This is the Message Centre for The Guy With The Brown Hat


Post 81

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

"Mr Gorilla, Sir".

What do you call a one legged lesbian?


Post 82

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

no. the answer was "anything you like, he can't here you."
i dunno, what do you call a one legged lesbian?


Post 83

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!


I refer you to my answer in post 79. ( a little lesson in reading the backlog.... smiley - biggrin)

I dunno, what do you call a one legged lesbian

Bassman smiley - cool


Post 84

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

i don't read backlog...esp. if it's more than a page long smiley - biggrin

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 85

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

Sorry- haven't been online for a while. I wasn't keeping you in suspense on purpose just to wind you up with a really anti-climactic punchline..


Oh, actually it appears I was...

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 86

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

ergh...smiley - erm
that was pretty bad..

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 87

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

No it wasn't.... It was awfull

Bassman smiley - cool

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 88

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

The desired effect.
Here you go, how do you make a dog drink?
Put it in a blender!
smiley - laugh

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 89

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Ouch!! smiley - tongueout

Bassman smiley - cool

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 90

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

smiley - yikes that's horrible!

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 91

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

I've got worse...

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 92

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

smiley - yuk

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 93

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

What's got two legs and bleeds?

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 94

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

a whole lotta stuff...ppl for one...

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 95

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

Half a dog!
smiley - laugh

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 96

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

You sound like my kinda guy!!

Bassman smiley - cool

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 97

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

smiley - huh?

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 98

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Got the same sick sence of humour....

Bassman smiley - cool

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 99

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

Ooh, Bassman, I've replaced the nut and restrung my bass!
I've also borrowed a friend's amp which is slightly larger than the other one I had on loan, and I'm getting a really nice sound out of it now. I think the little one just didn't have the low end power to make it worth putting a bass through it. Although the jack on the bass is really loose- I have to push the lead in really hard and hold it there and if the lead gets disturbed ever so slightly, I get a tremendous amount of buzzy feedback from the speaker and no output from the bass, so I have to rejiggle the lead and start again. smiley - grr
How do you play slap bass? It's so funky but I just can't seem to make it sound right at all.
Pointers please!!! smiley - biggrin

RE: One-legged lesbian

Post 100

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

erm...*feels slightly out of place*

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