This is the Message Centre for Mycelium

scarlet woman

Post 221


[don't worry 'bout it, Pat]


[Once upon a time there was a gorgeously sexy Japanese monk who calmly slipped a tenner into the receptive antiquated velvety smooth hand of a sooth-sayer who told whopping porkies about his serpentine proclivities, while sipping noisily from a foul-tasting, greenish coloured yet somehow deliciously intoxicating potion prescribed partly by chance when all of the bells were a-clanging furiously in the belfry, towering threateningly over a small but splendidly appointed gazeebo fashioned entirely of tiny fragments which glistened surprisingly brightly as thoughts turned homewards with a secret yet happy glow eminating from the rememberance of Madelaine's ample library of unspeakable subconscious images of the orange librarian whose lack of perspicacity endeared him to all and left-handedly attacked Mrs. Mitsubishi-Forsythe's hampster who drank a fulsome fetid draught from his 'ittle bitty trough over by the shadey peach blossom scented tree-like multi-faceted yet strangely smooth sort of rounded bush which unexpectedly uttered a cry of great joy before finally turning around & starting down the crooked lane, which resulted in a severe case of mistaken identity and so, although overcome by a sudden longing, he bravely ran away into the loving and welcoming Jaws of Death, a pub where sheep and goats were hard to tell apart(*) in the gloom which often gave rise to various misunderstandings based on erroneous reports that the goats were game for a laugh and a story about capricious Welshmen who interfere with things they don't understand because they're unable teachers.....]

*(not for a welshman!)

scarlet woman

Post 222

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

Hello Duw Duw and morning Pat Pen

scarlet woman

Post 223


be trusted

scarlet woman

Post 224

Pat Pending


scarlet woman

Post 225



smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 226

Pat Pending


scarlet woman

Post 227

Scarlet Woman


smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 228

Pat Pending

appertaining to

scarlet woman

Post 229


medical equipment

scarlet woman

Post 230


- their talents

[My goodness - we're leaving Proust behind and approaching the Inn at the end of War & Peace ...Good Evening all & especially to our new person ...]

scarlet woman

Post 231

Scarlet Woman

should be regarded

smiley - fairy

Hello my Spy-ness, how are things up North - have you seen - they are VERY pleased with the notion of a spy smiley - can you imagine their excitement when they realize we have a real one in our midst!

I fear that my Yak will not pass muster in the smiley department - but I have sent off for all kinds of Yak info from the US. I might start a Yak farm....could Darzet take a yak - I think so!

scarlet woman

Post 232

Pat Pending

with care

[thanks for your welcome Seannachie]

scarlet woman

Post 233

Scarlet Woman

and all due

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 234

Pat Pending

to John's

{Must go home now; see you all tomorrow]

scarlet woman

Post 235

Scarlet Woman

unfortunate habit

smiley - fairy

scarlet woman

Post 236


Apologies from Seannachie

Must talk to the byte heades in Cheltenham - excuse the Anglo Saxon usage - can't make reliable contact - this relayed by ??? provider...I'll bring a note ...

If you don't get it, my provider is BUSHY .. no danger his lot will!!!!

OOV from a place so cold they must be going to send us somewhere HOT.

scarlet woman

Post 237


for Bolivian

scarlet woman

Post 238

kri stickle mass


scarlet woman

Post 239



[you're up early, kris]

smiley - cheers

scarlet woman

Post 240

Pat Pending

and Scandinavian

[Chelsea Girl: Thanks for your kind words on the 5L board: I just wanted to bring the moaning minnies out into the open]

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