all over the place, I think they are stereos)with ravager pup...his is so much prettier and smaller. Sorry about the ellipses and parenthesis smiley - winkeye old habits and all that. Never learned how to use Ravagers', stereo that is, he wouldn't let anyone touch it. Student books now abound on old record shelves. Mini disk system also in mothballs, realise I need to stock up on cd's, there is only so much fifties, sixties and seventies music one can listen to and the blues have a bit of a slit your throat effect at the moment!
take care
boots (taking a break from the mission)

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 105


Cookies. Cookies. Little round things you dunk in your tea. I think they are called biscuits on your side of the pond. Here's an example.

Whereas what we call biscuits are at

I have no idea what you call those. smiley - erm I think I just made your space wide.

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 106


Oh bravo!

We're engaged in something similar after work tonight. Dearest 'husband' friend is finally 'moving in' (has been living with us for a year and a half so not before time!). The great sort begins tonight.

Parenthes and ellipses (Ps and Es?) are fine, use to hearts content, only need to be watched in 'proper' writing. smiley - smiley


The useless hound adoration society.

Post 107


This is a day off? smiley - yikes

Do absolutely nothing, and if someone asks why tell then that it's raining in Missouri. <

Hsmiley - rainbow

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 108


smiley - laugh out loud again! Oh Hypatia you are a tonic! Who's got the gin?
take care

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 109


Oops didn't see you there!

That's what I thought. Are your biscuits our crackers? (can't go to likns while in work) So how do you distinguish particular types of biscuit? And what do you call a cookie?


The useless hound adoration society.

Post 110


Looks like H got off, so I'll speak on her behalf, so as not to hold you in suspense.

Our cookies are round, relatively small and flat. smiley - smiley

>>So how do you distinguish particular types of biscuit?

With adjectives smiley - ok

>>Are your biscuits our crackers?

I have no idea. What're your crackers?

Anyway, do join in the NSS Sneaky. It really is a hoot!

smiley - blacksheep

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 111


It's all so confusing. Crackers are things you have with cheese.

I should be doing productive things not worrying about bikkies. Mmm bikkies. Nice hot tea and bikkies. smiley - drool

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 112


Yup. Cheese and crackers. Yup.

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 113

Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee

A cracker, in Grande Britannia, is a savory biscuit which one generally eats with cheese after dinner. A course generally known as 'cheese and biscuits', not 'cheese and crackers'. Of course. And how are y'all today?

Fatty - off to eat all the fly cookies. So if you want some, have some NOW.

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 114


Now Lizard you have to share the flycookies. Huh. I wonder why everyone is backing away all of a sudden.

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 115


I'm not the food type anyway. I'm sure that H will clear things up eventually.

Hi Fatty smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 116


Who's been calling you a big dumb arrogant dope? smiley - laugh

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 117


Myself, mostly smiley - smiley It's basically a sneaky way of saying that I have 42 EG entries in my nickname.

smiley - blacksheep

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 118


Speckly, go to the second link in post 105. There are 2 examples of biscuits. One a cheese biscuit and the other a plain old biscuit. You split them and put butter and jam or honey on them. Or you split them and put gravy (usually made with crumbled up sausage) over them for breakfast. Or you can put sugar, raisins and cinnamon in the batter and then put icing on top to make a dessert.

Crackers are thin, flat,crisp and usually salted. There are dozens of different varieties, but saltines (square), Ritz (round), and club (rectangular)crackers are the most common. They are served with soup, salad and used as a base for cheese and other toppings.

Hsmiley - rainbow

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 119


smiley - drool Biscuits and gravy...

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 120


Well we all seem to be on the same page with crackers anyway. Will look at the links when I get home.

Ritz crackers with brussels pate is yummy. Lizardy will disagree with that though. She hates Ritz, thinks they taste soapy or something.


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