This is the Message Centre for Polly and Pixie

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 161


Hi Polly,sorry I did'nt get to see any of Thirsk,it was dark when I arrived and even darker when I left.
But I did bring home a bucketfull of Thirsk rain,I was wearing it.

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 162

Polly and Pixie

smiley - martiansmile

smiley - planet

smiley - rainbowsmiley - rainbowsmiley - rainbow

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 163

Polly and Pixie

Hello Rick.

Are you still around? In the fields tomorrow?

'Night 'Night.

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 164


Hi Polly,hopefully only one more day at the farm.
Yet there are far worse places to go.
I've got my ultra sound scan on the sixth of next month,hope they find what they're looking for,good job it's not a brain scan,hey?
How are your bones today?
Hope you are on the mend,my sister has two dogs and three cats,but dogs really do need to get outside(perhaps they've more grey matter than us?)
Anyway head up and smile at the world(even if nobody recognises you when you smile)and remember tomorrow's nothing,without you.smiley - rose

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 165

Polly and Pixie

Well I hope the day is dry for you tomorrow. Have you built a stately home? smiley - winkeye

My bones? I ache terribly.

The 6th will be soon here. Want me to hold you hand? smiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley

I will get the results from my X-ray this week.


Polly smiley - hug

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 166

Polly and Pixie

'YOUR' smiley - doh

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 167


Hi Polly,(Dem's bones,dem's bone's, dem's dry bones.)
Its about time you took them for a walk.(get them wet like the rest of ussmiley - biggrin
Me,I've been up since 3-40am early start in Bath(and for the rest of the week(sigh)I feel tired already and its only Tuesday.
Still I hope the "X" ray results are oksmiley - hug

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 168

Polly and Pixie

Hello Rick.

I hope you didn't get too wet today. It's been cold and dry here, although a fine rain is now falling.

Are you now asleep~~19.09?!

Are you staying in Bath?

I have taken 'them' for a walk~~today and yesterday! But the walk has made me feel very uncomfortable. I am very tired.

I haven't had the results yet from the X-ray.

What's for supper then? smiley - friedeggsmiley - burgersmiley - ale

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 169


Hi Polly.Im just getting ready to go to Bath,it was dry there yesterday.
The company wants me to fit in St Austell this week,but its looking more like next week now(thank god)I dont seem to have any energy at the moment.
Anyway enough waffle,have a nice day,on the mend??? (fingers crossed)catch you latersmiley - rose

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 170

Polly and Pixie

Hello Rick. Golly~~did you get up at 2am? How do you manage to do that? smiley - erm

You must be worn out by the time you get back to Birmingham. Here's a cup of tea. smiley - smileysmiley - tea

St Austell? I have never been there. You'll be passing my door(almost). smiley - winkeye

My back is still very painful, as is my tummy. And legs. And arms. I feel so poorly with it all. I have no energy. I ache when I get out of bed. I ache when I do anything. I simply ache constantly. I've actually got a hot water bottle against my back just to see if it might help.

Rick~~thank you for leaving a message when you must have been feeling so tired. smiley - zzz

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 171

Polly and Pixie

Hi Rick.

Just in case you switch your computer on in the early hours, I shall wish you a safe journey and a happy day.
I've been asleep tonight and now need some tea. smiley - smiley

'Night 'Night.


smiley - yawn

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 172


Hi Polly,I'll be off to work in a mo'Im just wolfing a couple of slices of white toast with my cuppa(tea, as I have to drink coffee all day)have a nice day,you must be really fed up by now,I cant afford to get lethargic as my day's are already to long and now Im sneezing.(OMG as he holds his nose,smiley - doh)

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 173

Polly and Pixie

Please sneeze in the other direction, Rick. I've had enough colds, in one year, to last a lifetime! I now keep a disinfectant spray with me when I go out. I use it constantly. One 'washes' one's hands with it.

Hope you aren't going down with a chill. You work such demanding hours.
White bread? That surprises me. I thought you would be at least a wholemeal chap. smiley - winkeye


Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 174


Hi Polly,I have'nt done much on the MB's this week,I feel absolutely whacked at the moment,(sore throat,funny head and a general feeling of lethargy)still I 've only got Saturday morning too work and I shall put my feet up till 3.45am Monday.

I've heard a song playing a few times on the radio,its nice to know some of the youngsters out there still have enough oooomph to make one go ahhhh.smiley - hug

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 175

Polly and Pixie

Hello Rick.

I've been away for the last 33hours. I'm helping at the theatre soon for tonight's production. It was like a freezer when I walked in here earlier. So now the heating is full on.

What was the song that you heard? I've been listening to Soft Cell's 'Tainted Love' on radio4. I've always really loved that repetitive tune.

It seems as though you are under the weather due to over-working and over-tiredness. Do take care this weekend. You are allowed to be extra lazy!! At least you have those around you who can be helpful. I've only got Pixie! He stll hasn't learnt how to make me a cup of tea. He has this notion that life here with me is all about cuddles, kisses, and the odd bite! Well, I must admit that he is quite right!!!!

See you later this evening maybe.

smiley - hug

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 176


Hi Polly,Im still feeling carp? and Im up early in the morning.

I had a walk to my local Tesco this morning to get some nasal spray they did'nt sell it but the cod liver oil capsules where have price so I bought a couple of 120's along with more soluble asprin for my now glowing throat.
Still I suppose living in the city has its benefits as well as its downs a further ten minute walk and I was a couple of miles from home and at the chemist's which is open on Sunday ten till ten £2.99 later and I was already attacking my nasal passages with the nuclear deterent.

At least now Im snivelling lesssmiley - wah

Anyway how was your day?

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 177


Half pricesmiley - doh

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 178

Polly and Pixie

Half price?? The spray??

Hi dear Rick.

You really must take more care of yourself, particularly as you spend so much time getting wet! I feel a bit odd tonight, but I hope it is nothing except over-tiredness. I fell asleep this afternoon for a few hours.

My day has mainly been at church. I was there this morning and this evening. In between times, I cooked a roast dinner, and then dropped the roasting dish, and my plate, onto the kitchen floor. That meant more work~~washing the floor etc. What a mess. After washing the floor, I lay on the couch with my book and very soon fell asleep. I had very little sleep last night.

I played the piano and organ after the service tonight.smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Last night, I helped at the theatre. It was a lovely evening, and everything went perfectly.
I'm going to a valuation place on Wednesday with a friend. She has some antiques that she might try to sell. It should be interesting. A bit like The Antique Road Show~~its free to get in and is open to anyone.

Ooh~~The Monkeys on R4-Daydream Believer. I used to love that song.

I've got a BSO concert coming up soon. Yippee. smiley - disco

If I don't hear from you tonight, then please take care tomorrow. Have a safe journey Rick.

smiley - hug

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 179

Polly and Pixie

Ah-ha! Now I realise what you meant by 'half-price'! smiley - nurse

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 180

Polly and Pixie

Dear Rick,

I didn't see much of you tonight. I expect that you are very tired. Take care tomorrow(Tuesday). Are you taking any Lemsips? Horrid things, but warming and soothing. Yuk.

I hope you feel a lot better soon. 'Night 'Night.


smiley - zzzsmiley - zzz

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