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New Poetry Game

Post 401

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

I don't think I can do duty, I'll just say all the poems are superb smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 402


Thanks for the kind words,Jab and for getting us back on track! smiley - grovel Sorry!

New Poetry Game

Post 403

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


Some try to do their duty,
Be they ACEs, Subs or Scouts.
Yet others will continue to
undermine and give us doubts.

They pick and squabble. They
even lurk and follow us about.
'til some decide they've had enough!
Returning badges given out.

We do not just shine the badges.
We care and find things out.
So we can help others enjoy Hootoo.
So please do not shout!

lil 12.05.07

Next Topic: Rants!

New Poetry Game

Post 404

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I rant and rave
to what end unknown
one voice in millions
the answers all untold
man from ape learnt nothing new
brains expand with centres hollow
a globe so small
in blackness vast
can't step off to safe retreat
hear the little voices
the worlds in pain we say
lay down all the weapons
look up to the sky
for that's all you'll have
no land to fight upon
it's your destiny foretold

mine just now.

subject: expanse

New Poetry Game

Post 405


Walk up there now and your worries cease
The expanse of landscape your heart fills
with the exceptional beauty and perfect peace
of Elgar's Malvern Hills

Climb up to the summits of British Camp
It's an amazing sight to see
Down the incline and up the ramp
of a Fort built for eternity

Iron Age man made his home here
The history is all around
The skylarks rise in air that's clear
from below drifts up distant sound

(mine ,just now)

next = story

New Poetry Game

Post 406

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

The world has told stories
Since the beginning of time
Whether by word of mouth
Written prose, or rhyme

It's one of the things that
Binds all colours and races
Stories are told in
All different kinds of places

So please take some time
Please have a look
Settle into your favourite chair
With your favourite book

Next: School

New Poetry Game

Post 407

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

There once was a fish
Who was no fool
He had a notion
To fulfil his wish
By going to school
Deep in the Ocean

New Poetry Game

Post 408

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

PS Next subject - Moth

New Poetry Game

Post 409


Moths often swarm to the light

And it burns them

Many, many people swarm to bright lights

And they kill them them too.

Next: Experience

New Poetry Game

Post 410

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

The experiences had
Can haunt in their vividness
Their darkness closes in

The experiences had
Can light up the room and
Make the stars shine brighter

Next: Google

New Poetry Game

Post 411

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

Oooh, an opportunity for a haiku!

When you need to search
Websites, maps and images
Google is your friend

Next topic. Cricket [as it's the test match 2day]

New Poetry Game

Post 412

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and


Cricket is a wonderful game,
From which players get fame.
Some people watching are tense,
When they see the opposition hit the ball to the fence.
Some people buy tickets,
To watch the bowlers take wickets.
There is a batsman who works hard to concentrate,
There is a bowler who tries to make him frustrate.
There is an umpire, who always makes the right decision,
To help the players who are out to accomplish a mission.
But these days there is a lot of chaos in cricket,
Because the players play deliberately bad on the wicket.
I hope cricket is played sincerely,
So that everyone can enjoy it happily.

by Salil Dhawan; School: Kundan Vidya Mandir - Ludhiana, Punjab

subject: copying
smiley - winkeye

New Poetry Game

Post 413

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

I don't even copy myself
Is that an ego thing?
We should be unique
Catch our waves at the peak
Surf gaily, and feel our hearts sing.
So return that thesaurus to the shelf.



New Poetry Game

Post 414


I never show no ignorance
I always know I'm right
I don't need books
I've got great looks
Don't tell me I ain't right
It's life not books that taught me all I've learned
And talk away all night
If you really want to argue
See me at The Crown
On a Fridey night


Next: rely

New Poetry Game

Post 415

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Relysmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space(on man to be around)

We are here to stay.

Our birth was on a fertile land,
the reason of our being still unknown,
thousands of years we sweat and toil and milliard times our lives were taken.
We will not yeild nor bow or break,
for we are mankind and shall not move.
Are we alone, a question unanswered but hear our voice, we speak as one.
We came on land and water fair,
where we bear the pain of suffering together.
Many questions, no answers due, for nature we can not tame.
Our breath doth feed the cycle, that life has given this world.
For we are mankind and shall not move,
for we are mankind and shall not move


subject: solitude

New Poetry Game

Post 416


smiley - ok Prof!

(btw the puzzling and irregular and broken stresses in mine are intentional, as in my other poetry)

But the real message here is very well done Prof. I enjoyed it v. much. smiley - ok

Jab smiley - magic

New Poetry Game

Post 417

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

thank you Jab, but to be honest, I haven't a clue about poetry and verse, I just write what comes in to my head, plus I'm not keen on the 2 line (fed/bed - home/roam) type poem's

New Poetry Game

Post 418


I've answered on the other thread, Prof.

Jab smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 419


horses running in the field
the farmer feed the sheep and cows
with muddy boots he did rome
is misses called him on is mobile phone


New Poetry Game

Post 420


solitude is a loanly game
looking at the four walls
being in pain looking for comany
not being a loan
when will i find someone of my own

next hills

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