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Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 221

Polly and Pixie

Hello dear Rick.

Thank you for that lovely message. I didn't realise that the MB hasn't been working all night. I watched a DVD instead, and did some more cutting out for tomorrow.

My hedge hasn't been cut after all. I have to check with the council re: preversation orders etc. What a nuisance.

Yes, I'm afraid I have great problems with my grief. It hurts afresh every single day.....

Have a lovely Valentine's evening tomorrow. Hope you got your wife a really nice card. I wonder if some stranger has sent me one?! Ah well.

I believe that animals feel a lot. Wookie does. And I believe that birds do too. I love birds.

In case you nest soon, goodnight dear Rick.

Polly smiley - hug

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 222


Hi Polly,sorry to hear you have trouble letting go of your grief,my mom and dad died within less than a year of each other,although that was almost twenty years ago.
They were old school I mean I knew nothing about where they were born or any details about my grandparents,yet they were honest upright folks even though everybody was poor in those days.
When one of my brothers committed suicide(by hanging)in the seventies I had to identify him with another brother as coroner would'nt let my parents do it,yet I will always remember him from happier times.
Still I suppose we've all got our own private horrors yet I learnt a long time ago not to waste a single second hating anyone,least of all someone I'd been romantically involved and let down by,I sort of believe every second you waste hating someone is really wasted because hate always seems to bounce off the person you think you despise anyway(not that I think you are even remotely capable as a Christian of hating anyone)yet myself I can be a grumpy old so and so from time to time(well folks would'nt even recognise me if I smile often)still there is something about being cantankerous as you get older youngsters seem to know this.
Anyway enough waffle it really is time to grasp the bull by the old proverbials and get the doc to sort out that dodgey back,as always head up gal and knock 'em all dead tomorrowsmiley - biggrinR.

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 223

Polly and Pixie

My Dear Rick,

What an emotional message from you. It will be no use telling me not to 'feel' for you because I am a very emotional person. I do feel for you. smiley - hug

How terribly sad that your brother felt he needed to end his life. That is so very sad. I'm so sorry Rick. So very sorry.

My darling brother died of a sudden heart attack. He was a very clever man~~almost too clever. A very academic, gentle, Christian young man whom my daughter utterly adored. And he adored my daughter. My brother had never married. He became a kind of surrogate father to my daughter. They loved each other so much.

No, I don't hate anyone! I do get hurt(I am hurting a lot since October). But holding hate within one's heart is self-harming. Forgiveness works both ways~~to the perpetrator, and to the wounded.

My parents were wonderful. We were poor in money terms, but there was an endless supply of selfless love. My parents were 'always there' for me and my brother.....and for my daughter.

Dearest Rick, thank you for telling me a little about your family. I am not cantankerous, but I am usually very serious. My life has been a serious one~~and continues to be so!

I do hope that you are having a romantic evening. I'm unsure whether mine is or not. It depends on what one calls 'romantic'. I have managed to half screw-on a bolt to my door(can't explain properly, but the door is wonky etc, so I can't put the bolt on properly!). I've got same panel pins and wood. But unsure where to now put it as there are other problems plus the necessary bolt. smiley - doh Romantic? smiley - wah

Bless you, Rick. Have a lovely evening.

Polly smiley - hug

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 224

Polly and Pixie

Hello dear Rick.

I really do feel a bit odd today. Sort of dizzy and stupid. smiley - erm

I left the blooming heating on all night! So I had better do without any today to recompense for the cost!

I should have been in Winchester, but plans had to be changed.

How's your tummy? Is the milk-thistle having any effect?

It's really chilly today, and very damp. I expect that the weather in Birmingham is much the same as here. I hope you are feeling well(and not here on the MB's because of any problems with the tummy). smiley - smiley

I've got the bolt thingy to unscrew, and then to make a hole in the wood. I forgot what you had told me to do--the hole for the bolt. Instead, I screwed the bolt holder onto the door and it is utterly useless! And it took ages to do because it is in such a difficult place to get at! smiley - dohsmiley - doh

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 225


Hi polly Im sending you a picture of a hook and eye latch as this is what I recommend to shut any door easily for next to nothingsmiley - rose

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 226

Polly and Pixie

Ahh, I now know what you mean. I shall try to get some this weekend in Lymington. I can't get them here in the village.

Thank you for sending that link. They look far easier to use than what I managed last night!

I shall write the name on a piece of paper-'side hooks and eyes'.

Thank you. smiley - hugsmiley - disco

In case you wonder why I don't send away for them via the internet~~I can't! I only use a debit card.

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 227


Hi Polly,if you have'nt got a TV set you dont need a tv licence to watch old programmes on BBC i player I've sent you the page underneath as you reckon you dont have many DVD's.
You will need to download the Adobe flash player this is with the BBCi player and only takes a few minutes.R.smiley - cheerup

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 228

Polly and Pixie

Hello again Rick. Thank you for the link. You are testing my technical abilities!

