This is the Message Centre for Boots

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 1


A conversation among the UG workers has highlighted the need for a Boots Fan Club.

So here it is.

Sign up and post outrageously flattering comments about useless hound in this thread if you please.

Thank you.

smiley - orangefish - Self appointed chair-fish

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 2


Toldja Boots smiley - tongueout
smiley - applause

smiley - blacksheep

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 3


Oh Lordy! You're all completely barking you know that? Old dog preservation society more like. smiley - biggrin
thanks chaps.
take care

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 4


I am delighted to join your fan club, boots. smiley - hug You certainly deserve one more than Jodan did his. smiley - run


The useless hound adoration society.

Post 5


smiley - tongueout I think this one has already lasted longer too!

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 6


Sign me up.

Somebody must have brought some smiley - stiffdrink, yeah?

...Right...I'll just loiter in the corner and have a few of these while I think of something suitably adoring to say, OK?

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 7


You're a cool bunch of dudes! Thanks folks
take care
Boots (off to Bognor and not sure if she 'does' sand castles smiley - winkeye)

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 8

LL Waz

Madam Chairfish,
I would like to sign up. But I have been scratching my head for the last 24 hours trying to concieve of a piece of flattery for the useless hound that even comes close to being outrageous.

I'm stumped. Every superlative turns into dry statement of fact. May I join anyway?

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 9


All Pin did in my fan club was sit in the corner too smiley - tongueout

smiley - blacksheep

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 10

LL Waz

*sits in another corner muttering 'i before e, except after c. i before e, except after c. i before e, except after c...'*

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 11

LL Waz

Obviously rendered speechless!

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 12


smiley - biggrin

*claims third corner*

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 13


*uses broom to sweep collected fans out of assorted corners*

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - cidersmiley - stoutsmiley - bubbly

And I brought a smiley - cheesecake. Not the weightwatchers kind. Crammed full of calories.

smiley - orangefish

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 14


*drags in a jukebox that only plays classic rock, plugs it in then kicks it into life*

smiley - musicalnote What goes up, must come down...spinning wheel...smiley - musicalnote

I'll take one of those smiley - bubbly, please, Speckly, and a slice of your remarkable smiley - cheesecake.

smiley - whistle You ain't nothing but a hound dog....smiley - musicalnote

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 15


Well let me just tell you...there is no sand in Bognor, just cold wind and hard pebbles and food that gives a whole new connotation to 'flavourless'!
Ahem have to confess that I am possibly not going to make the Olympic crazy golf team, so sory to let you all down. Hit the windmill, hit the bunker, hit the water...hit everything bar the hole....and excuse me, where is one's caddy when one needs him?
Not awfully good at the motor cycle racing game either. It was the famous one Manx, minx whatever. I walled it all the way round, died a thousand bloody deaths and came eigth. How they worked that out when there were only four bikes is quite beyond me...bit of jiggerypokery going on methinks. (Ravager always did say I couldn't do bikes...something to do with leaning the wrong way...well you're not going to lean into the b****y road for G*d's sake!)
Hey ho but 'twas fun in the - not to be repeated too often in winter -kind of way.
Off to do some rewrites smiley - winkeye
take care and hope you all like the postcards and the rock.

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 16


smiley - laugh

Those are hard! They're supposed to be fun, but I end up very competitive...

Surprised? smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 17


*gnaws on rock and downs smiley - stiffdrink*

Thanks boots. You're the best celebrity I ever was a fan of!

*puts Bo Didley on the juke box and dances round and round in circles.*

smiley - orangefish

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 18

LL Waz

*chooses a red and white striped stick of rock and sets juke box off again with Rock around the Clock...*

smiley - musicalnote...rock, rock, rock, til the broad daylight...smiley - musicalnote

I've never been on a motorbike smiley - sadface. Just the back of my Dad's scooter.
It got stolen once, from the kerbside in Glasgow. Dad heard the engine start, tore down the three flights of stairs and set off down the street after it. Shouting. He chased it all the way down King George St., across Byers Road and past my Uncle's house. He and my cousins heard the commotion and joined in. It says a lot of the scooter that it was still in sight. The thief reached the end of the road, in more ways than one, threw the scooter down and scarpered through the nearest close and disappeared.

Leaving Dad embarassed at the commotion and wondering what he'd gone to all that trouble for. I reckon he was just being competitive smiley - smiley. That scooter got abandoned soon after.

I'll have a slice of smiley - cheesecake thanks Speckly, and an smiley - oj for the Downtime, see you all on the other side.

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 19


What is happening to this site? I have had to re-register with a seven letter password...cripes I don't know a seven letter word...well p'raps I do b*****s springs to mind.
Dear Lord pass me a smiley - stiffdrink and a smiley - donut and several glasses of student priced red wine. Don't the itallics understand...I don't 'do' technology, I barely do joined up writing.
What is a scooter Waz? A motorised vacuum cleaner perhaps?
smiley - musicalnote'Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end' smiley - musicalnote

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 20

LL Waz

Finally got in, and it's about time to log off! Pass the smiley - redwine will you Boots. Motorised vacuum cleaner is about spot on...smiley - musicalnote silverr drreeamm machiiinesmiley - musicalnote Not.

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