This is the Message Centre for Polly and Pixie

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 261

Polly and Pixie

With that admission, Rick, the tears have started. Maybe a glass of wine...

smiley - hug

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 262


Hi Polly,never a dull moment(sorry Rod)heresmiley - ok

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 263


Hi Polly,as I have my sad head on I felt I had to write something sad but please dont let it make you sad as well,nigh nightsmiley - erm

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 264

Polly and Pixie

Dear Rick,

What a sad but beautiful poem. You do write some really touching stuff. smiley - hug

Who is Rod?? And why have you had your sad head on tonight? I'm the one who is constantly sad! You are my happy happy friend who laughs all the time. Who has saddened you? Was it a past love? smiley - cheerup

I truly hope that, whatever has made you sad tonight will soon go away.

Goodnight dearest Rick. Work tomorrow? Early? Take care during your day. I'm out early for the day.

'Night 'Night



'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 265


Hi Polly.
"Never a dull moment" is the title of a Rod Stewart LP.
From his Maggie May days if you were into that sort of thing.
Anyway Im not sad todaysmiley - biggrin
Hope you are having a nice daysmiley - rose

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 266

Polly and Pixie

Hello, Rick. I'm just home after a long day. I'm glad you are having a happy day! smiley - rainbow But you are allowed sad days you know!

Yes, I do remember Maggie May. I don't like Rod Stewart (so sorry! I was mostly [almost entirely] into Motown in those days), but I liked that early song plus it's 'B' side. In fact I remember that I preferred the 'B' side. What is it called? 'Someone like you makes it easier to live....'.

Groan~~supper to make soon. Thankfully I haven't got to go out tonight.

How's the tummy? And how is the milk-thistle going? smiley - smiley

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 267

Polly and Pixie

Hi again, Rick.

I can't last out much longer tonight! I have eaten so much. And drunk one glass too many of red wine. smiley - sleepy
I have to be up and out early in the morning.

Take care tomorrow, dear Rick. I hope your tummy is OK. Have a happy day at work. 'See' you here tomorrow.

Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

Polly smiley - zzz


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 268


Good night Polly may all your dreams be sweet,if you wake tomorrow make sure you're still you.smiley - rose

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 269

Polly and Pixie

Hello dear Rick.

Yes-the same person woke up this morning!

Thank you for that late-night message. smiley - smooch

What a busy day I have had. I'm so utterly worn out now. I'm too weary to make supper, so have just finished some Tyrrells beetroot, carrot, and parsnip crisps, and am drinking a glass of red wine. At least I shan't have to worry tomorrow about cooking supper. I am out for a meal with a friend who sang with me in a choir in Wimborne. We are having an Italian meal in an Italin restaurant here in the village. And then going into the deep woods to a tiny pub-for a drink. It will make a great change for me.

I hope your day has not been too wearisome. I expect that you are packed full of energy! Bath again soon?? Or has that job finally been finished?

Polly XXX

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 270


Hi Polly,Im just off to Bath in a moment(telepathic?)the job's becoming boring now.
The milk thistle?well Im not sure but my blood pressure's gone down a bit,sorry Polly must dash.smiley - rose

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 271


Hi Polly,I've been playing with my computer tower(dell)I ordered two new memory cards over the net to increase my low memory from 512 to 1536 by adding these two memory cells the computer is much faster.

Now my connections are almost instant.

Anyway enough waffle,how's your day been,we've been forecast heavy rain for tomorrow but sunshine on Saturday,MOH wants me to put another raised bed in our small back garden for more vegies as soon a the weather picks up a bit I'd best get that little job out of the way.

How's the dodgy back??? any better??smiley - ok

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 272

Polly and Pixie

Hi Rick.

I've had a very busy day. But it has played havoc with my back. I'm in a lot of pain. I have been lying down for the last few hours to try to rest it.

Lucky your OH!

I must get my new passport sorted out ASAP. I'm intent on travelling this year.


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 273

Polly and Pixie

Sorry Rick about my very last comment somewhere. It's nothing at all about you. AHL makes me sick. Truly. And I now feel very upset. But the comment wasn't about you. smiley - hug

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 274

Polly and Pixie

And I wasn't the one to press the complaint button! AHL will ofcourse think that it was me!

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 275


Fight! fight!smiley - cool

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 276

Polly and Pixie

smiley - wah I have to fight alone. smiley - cry
It really wasn't me who complained! smiley - cry

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 277

Polly and Pixie

I've had enough of AHL's nastiness for tonight. I'm going to make some tea and go to bed.

I hope you have a happy day tomorrow. Silly, but all this carry-on has made me cry.

Goodnight Rick.


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 278


Hi Polly,I've had a ghastly day today,last night as I was flossing my teeth(yuk sorry)I dislodged part of a large filling,after managing to get a dental appointment at one this afternoon,I went to work after two small slices of brown toast.
Then rushing across to the other side of Brum where I live changed into some more presentable clothing then sat in the Dentist's chair.

I was expexcting him to insert a temporary filling and telling me to come back next week,yet after a few errs and ums he produced his huge needle and began stabbing away with relish,evetually completing the job,then telling a mumbling patient not to eat for twenty four hourssmiley - sadfaceand in all my dashing around I've ate nothing so I,m sitting here as miserable as sin absolutely starving,with my mouth just thawing out and aching already.

Anyway I hope you've had a pleasant day at least,are you off out to burn some midnight oil,a handsome knight and charger?smiley - loveblush

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 279

Polly and Pixie

Hello poorly Rick.

Has the numbness gone now? And hopefully you aren't in any pain? If it helps-I've got a cracked back tooth. smiley - wah I now haven't got a dentist! So far, the tooth only becomes sort of odd when I lie on that side of my face in bed!! I do hope your tooth will be OK by tomorrow~~in readiness for your Mother's day celebration.

I've been out all day. I wanted to buy some clothes, but haven't! I couldn't find much that I really would put to good use. I'm not very fashionable you see! I love my cords, and wool jumpers, and timberland boots. And gilets, and waxed jackets. I find what I want in county shops, but I wasn't near one today. But I bought some M&S slippers, a 6-pack of M&S knickers, and an expensive lacy bra(for just in case smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye). Nah-only Pixie sees those sort of things.

No, I am not out tonight with any Lancelot. smiley - winkeye I shan't see my Wednesday friend for at least another month. There is no-one in my life except for Pixie. I often see men that I rather fancy the look of but I'm sure that all of them are married! I've told you before that the man who is made for me is indoors leading a quiet life. He doesn't know I exist!!

I'm just 'chilling' with red wine and M&S chilli tortilla chips.

I'm still hurting from AHL's remarks to me. He must really dislike me.

Pass your glass and I'll fill it with some wine. smiley - redwine

I felt a bit sad seeing all those chaps in M&S buying things for Mother's day. smiley - cry

Have a happy evening, Rick. Off to a pub later?


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 280


Hi Polly,my Mom died about twenty years ago,she was 74ish.

You really should'nt let other posters upset you,they're not worth it,dentists are very hard to find these days and you need a mortgage to pay the bill.I've been using Sensodine toothpaste for years now in fact I actually prefer that medicinal taste.

No Lancelotsmiley - ermhe was a cheat though,perhaps you need king Arthur,(at least he'd have a few bob)anyway even if your Mr Smooth is locked away on his own,it wont do you any harm to shine.

If you've got it flaunt it head up gal and knock 'em dead tomorrow.

BTW,pubsmiley - wahI wishsmiley - hug

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