This is the Message Centre for Boots
The useless hound adoration society.
J Posted Oct 13, 2003
Hey boots. All these technical problems aren't your fault and they can't really be fixed by you. They should be fixed by tommorow, they came with the upgrade, I guess.
The useless hound adoration society.
Boots Posted Oct 14, 2003
Think I'll go back to crazy golf. Managed to log on last night in my red wine enduced stupour.
'Not the best move ever made boots. What was your password? How do you intend to get into h2g2 on the work computer? How did you manage to wipe all your passwords off all your email accounts?
You really are the most stupid animal I have ever come across. Get dressed, go to work and start emailing your servers, and this time...write the passwords down!'
The useless hound adoration society.
nadia Posted Oct 14, 2003
Oh dear. Even worse than me.
Bloody thing wouldn't let me log on at all yesterday. I actually had to go and have a life for a day. Lizard to the rescue. She took me to see 'Finding Nemo'. Actually not sure if that counts as having a real life, deffinitely not as good as miniature golf and bike racing.
Pass the someone.
The useless hound adoration society.
Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee Posted Oct 14, 2003
*scuttles into jukebox and headbuts it into life*
'well I got a woman mean as she can be'... rock on.
Or words to that effect.
Sorry to be so late to the party guys! Count me in as a member of your august body, and all hail BOOTS!!!!
*bows down, bows down*
I hope there's some left. A fattylizard likes some
Oh, and I brought my bathers, so someone pass the
Happy fanclub, Boots.
The useless hound adoration society.
nadia Posted Oct 14, 2003
You'd better have had a bath lizard! And not a sand-bath either, no one wants to drink grit.
I think we're going to need more wine.
The useless hound adoration society.
LL Waz Posted Oct 14, 2003
*rolls in a stack of kegs*
...grit, or scales, or hair (hound, human, or phocoid), or wool...
There's 135 logged in now, so things must be getting back to normal. There were only twenty when I logged off last night.
Find your passwords Boots?
The useless hound adoration society.
Pinniped Posted Oct 14, 2003
I so did not jush sit in the corner in Jodan'sh fan club.
I 'shtinctly 'member being rude an' aggreshive (hic)
An'anyway I'm lying in the corner thish time...
The useless hound adoration society.
Boots Posted Oct 14, 2003
Just been out to finalise deal on 'no money but no debt' sale of company. Very strange. Did do good deal for incumbrent...many leaky eyes with landlords who are most caring peeps. Then went to bar to meet the gang...realise don't do bars...don't do the whole chat up game...actually too old to even enter establishments that play those games. Been driven home by one of the gang who has gone back to join the party, Ravager pup is having huge fun with woman almost old enough to be his mother, but she did ask permission and has enormous that is cool. Now feel very strange, and cast adrift, and thankful for peeps who do care, and sad for times that are gone and will never come back...and scared of new journey...very scared, but that is good to. Have been offered work on local rag by friend who may be my new boss in new world. He is so much younger than I but thinks I may relieve his work load. He thinks I will be c**p at newspaper work as believes I should be scriptwriter but I am being allowed to do series on 'different diets that the village peeps sign up for - an overview'. He will sub on tuesdays and if good enough will go to print on wednesdays. Not allowed to say b******s which is a bit restricting, but we have same 'don't toe the village line' mindset which is a good and auspicious start. Oh golly gosh feel like a student again without Ravager to take care of me 'tis very scary.
take care
scared and frightened and really too old to be doing this
The useless hound adoration society.
Boots Posted Oct 14, 2003
Oh thanks good friends, but does feel most strange. Hope you will all hang around for a little while. Sometimes this hootoo world feels more comfortable and real than RL. which currently seems more like a virtual soap than reality. It is odd. But to end on a more bootsesque note, and you've probably heard it already...
Two old dears having a coffee, one asks the other...'Did you come on the bus?'
'Yes' she says, 'but I managed to make it look like an asthma attack.'
take care
boots (who would never dream of using public transport)
The useless hound adoration society.
nadia Posted Oct 14, 2003
You are most definitely not too old!
And don't forget that you can say b******s in every line without ever using the word.
The useless hound adoration society.
J Posted Oct 14, 2003
Boots... Remember one of my favorites things I've ever seen you say - "Youth is great... love of life without the bitterness of experience!"
The useless hound adoration society.
Pinniped Posted Oct 14, 2003
Typical, innit?
She gets us all to hang around, and then she goes off to write another bl**dy novel.
Come on. Make with the repartee, silly female canine...
The useless hound adoration society.
Boots Posted Oct 14, 2003
Thanks speckles'
Pin me dear I could have sent the other one (about Myra Hindley) but Ravager pup said 'twas even in worse taste. Glad to see you good folks are talking. Lawrence? that'll be him of the Arabia books won't it?
No wrong boots you were always most stupid dog! (just for the record boots' dad was the first person to map the arabian desert after el 'Aurance...for which boots is well proud but takes a little ancestoral blame for who ended up with the oil fields)
Woolf? Isn't that Jodan?
'For goodness sakes boots get a grip this is a serious writing workshop. You will be barred if you make any more flippant comments.'
good to see the site buzzing again!
take care
boots ...most happy at cerebral intercourse
Key: Complain about this post
The useless hound adoration society.
- 21: J (Oct 13, 2003)
- 22: Boots (Oct 14, 2003)
- 23: nadia (Oct 14, 2003)
- 24: Hypatia (Oct 14, 2003)
- 25: Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee (Oct 14, 2003)
- 26: nadia (Oct 14, 2003)
- 27: LL Waz (Oct 14, 2003)
- 28: Pinniped (Oct 14, 2003)
- 29: Boots (Oct 14, 2003)
- 30: Pinniped (Oct 14, 2003)
- 31: Hypatia (Oct 14, 2003)
- 32: Boots (Oct 14, 2003)
- 33: nadia (Oct 14, 2003)
- 34: Pinniped (Oct 14, 2003)
- 35: J (Oct 14, 2003)
- 36: LL Waz (Oct 14, 2003)
- 37: LL Waz (Oct 14, 2003)
- 38: J (Oct 14, 2003)
- 39: Pinniped (Oct 14, 2003)
- 40: Boots (Oct 14, 2003)
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