Official Residence Of: Jessie, Queen of the Strange

Hi. Death and stuff to you if you actually care enough about me to read my page intro. You are pretty sad. Yup.

I NEED A JINNYN TONIXGrr. People are so stupid. I could use a jinnyn tonnix right at this moment. If I even spelled it right. Except that it's probably illegal for me to drink one. Depending on which world I'm on, of course. But here on good ol' Earth I'm not of drinking age yet. Because I have not reached my 21st birthday, authorities here in the United States frown upon my becoming intoxicated. Doesn't it make you sad? I'm sure it does. Now go be sad somewhere else while I torture you with my favorite guide entries. Go! Read! Now. Why? Because I said so! You drive me to drink, you know.

My Favorite Guide Entries

Nirvana: The Band
Duh, you must have seen my nickname. Besides, I'm in love with Kurt Cobain. *snippily* yes I know he's dead!

Nine Inch Nails: The Band
Trent Reznor is my GOD.

Awesome book.

George Orwell
Very well researched and written.

A Treatise On the Lesser Observed Qualities of British Humour
Very, very bizarre and funny. Unedited.

Terry Pratchett's Discworld
I do so love Terry Pratchett.

More to come! Maybe. If I feel like it. Then again I might just forget about this altogether.

Also, if you desire to contact me, you can throw me an email at [email protected]. Or you can just stop by my website, Sanity-Challenged Reviews.

H2G2 Code

Version: 1.1
RA Y-- N+ SB+ A+ P-:- L M-- s-- V- E PR p- a-- B++(-) TV?
r D>++++ T? nh? C- m- t+>+++
-----END H2G2 CODE BLOCK-----

Geek Code

Version: 3.1
GL d-- s+: a14 C++ U? P! L- E? W++ N++ o? K- w+ O? M-- V? PS+++ PE Y+
PGP- t(+) 5 X R tv+ b++++ DI+ D- G e*>+++ h! r x-

I am the Official Keeper of Safety Pins and Swearwords! Yay me!


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Jessie, queen of the strange - Nirvana rocks my socks!

Researcher U203950


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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