I have repositioned the bolt on the door and have made a hole in the wood for the bolt to go into it!

I have got the wood for the door~~but it is too big. I can't make it smaller. So, instead, I have sellotaped cardboard to the door frame(at the top). It seemes to be OK. What a flipping place this is! A DIY nightmare!

Thank you. smiley - rose

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 229


Hi Polly,how?
there are dozens of interesting programmes on the BBCi-player.
Just scroll down to the bottom of the page on the link I gave you and click on the perfectly safe BBCi-player(in pink)almost at the bottom of the page,if you want something very interesting to watch I can recommend Wainwright's walks.R.smiley - ok

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 230

Polly and Pixie

I was joking about my technical abilities Rick! smiley - smiley But let's be honest, I seem to do so many things in such an odd way!

I would love to see the walks. Are you sure that no TV license is needed? They were talking about licenses on R4 today but I didn't really take much notice.

Strange programme on R4 at the moment. 'Jack Nicholsons underpants'?? Yuk!

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 231


Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 232

Polly and Pixie

Thank you. I've just read the whole page. smiley - smiley

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 233


Hi Polly,I really hope you tried that i player,if not so what?
If (like the old song says)I can help somebody as I pass along,then my living will not be in vain.
Ne'er mind,tomorrow's a brand new day when all the world will kiss and make up and love will wash away all the evil sins of humanity,just in case none of my wishes come true tomorrow,anytime you feel low,I'll be here.
Head up gal and smile even if yer dyin'.R.<rose

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 234


smiley - rose

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 235


Sorry Polly,Im just ducking severe cranium attack,(that and a couple of squirts of sherbert,)nighty night.R.smiley - hug

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 236

Polly and Pixie

Darling Rick, you are so fuuny. What is a 'cranium attack'? Is it a headache?? And sherbert. What does that stand for?

I feel so terribly down. I just seem to cry endlessly. It's horrid. I must get dressed(12.12), and go out~maybe for a walk. I know that everything you say about life being great is totally right. It's just hard to see or experience when one feels so utterly miserable.

I hope you have a super day, with lots of happiness and joy.


smiley - hugsmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 237


Hi Polly,cranium attack is when Im beating myself about the skull 'cause I cant think,a sherbert is a pint of frosty (to me anyway)that moment reminded me of the liquorice straw and the kay li from when I was a kid.

Polly!you really must give up this feeling down syndrome,vegetating with your backside wedged in a chair just dont cut the mustard.

Time to don those boots and take the dogs for a long walk,its a glorious day outside today no excuses come gal,head up.

Anyway the BBCi player,no?
Its a fabulously clear picture and great sound quality,I watched Atilla The Hun,history based of course and it was quite interesting,so if you insist on introducing your rear end to the pleasures of corns? be my guest.(ahhh that reminds me of fats domino)smiley - rose

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 238

Polly and Pixie

Please don't mock my feelings, Rick. It's all since everthing went wrong here.

I'm not asking for your sympathy! I'll get dressed now and do something. I'm just utterly fed up of the cold, and the place falling apart, and missing my close friends in my last town, and the person who meant so much to me just stopped his emailing in October. That has really hurt me a lot. I CAN'T HELP IT!! You are lucky enough to be a happy soul! I am normally a bit meloncholy. But this time it is horrid. When I get my act together, I do lots more than many folk. So please DON'T think that I am lazy. I'm not. When I do things, I do them most thoroughly and with much forethought.

BTW, I am only on dial-up with the computer. That would most likely have an effect on the BBC i-player. Yes?

smiley - run

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 239


Hi Polly,Dial up??? I would'nt think it would make any difference but Im also not sure how much a minute or whatever your charges are it sounds like an expensive alternative to broadband,which I must admit I do have.

I always thought at £20 a month my virgin connection's a bit expensive but with two of us using the connection I suppose its not that dear.

With my son's laptop broken at the moment he now has his hands on my PC 'spose he thinks if he hounds me enough I'll bung to get him off itsmiley - whistle

Anyway Polly,why would I mock your feelings?Im not mocking you Im trying to motivate you,smiley - hug

How much an hour do you pay for your dial up?Im not being nosey just curious.

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 240

Polly and Pixie

Hello again Rick.

I pay £13.99 per month with Virgin. No contract.

Shortly after my post to you, I rang a friend in Lymington, and went to her home. We shopped, walked, and had supper together. I also lost my lovely wool brown glove. smiley - sadfacesmiley - wah I'm hoping that it was found in the Waitrose car park.

I've been home for half an hour.

I shall probably go back home with her tomorrow(we both go to the same church). I can't stay here all day with my misery.

Sorry if I shouted at you earlier. I was just very upset.

smiley - hug

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