This is the Message Centre for Jabberwock

New Poetry Game

Post 621


(ships' cats, of course)

New Poetry Game

Post 622

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I've been shipping cats all day.
smiley - bleeping things just want to play.
Can they help put up the sails?
No! No! No! They chase their tails.

Next: Tinfoil swords.

New Poetry Game

Post 623


Issue the army with tinfoil swords
- not guns -
that would be a step towards
a new world which rewards
us, as sister and brother
- or cousins -
descended from the same woman (*Lucy*) in Africa -
for treating each other
well instead of badly. In short -
as sister and brother.

[*Lucy is a lighthearted name for LUCA - Last Universal Common Ancestor - (by DNA) - who lived about 3.2 million years ago in Ethiopia - the remains of a female from the same age have been found there and they called her Lucy]


Next: when I'm ill

New Poetry Game

Post 624


When I am Ill

Must we all be forced,
By doctors to endure,
The endless tests and check-ups,
About which they are not sure.
Do they have any inkling,
When they say, “Stick out your tongue,”
If it’s the heart or kidney,
Or the liver or the lung,

Can they practice it on others,
Not practice it on me,
And leave me very well alone,
And just let me be me.
Lets take some more blood samples,
It cannot be amiss,
Stools, urine – now come on
Who’s now taking the **ss?

Next: Cold Turkey

New Poetry Game

Post 625


Pedantic - smiley - applause

New Poetry Game

Post 626

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The fridge door opens gingerly
(Who knows what might fly out? < bat>smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - tomato).
I search for something edible.
Of most things I am out smiley - sadface.

At last I spy a soggy lump,
Which might be my salvation:
A lump of turkey, not gone bad,
To save me from starvation. smiley - ok

Next topic: eggs

New Poetry Game

Post 627

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Eggs, legs, clotheless pegs.
Drinking coffee to the dregs.
Life is listless, life's a bum.
Waiting round for Kingdom Come.
Enter a cat with waving tail,
Unhearing of my silent wail.
Fixes me with round eyed stare.
Softly beautiful, willing to share
Her love of life, her warmth, her being.
Her seeing things that I'm not seeing.

I'll share her world, let grimness fall.
It's not a bad life after all.

KL.(Is this the bad poetry place?)

Next (if any) Frozen fingers

New Poetry Game

Post 628

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I bought ten dozen lady fingers in a fit of madness.
Gobbled sixty, then felt bloated, bliss had turned to sadness.
Glumly eyed the rest of them. Too many had I chosen.
Threw out all the frozen meat, so I could get them frozen.

Next topic: Should kangaroos be allowed to carry weapons?

New Poetry Game

Post 629


Yes, let's even up the playing field
By giving roos a gun
A wild roo can be vicious
But much worse is the human one.

Yes, give them the gun
Give them the gun
Let them try out
What used to be fun(except for some food for the Abbos)
What used to be fun
For Australian settlers,
Pomme troublemakers
And everyone.

If Life gets you down - go and Kill one for fun!
But who'd be surprised if an equally armed one made you quake and yell and run...smiley - run

Evan Hawforth, Australian and Proud of it)

New Poetry Game

Post 630

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm not Australian, and proud of it.
Or maybe I am, but I'm out of it.
If Evan Hawforth
ever comes North,
I'll confuse him too, there's no doubt of it.

Next topic:
The bridge over the Atlantic.

New Poetry Game

Post 631


Apologies - I thought this was the Bad Poetry thread, which is where my effort re. Kangaroos belongs! This is Without Prejudice to the other poems in this thread, which I'm certainly not claiming belong there as well.

Jabsmiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 632

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

You may post bad poems here, if you wish,
But prose is like smelly dead fish.
We welcome your verse,
Be it better or worse.
It can even be piles of green pish. smiley - yuk

Next topic: The bridge over the Atlantic.

New Poetry Game

Post 633


Beautiful Bridge oer the Silv’ry Sea!
Alas! I am very sorry to see
That never this link cross the 'lantic will be
But the idea – however ridiculous
Will long be remembered by all of us

(owing a little to William 'Topaz' Jabberwok III)

Next topic:

New Poetry Game

Post 634


I see my fame is far and wide
It fills my heart with glee
Gee. I'm almost as famed as the silv'ry bridge
Quite near to renowned Dundee
Where the students wear red gowns not black
To show off their famed university;
And I'm straight as a die
No need to simulate prevaricate procrastinate or lie
For I'm a native of that Royal and Honourable City.
Is quite alien and foreign and belongs in England or Oversea
As does misunderstanding, however well meant it be
So no puzzlement, no widow's tears and no scratched heads can you see
- No crossed threads for me.

William 'Topaz' Jabberwock 111
From 'Lays of a Gifted and Famed Thespian'

Next: Arthur

New Poetry Game

Post 635

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

"My God!" I said. "Am I off of my head?
I don't know if I,m Arthur or Martha.
Will the world end, and will it depend
On some curious Froggies' disaster??"

Cold reason would say, at the end of the day,
That Mere Man could not be so clever
As to build a machine, with capacity clean,
To wipe out our dear world-- no not never!!

Well, hardly ever!

(Is this another crossed thread?)

Next...Happiness is a dog with a juicy bone.

New Poetry Game

Post 636


Happiness is a dog with a juicy bone
Or a boy with a juicy boner

Jab,,,,,,smiley - run

Next: Christmas

New Poetry Game

Post 637

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Twas the night before Christmas in another galaxy,
Far from here, too far for Santa's reindeer cavalry.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
But they were eight-sided socks, and they doubled as underwear.

Santa couldn't come, but his cousin Thmirx filled in,
Except when (almost always) he was drinking cheap gin.
Which exists throughout the universe as far as I know.
So, a dysfunctional Christmas to all, and that's as far as I can go.

Next Topic: Should tomatoes grow in the ocean?

New Poetry Game

Post 638


Post 636

smiley - blush I must point out very strongly that I didn't mean that remotely in a paedophile way. I was thinking of when me and me mates were teenagers, but I couldn't get the long word 'teenager' into the line.

Jabsmiley - smiley

Next: Should tomatoes grow in the ocean?

New Poetry Game

Post 639

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

In the ocean,
Should tomatoes grow??


New Poetry Game

Post 640



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