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Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 201


Hi Polly,if the door and frame are so much out of alignment then a curtain rod and heavy curtain or blanket may be a good temporary measure,fitting a new piece of timber to the top of the door and planing it down to size is rather a difficult task for the amateur,although one could always just affix a thin piece of hardboard with panel pins to the correct side of the door as a temporary measure by placing the hardboard slither in-situ and tacking it on.smiley - cheerup

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 202

Polly and Pixie

Rick, you are a darling. smiley - hugsmiley - hug

That is a great idea. I shall try to get some thin wood and attach it to the door. What a brilliant idea. smiley - disco
And a tartan rug hung up at the door would actually look gorgeous in here. I already have two tartan rugs over the back of the couch. And a dark red tartan throw over a small table. (I adore tartan!).

Thank you. smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 203


Where can I buy a kilt?smiley - erm

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 204

Polly and Pixie

A kilt for you or me?? smiley - winkeye I'll let you into a little secret. I adore seeing men in kilts. I grew up seeing kilts on men very often. One of the wedding guests, at my daughter's wedding, came from Aberdeenshire(a farmer). He looked dead handsome in his kilt. I didn't know this, but my daughter had told him that when she would introduce me to him, I would swoon. And I did. smiley - blush

But I think you are joking. I'm sure you would good in a kilt though. Doesn't matter what the legs are like because the kilt and socks cover everything. Coo~~~wonderful.

Rick, it will soon be your scan~Wednesday . I have put it on my calendar.

I've just done all the ironing(00.45). I ironed 5 pairs of cords,1 pair of jeans, 6 shirts, 3 wool jumpers, a pair of pyjamas, and my lovely orange yachting shirt. I'm very hot now!

I hope you are lots better now. You haven't mentioned feeling poorly today. Take care at work today.

smiley - tickle

Ooh, Neil Diamond is coming to the Rose Bowl. Where or what is the Rose Bowl??

'Night 'Night

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 205


Hi Polly,Im just off to work I not quite up to speed yet(still wet behind the ears)my nose is sore inside I only used that nasal spray three times and ended up with my nose bleeding,still Im not looking for sympathy (self inflicted)have a nice day catch you latersmiley - cheerup

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 206

Polly and Pixie

Hello Rick.

I haven't seen you tonight on the MB's. Are you in Southampton? I've been out all evening at my home-group. I've been sitting in front of a massive log fire. I just wanted to fall asleep as it was so cosy.

Rick, tomorrow is your scan. I truly hope that everything goes well for you. I shall be thinking about you, and shall mention it in prayer. Do take care. Don't worry about the scan~~they are very routine.smiley - hug

Have you got your kilt yet? smiley - blushLet me know when you have. smiley - winkeye

I'm off to my nest on the settee very soon! A cup of redbush tea first though.

Goodnight dear Rick. Sleep well.


smiley - sleepy

By the way, I don't like those nasal sprays. They aren't good for one's nose! But I hope that your tiny button nose has recovered!

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 207

Polly and Pixie

Good afternoon, Rick.

How did the scan go? I thought of you and said a prayer for you.

Let me know later.

smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 208


Hi Polly,I've had the Ultra sound scan,it took about fourty minutes,the results wont be back for about two weeks.
I've just finished wolfing my toast and after this cup of tetly tea (oooh ahhh)I's orf ta Barfsmiley - biggrin

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 209

Polly and Pixie

Hi Rick.

Glad the scan has been done. Hope your day is a happy one. I'm just off to a funeral at my church.

'See' you later maybe.

smiley - hug

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 210


Hi Polly,Im just about to dash off to work,only about an hour away so Im hoping to to get home early this afternoon.
Maybe I'll catch you later?smiley - ok

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 211

Polly and Pixie

Hi Rick.

I hope you've had some rest this weekend. I've been very busy.

My last post on the other 'Hip Poet' thread was only a joke! Don't let it frighten you away. smiley - wah

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 212


Hi Polly,I think Shakespeare was almost right when he penned"All the world's a stage"what he should have said was "life is just a game of many parts and only fools can really fall in love,because their hearts are pure"
Enough already,I can hear you shouting,yet how was that funeral?
Was it a friend/acquaintance or was you just playing psalm 23 etc?(on the organ)
How is your health and temper today??? I guess you've been busy lately so your back must be on the mend,Im going to have a walk up to Holland and Barrett tomorrow to purchase some of the herbal tablets "milk thistle" after reading raving reviews about it on the web maybe it can sort out my dodgey belly,so its nighty night from him.smiley - winkeye

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 213

Polly and Pixie

Hello Rick.

