This is the Message Centre for Boots

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 41


I thought I was just Wolf! smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 42


...Told ya it was gonna be a novel.
Didn't expect the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, though...
smiley - erm

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 43


Right Pin you can take a walk into the middle distance (usually said as FO into the middle distance but don't wish to get moderated smiley - winkeye) Hi Waz smiley - biggrin Hi me old mucker Wolf smiley - biggrin gosh this is like old cool! The RL gang don't know what they're missing! smiley - winkeye
take care

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 44


you're not nearly auspicious enough to have that extra 'o' smiley - tongueout

If we're going to name drop I'm at uni with a directly descended Darwin. She's ever so posh.

smiley - orangefish

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 45

LL Waz

Wasn't it an extra 'f' smiley - biggrin?

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 46


I've lost you both. Extra 'o'? extra whatever smilie you put in Waz?
Remember this is technology challenged and pretty thick useless hound you are conversing with. Words of more than two syllabels (sp) will confuse and clever subleties will go straight over head. Obvious is cool kids!
take care
boots (the thicko)

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 47

LL Waz

Nothing subtle, post 40, "Woolf" Jodan - was it Woolf, Wolf or Wool? Told you - nothing subtle smiley - smiley.

Name dropping - my mother lived on same the street as and went to school with Stanley Baxter. She says he was an odd boy.

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 48


Thanks Waz saved the paranoia button being pressed! Stanley Baxter eh?
Oh name dropping is so cool! Have a couple of 'claims to fame dropping' but as I still send christmas cards methinks annonmity is the better cause of valor. smiley - winkeye. They are at the end of it (if friends) just peeps who one does like. Ravager pup is not home yet so gang is still partying...oh for goodness sakes boots he is grown up puppy...stop worrying...go to bed you still have a day job...just!
take care

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 49


Lizardy can name drop with the best of them. She's been whooped by a Beatle. Ask her about it sometime and watch her inflate.

smiley - orangefish

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 50


smiley - biggrin It is like old times in the AWW *sigh*

The only person missing is Ben...

smiley - blacksheep

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 51


We don't have anyone famous in my town, but we do have the Nutt twins, Hickory and Hazel.

Another slice of smiley - cheesecake please, Speckly.

Hey, Pinniped? You want to dance?


The useless hound adoration society.

Post 52


There are smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut too. But don't eat the cookies, they're for lizards only...thems ain't raisins.

smiley - orangefish

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 53


smiley - yikes

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 54


*waves* to Ben who will be lurking. *waves* to hypatia *waves* to speckley smiley - biggrin to rest of gang. What a splendid eveing folks. I'd almost forgotten what fun this site is. Soooo have to play the sleep game now but thank you all for the company... the best parties are always the unplanned one
Take care and night night

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 55


PS one day I'll get a handle on smilies smiley - winkeye
night night

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 56

LL Waz

Lizard, please tell...

Some claims to fame are best kept quiet. The local towns could boast of William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) and the Hanging Judge Jeffries. But they don't.

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 57

Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee

Hi guys!

Had trouble logging in, but here I be.

So, firstly, g'night Boots, sleep soundly.

Thanks for the fly cookies. They're so crunchy.

And yes, whooped by a Beatles. In 1997 at the auspicious age of seventeen, I entered a poem in a competition called 'A Poem For Buddy', running for Buddy Holly Week. Buddy Holly Week is run by Paul McCartney's company MPl, and he's rather involved in it.

Anyway, entered, came joint third. Come to London to get your prize! Bring your mother! Which I did. And Paul was there (see me tremble in my father's boots). I'd been a Beatle fan since I was 10, so tres bon, no? Anyway, had to read poem, was whooped by said Paul (and only one to be. Preen).

Then had joy, signed books, got a pic with Paul, and spent the rerst of the afternoon drinking the free bar. Not a bad day for a hick such as myself. Rolled home on a late coach, and stayed in bed until first break the next day (still in school see.)

My brush with fame, Pt I
F Scott Fitzlizard

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 58


Hyp - don't forget Pocket.
She has a woman named Pocket living in her town smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 59


Oh, and Fatty - very neato. I believe I spoke with Speckly a bit about Buddy Holly - also very neato smiley - winkeye

Yup... Holly was an interesting guy to say the least!

smiley - blacksheep

The useless hound adoration society.

Post 60

LL Waz

Oh that's cool Lizard, very smiley - cool. And not just the Beatle bit.

Pocket smiley - smiley? First or last name?

Catch up with you all later - I'm off to bed now, this was supposed to be an earlier night.

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