This is the Message Centre for Jabberwock

New Poetry Game

Post 341

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Compassion - post 332. Accepted for front page thingy smiley - cool

New Poetry Game

Post 342

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

Well done, congrats
smiley - applause

New Poetry Game

Post 343


smiley - applausesmiley - applause

Well done Prof. Animal! More of us ought to submit our stuff IMO. Let me know when and I'll advertise it in my journal for anyone who might not be your official friendsmiley - spacesmiley - ok

Jab smiley - ok

New Poetry Game

Post 344

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

thank you Jab, that is most kindsmiley - cheers

and I agree, more of our contributors/friends on here should submit their verse to the Postsmiley - magic

as the saying goes Jab, "a stranger,is just a friend I haven't met yet"

New Poetry Game

Post 345

kangalew oftimes Lew-- NEVER Louis!

Hey!! Do I get any thanks for suggesting "compassion'?? Cheeze, I mean, maybe I have had "two glasses of wine' with my lunch, which may have made me a little touchy, but credit where credit is due fellas.smiley - winkeyesmiley - cheers

New Poetry Game

Post 346

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - coolmatesmiley - smileysmiley - cheers

New Poetry Game

Post 347


Congats: Prof-well deserved!A darn good poem. smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 348


oops,my r's seems to have disappeared.(been losing weight).Should have read Congrats!

New Poetry Game

Post 349

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeyeyou aren't the only one to miss letters offsmiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 350

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Silent movement through still of night
shadowed ears listen the air
chickens sleep no sounds on breeze
four pads close upon their roost
brown of hair with twilight blends
finds gap just right in yonder fence
squawks and feathers amid panic abound
sly old fox being cunning again
melts in to the thicket
his family will feast once more
and the young no longer starve this night

(30/4/07 mine)

subject: prism/s

New Poetry Game

Post 351

Fizzymouse- no place like home


‘Will you marry me’ he said
As we both lay upon the bed
‘Why now’? I asked still feeling flushed
‘The time is right we haven’t rushed’
He answered as he showed the ring.
A crystal clear and sparkling thing,
A diamond - it was such a vision
The girls best friend - my of prism.

01/05/07 smiley - mouse

So prism was hard to find a rhyme ... smiley - rolleyes


New Poetry Game

Post 352

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Oops! I'll try that again following a nights sleep.smiley - laugh


‘Will you marry me’ he said
As we both lay upon the bed
‘Why now’? I asked still feeling flushed
‘The time is right we haven’t rushed’
He answered as he showed the ring.
A crystal clear and sparkling thing,
A diamond - it was such a vision
The girls best friend - my kind of prism.

01/05/07 smiley - mouse

So prism was hard to find a rhyme ...


New Poetry Game

Post 353


Prometheus Amid Hurricane And Earthquake

Earth is rocking in space!
And the thunders crash up with a roar upon roar,
And the eddying lightnings flash fire in my face,
And the whirlwinds are whirling the dust round and round--
And the blasts of the winds universal leap free
And blow each other upon each, with a passion of sound,
And æther goes mingling in storm with the sea!
Such a curse on my head, in a manifest dread,
From the hand of your Zeus has been hurtled along!
O my mother's fair glory! O Æther, enringing
All eyes with the sweet common light of thy bringing,
Dost see how I suffer this wrong?

by Aeschylus

1.As someone said, (sorry, forget who) said here, it's good to include already-written poems. They expand our awareness, are mostly good to read, and, basically, make a change. Short excerpts only though, please, unless they're out of copyright (poet's death + 150 years). This one's a good example, well out of copyright.

2. Well done Fizzymouse

3. Different subject acceptable if you can't think of one on the right subject (as long as you say so - rules of other poetry games).

4. Say if original or copied.

Any views on this?


Jab smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 354

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

No1.smiley - winkeyedidn't know they had to be 150 yr old plus for end of copyright.

No2.smiley - magic
No3. I'm open as such, but there would be no need for a subject:
No4. Definitely saying original or someone else's

New Poetry Game

Post 355


No. 1. Sorry, death plus seventy years.

Jab smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 356

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - winkeye70 minus 57 smiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - ermI'm safe for a whilesmiley - laugh

New Poetry Game

Post 357

Fizzymouse- no place like home


Is it me, or is this floor shaking?
Forget the coffee I was making -
Spilt it on the kitchen floor
When I heard the crash outside the door
Gave me such an awful fright
I didn't see the swaying light.
That chimney is about to fall,
So best clear out with kids and all
To firmer ground that doesn't shake
At least I'll have a chance to make
The morning news on BBC
Wee Lucas, Dylan, Cher and me.
But, I'm not sure I'm not hungover?
Earthquakes just don't come to Dover.

01/05/07 smiley - mouse

Any more on Earthquakes?

New Poetry Game

Post 358


Fizzymouse, that's wonderful! smiley - smiley

New Poetry Game

Post 359



Earthquake - The poem I used begins with 'Earth is Rocking In space' then continues to describe the disaster throughout. How can anyone, even the most pedantic, or even the most sarcastic, find fault with THAT? You've now left us with Earthquake twice running.

I don't think that even if you were right, which self-evidently you are not, sarcasm belongs in this thread, nor, except in special circumstances, on h2g2 at all.

Jabsmiley - spacesmiley - cross

New Poetry Game

Post 360

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Thank you for your welcome Jabberwock.smiley - rolleyes

I was invited to this journal by a friend smiley - hug - despite my reservations.smiley - erm

He failed to explain that the journal belonged to a pompus self-important little pedant with no humour - however, happily we aren't all like that.smiley - cheers

I was not finding fault with your submitted *other persons* poem, but adding my own poem which obviously is not up to your high standards ...... having read some of the backlog I wonder why.smiley - doh


I went - invited by a friend
The poetry game that wouldn't end
I met a person - poet great
Who said get out - and slammed the gate
Hootoo it's just full of them
Little self-important men
But life is short and I have better
things to do - so catch ya' later.smiley - tongueout

smiley - mouse 02/05/07

Subject: Boring

Key: Complain about this post

New Poetry Game

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