Milk-thistle is meant to be very good. I hope it works for you.

My back is a lot better, thank you, but still very sore. I'm now very stiff! I shall be out later for a walk. I haven't been out of my nest all that long, and have just had tea and wholemeal hot-cross buns!

Love? It does happen, you know! Maybe I have always been a fool in that case. I loved for 4 years(long after my married days had come to an end), but I was let down. smiley - wah But I never give up hope. I don't want to grow old alone. Puss will one day leave me..... I was just saying to someone from church yesterday that the chap I long to meet is doing just what I do ~~~reading books, studying, and listening to music. He and I don't go to pubs and clubs. And we rarely socialise. So we shall never get to bump into each other!!smiley - doh

The funeral was of someone from church. I went to pieces because I always remember the funerals of my parents, and of my lovely brother. I go to pieces most days anyway! My little family are forever in my thoughts, and as someone said yesterday to me, I am a very emotional person. No, I didn't play the music at the funeral. I did get to play some last night though. And last Thursday for the little ones.

Have a happy day.

Polly smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 214

Polly and Pixie

Hi Rick.

I hope you are feeling as well as possible. Have you started the milk-thistle?

I keep hearing an advert on CFM for grants for (I think) insulation?

I've hurt my back again!

smiley - tickle

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 215


Hi P and P,yes I have started taking the Milk Thistle,whether it will help or not s'pose I'll have to suck it and see.
I cant believe you've hurt your back again,you will have to learn to start taking life easier,was it moving your washing machine again?
We used to own a machine that we had to move it was an old twin-tub but that was yonks ago,just exactly what type of washing machine do you keep moving?smiley - erm

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 216

Polly and Pixie

I haven't moved the washing machine for a couple of weeks! And I only moved it because I thought there was a leak somewhere(It was in fact due to my not shutting the soap drawer properly!). I don't know what has triggered off my back. I also have a lot of odd abdominal pains(as though everything inside me is about to fall out )smiley - yikes

Rick, are you any good at understanding gas bills? Can you work out how much a gas bill will be??

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 217


Hi Polly,if you phone your gas company with your meter reading they should be able to answer that question.
smiley - erm

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 218


Hi Polly,with the gas and electric companies increasing their rates recently it would be very difficult to work out the respective new prices of their kw's or therms.
These prices are normally on the rear of your bill.
Anyway should you ever need to move your washing machine again squirt washing up liquid under/around the rubber mountings this will enable the machine to slide without maximum effort.smiley - cool
sorry to hear your backs gone again,it sounds as though you need physiotherapy that in time would eradicate the old back injury that you now have.
After months of back bain I ended up with the old gel and I think it was sonar or something like that and after six treatments I could finally sleep without pain,one of the basic exercises they gave me was to lie flat on the bed on my tummy and bring my knees(one at a time)in frog fashion as high as was comfortable up at my sides,this did ease the pain.smiley - ok

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 219

Polly and Pixie

Thank you for all your advice, Rick.

I took my bill, plus my own reading, to my home-group tonight, to ask one of the chaps there to work it out for me. I had an estimated reading from British gas. I hope that my new bill will be averaged over the old and the new gas charges. My last bill was estimated too(when the old gas charges applied). Anyway, if my bill was calculated sort-of correctly tonight, then it isn't too high an amount(although what I have used is a lot considering how cold it is here).

Yes, there is something definitely wrong with my tummy. I hurt it a lot when I fell.

Hope you've had a happy evening.

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Jumping over walls and suchlike!

Post 220


Hi p and p,I guess as the boards have been down all night there's not a lot to do tonight.
It seems that we do both have something in common even if its just belly achesmiley - biggrin
Sorry to hear that the demise of your parents and bro still register very deeply with you,my mom and dad passed away twenty years ago but I can remember them,is'nt that our only requirement?
Folks with genuine feelings these days are rarer 'n' rockin' 'orse poo nowt wrong with feelings they are what make us different from the beasts,although some animals feel far more than they let on,no?smiley - erm

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