This is the Message Centre for The Guy With The Brown Hat


Post 41

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

no, i don't think amoeba are animals...


Post 42

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

Woah! Don't quite know how that post ended up in this convo, smiley - sorry
So what are we on? Silly jokes? OK, erm...

How do you get two whales in a mini?


Post 43

Quille the cynic...TC

Get whalers that have been outlawed to go whaling, can the whales and then stack the cans in a mini? Although it also depends if you mean mini car or not? smiley - winkeye
smiley - elf


Post 44

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

errr...i suppose that's ONE possible answer...


Post 45

Quille the cynic...TC

Hehe I could come up with quite a few less realistic courses of action..
smiley - elf


Post 46

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

do any of them invovle squirrels?


Post 47

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

I forgot I'd posted this joke and haven't been online for ages so here you go...

How do you get two whales in a mini?

Up the M4, follow the signs for Cardiff.

smiley - dragon Wales! smiley - dragon
smiley - laugh


Post 48

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

smiley - laugh oh right...
hey, where the guy in the brown hat go? this Is his message centre...


Post 49

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I didn't know Amoeba could count smiley - laugh

Bassman smiley - cool


Post 50

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

i think u'r in the wrong convo again...


Post 51

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Oooops-right convo - just a little late. That was in reply to post 40 smiley - doh

Bassman smiley - cool


Post 52

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

just a little late (only ten or so posts..)


Post 53

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

That's what you get for not checking to make sure you're at the bottom of a thread, rather than at the bottom of a page smiley - doh

Bassman smiley - cool


Post 54

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

nice work. smiley - laugh


Post 55

Quille the cynic...TC

smiley - elf


Post 56

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

why did the lephant paint his toenails red?


Post 57

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

I don't know, why did the lephant paint his toenails red?


Post 58

Quille the cynic...TC

Shouldn't the question be how?
smiley - elf


Post 59

Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!)

the answer is, so he could hide in the strawberry patch.
and asking how an elephant paints his toenails is like asking how life came into existence..


Post 60

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I thought he painted them so he could hide in a cherry tree smiley - biggrin

Bassman smiley - cool

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